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Messages - Irroro

*Waves goodbye to the Gamepaw plus two ponies.*

Warrior watched as the two strange ponies flew away with the blue wolf, leaving her behind ( D: ). All hope is lost, all hope is lost!  (DD:).  She looked up at the quickly disappearing, flying ponies, something of a shocked and 'should've expected that' expression upon her face. She could only turn and look, horrified and ready to turbo her backpedaling as the glitchy cupcake mare spoke yet again until--BANG! A lightning bolt shot down, and the mare was frozen, as if someone had suddenly paused a game, mid-cinematic. Two other ponies suddenly appeared and they flew down to ground level, next to a seemingly unconcious stallion and his things, before the frozen mare was swept up by her flames and disappeared before her eyes. Warrior could only stand there staring, like probably the many other ponies around her, mouth open at the remains of what had happened to the bakery, the obvious space it left gaping like an open wound in the city architecture.
//Aww Mystic to the rescue.

"You guys can call me whatever you like," Lotus #2 looked between them all, "kind of won't matter once we're fixed, which I expect would be tomorrow." He looked at the little blue filly, her small frame, and huge innocent eyes. "But uh... You can call me Liem... belo. Limbo. You can call me Limbo."
Warrior was looking at the building when it disappeared, revealed Malware within the fire. It was right around then when Taraxxipi and Marble told her and the Wolfy to come with them before the fire spinning around Malware suddenly skyrocketed all awesomely and such/looked absolutely horrifyingly epic ovO  into the binary sky. Warrior could only stare, mouth open, eyes reflecting the light of the pony shaped fire, two tears forming around her eyes, before she slowly turned her head to Marble and Taraxippi and said, "Okay," she squeaked, her voice quivering, "but y-youre c-carrying the wolf."
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2017 Mar 24, 03:37:12
//why is everyone ignoring me all of sudden?

//Scratch that. I know why we've been "ignoring you." We don't really have any idea of where your character in in the world right now. All we got is that they quickly ran out of the bakery shop. There wasn't really enough to say, "Hey, they're probably just standing outside the shop after having run away from the still fairly close danger." That kind of would be metagaming or something if we did.

After Warrior backpedaled out of the bakery, she gasped as she saw the building from which she just came from completely covered in strange numbers, numbers that she'd only really seen about videogames. She took a few steps backwards, before she noticed ;) a blue wolf up against the wall of the shop, panicking as he seemed to be unable to get away from the building. She looked back to the bakery and back to the wolf, before finally, a determined look fell upon her eyes, and she said aloud to it, "I'll save you chubby wolf thing!" And she ran over to the woof and wrapped him in her magic aura, and tried lifting lifting him up, grunting in surprise and effort as he was extremely heavy. Once she had him in her aura she only managed to lift him up temporarily and over six or so hooflengths away from his spot on the wall, her face turning red from the effort, before her magic flickered, and it died out, letting the woof freefalling a hoof away from the ground or so, her panting from the effort and looking back at the building as it finally disappeared, revealing the fire within.

//Don't forget we got an OOC page now for OOC, for those of you who don't know it yet. Here's the link:
Canterlot Archives / Re: Malware (OOC)
2017 Mar 24, 12:35:43
I just never got around to posting that she noticed the woof. If he's in a really obvious spot, I suppose I'll have Warrior do something about it in my next post.

Post Merge

La la la~

O O C~



~By Irroro
Canterlot Archives / Re: Malware (OOC)
2017 Mar 24, 04:54:01
What is the music of life?

So... Okay then. Well, I have nothing really to say, since the bio I made for Weekend Warrior was really just so that she'd be motivated to do cool stuff like, "Hey, is that a real sword and shield? I remember how to use those!" All warrior goddess like, eventually turning her into a brave soul hardened like steel against the heat of her trials and etc. You know?

The classic wannabe warrior turning into a real one.

Oh, woops. Did I spoil her? Should I forever delete this post and never mention it again?

Nah it was kind of obvious that she was this kind of character. After all, gamers like me would love to see or have a taste of what life is like in a video-game like world. I mean, have you guys ever wondered what it's like to have wings on your back, soaring above the clouds like some angel from heaven?

Should I spoiler alert this post?

How does one even do that?
//Oh they're not ignoring you. I doubt they are. If it's a feeling that they are, make a raincheck on that feeling, because your character's actions are definitely having an effect on this RP universe and the character's involved. Dialogue included.
//I vote to kill the adorable thing. Dusk, Peacekeeper, quick! While she's distracted!

Lotus #2's alter ego: *Laughs maniacally* yes indeed, you will be blue! Hehheh.

Lotus #2 just watched on with a serious but soft expression as Mystic spoke to the small blue filly, him having heard Aren say something a little wierd, causing him to raise an eyebrow slightly at the other Lotus at some point.
"Wha--" was all that Warrior could say in response, before seeing everything around her and one brown mare, minus all the other ponies, glitch for a moment in binary. Next thing she knew, two voices shouted for them all to run away, and she opened her mouth as she stepped forward to reply. However, she was interupted as two ponies did exactly what the voices shouted to do, and she had to step aside as they ran past her like a gust of wind, outside of the bakery. She only did then what anypony might've done in that situation: Say "What?" Uneasily, as everything around her turned into 0s and 1s, her crimson red eyes questioning the (virtual? ovO) reality of their situation, as she quickly backpedaled out the now binary door of the bakery shop.
"I was talking about our home." Suddenly, Lotus #2's head snapped to his right, his ears pointing in the same direction he's looking. "Did you guys hear that?"
Lotus #2 watched as he disappeared, a brow raised, his expression unamused. "Okay. Well. If I remember correctly, that pony was the last pony who's stuff we got hired to guard." He looked back to the three others, a look of unease suddenly plastered onto his face. "So, this means we're off for the rest of the festival. I don't suppose this means we're all going to the same place... Right?" He smiled uncomfortably at them all.
The Pegasus backflipped through the air after getting bucked off the cart, 'till he opened his wings wide to stop himself, mid-air. He growled at the earth pony, giving him his hardest glare yet, before he hovered to the ground, following the cart and muttering, "Swear. If you weren't our guide..."
//Oh loard. I might as well enter now.

Weekend Warrior sneezed under guise of her cloak, and she rubbed a hoof to her stuffed nose as she walked down the streets of (insert city/town here LOL), her blonde hair messy and her glasses adorned. She'd been sneezing down the road for awhile now, causing the occasional passerby to take a glance at her, sometimes having them politely ask her if she was fine. But every time they did, she just thanked them kindly before quickly moving on, their concern motivating her to move even faster. Before long, she was right around a bakery, and she knew she was near her destination. But not long after that, she tripped over a trashcan O:, her cloak and glasses all but flying off of her as she fell over it with a surprised yelp, sending her and its contents sprawling across the ground. This caused a great many ponies to stop what they were doing to see what caused the loud noise, but when they looked over, all they saw were the tripped over trashcan and it's stuff, along with a bakery door slowly closing shut.

Once inside, the alabaster pony released her magical grip on the door with a relieved breath. "That was close." She said before she then turned around and promptly froze at what she saw.

Before her was a very strange combination of ponies.

*Thanks for the can, Gamepaw! lol*
*Doing the same thing as Peace Keeper, don't mind me.*
A heavy thud makes known the silver-armored pegasus on Blazing's wooden cart, the anger in the pegasus's sky-blue eyes now turned dull since he went out into the forest. He looked at them all, pausing at Melancholia and Illusion before sitting his armored flanks down inside the cart. "You guys owe me for caring about you all."
"So... Is there a cure?" Lotus #2 asked, his golden eyes searching the mages' (Mage?) hooded features.
"So, wait," Lotus #2 stepped forward, "What happened to us? Or me? Or who we were?"
"Alrighty then." Lotus #2 said, watching her walk away. "Huh." He gave the book a quick glance. 'Fore he looked up, and stared at the mages (mage?). "So... You're just gonna let us leave?"
  "Lotus Bellum." He replied, his eyes inpecting the two other look-a-likes. "You?" He said, now looking at her.
"Why do I...?" He rubbed a forehoof to his eyes as he looked over the pegasus mare, her eyes gold, her wings grey, and her cutie-mark... His eyes widened in surprise before they relaxed immediately after. He grinned, an amused laugh nearly parting his lips. "Look, miss, I don't know who you are, or who you're supposed to be, but this place is not a part of the festivities. Now, I've got a job to do, and you," He looked her over once up and down as he walked over to where the mage was standing, "you're not supposed to be over here."