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Messages - Weatherboy1

The Crown is not destroyed, and Tilen is awoken.

Tilen feels a sense of energy! Like some sort of magic!
//Someone has to awake you....
You suddenly feel an intense energy surge into your body! It overpowers you and you go unconscious!
The crown suddenly violently shrinks in size!
G'day! Have fun on our forums! Be sure to follow the rules!
The Dragons pick up the red dragon, however the jeweled crown falls off from the Jeweled Dragon onto the ground! The Dragons all fly away to the north to yet another mountain
On the horizon you see.... 5 fully grown multiple colored dragons coming your way! There's a sixth one with a jeweled crown, which glows with a mysterious energy.... The Dragons have now landed and begin to investigate the Baby Red Dragon's Unconsciousness 
The Red Dragon is knocked out by the lightning.... However... you hear several deafening roars in the distance... and strange flapping sound.
The flames and stabbing of the dragon's stomach does nothing to deter the red dragon! However it starts to cry and moan!
The Dragon seems confused, as though it doesn't understand you at all, it flies over you and begins to burn you!
The Dragon Stares at you, confused for a moment but then proceeds to try to burn you but you are too far awy! The Yellow Dragon takes off from the ground, swoops down and attempts to electrocute Lunar Shadow, but due to clumsy aiming he hits the blue dragon. The Yellow and Blue Dragon fly off to fight each other! But you still have to deal with the Red Dragon!   
(His rage is preventing the pain from being felt! You know what... I should set some rules for what happens if you sustain too much damage)
The Pain of the Flames is now being ignored! The Red Dragon is now flying over to join his other dragons
The Dragons are unaffected by lava! The Red Dragon now comes out of the volcano, fully rejuvenated and forces the lava upwards towards LunarDusk. LunarDusk is now on fire!
Quote from: LunarShadow on 2014 Mar 01, 20:47:18
LunarShadow tries to dodge the lightning, evading half but getting shocked by the rest

The Blue Dragon flew on-top of his created ice wall! He is now freezing the ground below you!
The Red Dragon backs off, it uses it's weakly wings to go inside the volcano! The Blue and Yellow Dragon are seen at the base of the mountain! The Yellow Dragon is shooting lightning bolts at you, while the Blue dragon is making an ice wall out of it's breath!
Quote from: LunarDusk on 2014 Mar 01, 20:17:14
Lunar flew back against a tree by LunarShadow. "Grr I wouldn't try lightning on that yellow dragon again, based off its colors its element must be lightning, the blue is ice, and the red is fire." Lunar gets up and looks at the volcano and the the steepness of the hill that everyones on. "Hmm..." Lunar uses his magic on his cape to make him fly towards the volcano.

While you were flying, The red Dragon suddenly appears! It starts to breath intense flames! Your cape is now on fire!
LunarShadow hits the yellow dragon! but the lightning shoots back! Meanwhile LunarDusk's attack doesn't penetrate the baby dragon's thick scales! The dragon throws off LunarDusk, meanwhile the red dragon has disappeared and no where to be seen!
The Blue Dragon open it's mouth and freezes Tilen's upper right leg.