Wanders Tavern [Open-RP]

Started by DrifterCrow, 2017 Sep 14, 16:21:53

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2017 Nov 10, 02:22:29 #180 Last Edit: 2017 Nov 10, 14:03:36 by Julien999
Zed was writing something on a paper but he accidentally broke his quill just after Nightlight's words.

A second later he looks at Night and answer. "Well, I say it's a yes, but also a no."

Nightshade Star

2017 Nov 10, 12:30:27 #181 Last Edit: 2017 Nov 11, 11:52:54 by Nightshade Star
"What do you mean by that?" I asked. "And what are you writing?" I attempted (and failed) to fix the quill within a few seconds, but I wasn't  focusing on it, since I was curious about Zed's answer.


"To be honest, I wasn't present for writing the paper and used it on a arrow. The one who did this is probably someone like me. And more chance, the other me."
He said while taking out a solid good pencil instead of a quill even if Night tried to fix it. Even Twilight can't fix a broken quill, and there is nothing to panic for it.

He wanted to write something, but because he is in a tavern and there are ponies + wolf looking at him, he decided to do this later and puts his pencil and paper back in his suit.
"It looks like you are slowly remembering something..." Take a sip of his tea.

Onyx Quill

Quote from: Julien999 on 2017 Nov 10, 14:15:01"To be honest, I wasn't present for writing the paper and used it on a arrow. The one who did this is probably someone like me. And more chance, the other me."
He said while taking out a solid good pencil instead of a quill even if Night tried to fix it. Even Twilight can't fix a broken quill, and there is nothing to panic for it.

He wanted to write something, but because he is in a tavern and there are ponies + wolf looking at him, he decided to do this later and puts his pencil and paper back in his suit.
"It looks like you are slowly remembering something..." Take a sip of his tea.

*Onyx spins around on his chair. Umm... does he take medicine...?*
When you've walked my road and you've seen what I've seen,
You won't try to talk about your magic friends.
You'll know dang well why I have this glint in my eye.
And I won't cry beneath anypony's hoof again.
-Onyx Quill ((Inspired by "Mal's Song." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_btQs2Movo))

Nightshade Star

Quote from: Onyx Quill on 2017 Nov 10, 14:28:30*Onyx spins around on his chair. Umm... does he take medicine...?*

"Iiiiiii don't know," I said plainly.

Nightshade Star

((Well, looks like this died.))
*throws in @mirustal *


((Oh well I guess I'm here now!))

Ink opened the door to the tavern, looking around slowly, carefully. He was never sure of portals he hasn't made himself, but he made himself go through the door anyways. He looked around, long ears swiveling around as he readjusted to the change in air.
It was nothing bad, sure, but the earth pony wasn't sure if this place was safe. Maybe he should just relax for once? Take a trip after his traveling? Maybe get used to being back in this world again? He took a seat on a cushion, simply stretching some silently while his mind idly worked.
He silently wondered if anyone of this world even remembered him. Would they notice the changes? ...Eh, probably not! The strange earth pony snickered to himself, feeling a bit proud of himself for his strange accomplishments.
Now all he can do now is wait for maybe his friend to arrive, or maybe to see what kind of people are in this magical tavern.


Quote from: mirustal on 2017 Nov 20, 00:43:33((Oh well I guess I'm here now!))
((! I remember you!))

The human, Zed, was about to take another sip of his tea before he talks to Nightlight, but the entrance of a earth pony interupted him and looks at him for a while, noticing some strange behavior.

This human is wearing a black suit and a top hat with his rod in addition to his white gloves. He has a white skin and a black hair.


Quote from: Julien999 on 2017 Nov 20, 01:01:59((! I remember you!))
((I remember you too! Good to see you again!))

Ink froze, realizing the shape the other was in. A human. He wasn't sure how he should react.  He's hoping staring is the correct normal response, because that's all he can bring himself to do while frozen in his position. Which was touching his front hooves to his back hooves while his legs were stretched forward.
His indigo eyes just locked on, the end of his snout possibly twitching just a smidge. Curiosity. But he also feels wary. Maybe...He should keep quiet for now. Still as possible.

Nightshade Star

Quote from: mirustal on 2017 Nov 20, 01:28:14((I remember you too! Good to see you again!))

Ink froze, realizing the shape the other was in. A human. He wasn't sure how he should react.  He's hoping staring is the correct normal response, because that's all he can bring himself to do while frozen in his position. Which was touching his front hooves to his back hooves while his legs were stretched forward.
His indigo eyes just locked on, the end of his snout possibly twitching just a smidge. Curiosity. But he also feels wary. Maybe...He should keep quiet for now. Still as possible.

I look at the direction Zed was looking.
And I saw Miru/Ink.
Wait, Ink?!
I was blushing in no time, remembering I always had a crush on him since 10th grade back in the human world.
(Leeeeeetts say Crystal Cave rp thing happened)
(Also I don't have an OC page but u don't know how much Nightlight has changed)


Ink soon noticed a rather familiar mare as well, ears slowly being lowered as it clicked. It has been...Quite a while since he last saw her. Really, he hasn't seen much of her after him and his friend escaped the Caves.
What happened after Ink left the Caves? Oh. You know. His usual 'gotta find a way home' things happened. And by the looks of it, he actually DID manage to get home!
He looks a bit different since the caves too, having some new black markings as well as... Well, it LOOKS like a horn. Maybe it's just a cowlick of hair that's black.

The stallion decided to stand up slowly, making his way over to the human and familiar mare. His eyes nervously went between them, as if seeing if it really was safe to approach them.
"Uh... Hello there. Do you two know where this place is?" Ink asks in a hesitant, soft voice. His long ears were now down against his head, big eyes watching them. He doesn't want to comment that he knows one of the beings he's talking to.

Onyx Quill

Quote from: mirustal on 2017 Nov 20, 12:26:08Ink soon noticed a rather familiar mare as well, ears slowly being lowered as it clicked. It has been...Quite a while since he last saw her. Really, he hasn't seen much of her after him and his friend escaped the Caves.
What happened after Ink left the Caves? Oh. You know. His usual 'gotta find a way home' things happened. And by the looks of it, he actually DID manage to get home!
He looks a bit different since the caves too, having some new black markings as well as... Well, it LOOKS like a horn. Maybe it's just a cowlick of hair that's black.

The stallion decided to stand up slowly, making his way over to the human and familiar mare. His eyes nervously went between them, as if seeing if it really was safe to approach them.
"Uh... Hello there. Do you two know where this place is?" Ink asks in a hesitant, soft voice. His long ears were now down against his head, big eyes watching them. He doesn't want to comment that he knows one of the beings he's talking to.

 *Onyx waves happily at the newcomer*

 "Hey there! This place is... well, I'm not too sure. I know it's called Wanders Tavern. They have good food. I recommend the butternut squash soup! MMMMmmmmMMM!!!"
When you've walked my road and you've seen what I've seen,
You won't try to talk about your magic friends.
You'll know dang well why I have this glint in my eye.
And I won't cry beneath anypony's hoof again.
-Onyx Quill ((Inspired by "Mal's Song." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_btQs2Movo))


"Hello little pony! Not wanting to be rude but, that's a lot of ponies in here... Maybe I should have disguised as a minotaur instead of my regular self." He takes a sip.

"As you can see, this place is a tavern. It is somewhere in this world and because this tavern was hard to reach, the owners decided to opens portal doors in specific areas. I came here because I want to rest and also because there are few creatures who comes here, thought it seems I was wrong for the last part."

Still looking at Ink Comet, Zed seems to see something in him. "Tell me sir... Have I seen you before?"


Ink looks at the cheery Onyx Quill pony, lightening up a bit at seeing somepony being so... Welcoming. He nodded, letting the other know he would consider the soup.
The Wanders Tavern, hm? ...Interesting. He looks up at the human, squinting a bit whenever he commented that he should have disguised himself as a minotaur instead. That... Is a bit strange.
"Hmmm... That explains how I ended up here instead of in a closet." Ink chuckled out. "I do not know you, or at least, I do not remember you. I apologize if we have met before." Ink bows his head slightly. "If it helps, I go by 'Ink'." Ink introduces himself to the human.
"Who are you two? I know the mare from a past adventure already." Ink asks, looking at Zed and Onyx.

Onyx Quill

Quote from: mirustal on 2017 Nov 20, 13:14:07Ink looks at the cheery Onyx Quill pony, lightening up a bit at seeing somepony being so... Welcoming. He nodded, letting the other know he would consider the soup.
The Wanders Tavern, hm? ...Interesting. He looks up at the human, squinting a bit whenever he commented that he should have disguised himself as a minotaur instead. That... Is a bit strange.
"Hmmm... That explains how I ended up here instead of in a closet." Ink chuckled out. "I do not know you, or at least, I do not remember you. I apologize if we have met before." Ink bows his head slightly. "If it helps, I go by 'Ink'." Ink introduces himself to the human.
"Who are you two? I know the mare from a past adventure already." Ink asks, looking at Zed and Onyx.

*Onyx smiles*

"My name's Onyx Quill! Just Onyx is fine. Traveling writer/storyteller. Nothing special."
When you've walked my road and you've seen what I've seen,
You won't try to talk about your magic friends.
You'll know dang well why I have this glint in my eye.
And I won't cry beneath anypony's hoof again.
-Onyx Quill ((Inspired by "Mal's Song." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_btQs2Movo))

Nightshade Star

Quote from: Onyx Quill on 2017 Nov 20, 13:29:17*Onyx smiles*

"My name's Onyx Quill! Just Onyx is fine. Traveling writer/storyteller. Nothing special."
"I went camping with him and others a few weeks ago," I said, gesturing to Onyx. "Zed, I met him just now and I'm starting to know him."
"How's everything, Ink?" I said. "I see you've changed a bit from the last time we met." I smiled a bit, my blushing subsiding.

(Nightlight's human name is now Cynthia, Nightlight also has a white coat and she's happy as usual. I also made her come to this world about 6 years ago)


"Alright Onyx. I hope to read something of your's sometime, if you allow it." Ink bowed his head slightly.
He raised his head and listened to what Nightshade had to say. It seems she's friends with Onyx! How nice! It seems the only stranger to them all right now is the human, Zed.
"It is good to hear you are making friends, Nightshade. Hm... It seems you might be getting ill; you are looking a bit red." Ink noted. He is still a bit dense when it comes to recognizing those who might be feeling something towards him.
"Anything I should know about the tavern? Has anything happened in Equestria since my uh... 'Trip'?"


Colere, a good pal of Ink's, was a little worried. His dear friend hasn't come out in a while. Sure, it hasn't been a long while, but it was long enough to warrant him going after his buddy. The door to the Tavern slowly creaked open and the head of a griffin poked through. Its body was monochrome, but it's eye's were far from that, being a dark-ish red. His face stoic, he glanced around before spotting his dear friend over with some strange beings he had never seen before. Colere frowned slightly at the sight. He did not like the look of this. His feathers puffed up as he pushed his way through the door and gently closed it behind him with a foot. His wings were folded tightly against his side as he hunkered down, close to the floor and sneaked up on Ink. His steps were silent, just like the whispers of the others thoughts. He could never control his strange ability, but he was glad it was working now. He focused on his friends whispered thoughts, as they are the only ones he wished to hear (not like it helped much). He did not trust these strangers around his bud. Colere's fur stood on end as he neared the group.
Corruption depends on the person.

Character Ref's: Colere


Quote from: mirustal on 2017 Nov 20, 13:14:07"Who are you two? I know the mare from a past adventure already."
"Sorry for this weird question. I might have heard about you, but not seeing you in person. Or should I say pony?"
Pony pony pony... It was always weird at first when a foreign creature comes to a world where there are changes to some words and their meanings. He do not say in a whisper.

"You can call me JhaiZed (JZ), someone who is curious and want to know things that interest him, here, magic." He said while noticing the griffin being sneaky thanks to where he is sitting. About magic, he retires his top hat to reveal a paper bird (yes another), this bird began to fly and Zed expected it to land on Ink. But instead, the paper bird landed on Colère, the griffin.


Ink raised his brows at the human at this, surprised he has made a name for himself. "What? Really? You've...Heard of me? Huh! I'm actually kinda curious about this! It's uh... Positive, though, right?" Ink might be worried he came off as a jerk, it seems.
A few worries drift around his mind, recalling his harshness before. He wasn't entirely nice to those that approached him before, and he wasn't entirely proud of that fact.
"Well, it is nice to meet you, JhaiZed."Ink bows his head some in greeting.
He watches the paper bird drift over his head effortlessly, turning around to see...! Oh gosh that's a Griffin! He does a small spooked 'dance' in place at first, but soon recognizes who it actually is.
"Colère! Oh gosh, I must've kept you waiting! I'm terribly sorry about that! Can you ever forgive me? ...Your new bird friend also looks cute!" Ink chatters out, a guilty smile on his face. He didn't mean to leave his friend behind! He just kinda got...Caught up in seeing strangers!

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