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Messages - Tekner

Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2012 Jun 25, 01:16:32
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 25, 01:13:58
I've found that having a motive dear to you tends to make whatever you're doing end up being at least 20% better cooler than it would be otherwise.
And to be honest, you and Crystal Chaos sort of inspired me. <3
Glad to be of service.
I've found that having a motive dear to you tends to make whatever you're doing end up being at least 20% better than it would be otherwise.
Quote from: Legulus on 2012 Jun 24, 08:48:02
So I finally mastered the art of overlaying MP3 files! :D

.... I just have to sing louder next time. But I don't care for now, because I am so happy to have Audacity now  :')

Anyway, here's my cover:
Yay! Someone used my instrumental ^-^
Nice cover. I love how much passion you put into it.
I would suggest, however, that you watch your tempo. It sounds like you think about what you need to sing and belt it out without listening to when it needs to be sung.

If you have audacity working, then do this to help you practice singing a song on key and on tempo: open up what song you're singing in audacity, make sure in your settings you have it set to play audio while you're recording, and hit record! I'd recommend you use earphones, not external speakers, and keep it at a volume where you can hear yourself clearly, but the music is loud enough to hear the background instruments. Over time you get a sense of what pitch to sing at to match the song. Also when you're done, you can play it back and hear how you match up to the singer of your song. Good luck!

P.S. The other advantage of this strategy is it helps sync your voice to the background music. If you choose to phase cancel your music, then you have all the timing done for you. If you import another instrumental to work off of, just mute your voice and make sure the actual song and the instrumental are synced, then unmute your voice and mute the actual music.
Quote from: Legulus on 2012 Jun 24, 23:28:19
Sonic Heart will be doing the honours. Although I have learned how to do it myself, so of she fails, then I could try :D
And if you fail, I'll be first runner-up.
Quote from: jimm on 2012 Jun 24, 19:33:57
I hope the environment will be relatively responsive/interactive. The graphics remind me of Spyro the Dragon a lot, and in those games sometimes you could charge through the walls to find secrets. Will there be things like that? I wonder if they'd just be player-specific, reset themselves at an interval, or something else.
We will have cool quests, easter eggs, and fun things to find in the world. Don't worry.
Quote from: Equestrian on 2012 Jun 11, 15:46:00
You should probably have a list of unanswered questions on the main page
This is not a bad idea. I'd love to answer any questions you guys have. Just keep in mind that sometimes you guys think just a bit too far ahead for us to be able to answer you just yet. We're still, yes still, in pre-alpha stage and there are a lot of things we've not considered yet. Also there are a few things we won't disclose until Galacon.
Quote from: lol on 2012 Apr 25, 12:48:09
The more I learn about LoE, the more excited I get. The more excited I get, the less patient I become. I don't think I'll look at the wiki just yet.
You will be getting a pretty big update on the game progress when Galacon goes live. We're purposely not releasing any information until then.

Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 25, 07:22:33
I am confused with the wiki.
Can none team members contribute?
Do we just edit what we think we needs editing ,and add more pages?
I don't have a wiki account and I was able to add my staff page. What I did was go to the wiki page and type in a page url that didn't exist yet and it let me add it. So for example, since the page "" doesn't exist yet, typing that into your internet address bar will send you to a page saying "This page needs content. You can help by adding a sentence or a photo!" Click "Add to this page!" and begin typing.

You can also go to an already existing page and edit it how you wish. I would recommend, however, that you only edit/add pages where you know the information you're adding for 100% certainty. If what you want to add you don't know for sure, don't add it. Ask for clarity from a staff member if you need to; we won't bite.

And a note to everyone: Since the wiki page is a public source of information about the game, please make sure everything you add is correct, up to date, appropriate, and that you at least put some effort at what you're writing. Common mistakes like "your" instead of "you're" and the three theres are easy to correct and the page looks much more professional without said mistakes.
Thank you ^-^

EDIT: I updated the wikia's main page and added information.
Quote from: Sonic Heart on 2012 Jun 23, 23:54:09
Exclusive insights and MORE surprises?  :D
Oh we have so many goodies you guys don't know about. When you see the updates we've made, you're going to... um. Do ...something that I can't say because we have children here, but it really is that awesome :3
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 Jun 23, 23:35:28
Oh btw people...

Quote13:45 - 14:45 Legends of Equestria - The eagerly anticipated MMO set in the world of Equestria is heading to Galacon! SweBow is giving you exclusive insights into development and has got some surprises in store.

As the grand finale, you must SING A SONG! I demand it! >:O
Quote from: Travius Trott on 2012 Jun 10, 05:39:12
Got the tickets, booking the flight, I'm sure to go there. ^-^
I'm quite exited to go there indeed, and to see how many manage to recognize the character I am to cosplay, though the hat and cape will surely be quite the telltale for it.
But well, I'll have two costumes, one for each day. Can not wait till the event, I'll be brilliant, I say! ^-^
Spoiler: this one? • show

Spoiler: how 'bout this one? • show

or maybe
Spoiler: this one? • show
I really really really want to go, but it's going to be hard because I start college in August and I'd have to figure out my schedule quickly. Is there anyway to be put on the "tentative" list?
Who's confirmed to be attending?
Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Jun 23, 03:22:21
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 23, 03:18:57
Quote from: FicklePickles on 2012 Jun 18, 20:22:31
Just like the show, will only pegasi be able to go to Cloudsdale? And how about pegasi being able to interact with clouds?   
Yes and yes.

Only pegasi? I thought it was mentioned many times before that other ponies will be given a way there? Like, a hot balloon up, and a unicorn to cast the cloud walking spell.
No. I derped and misread it. Anyone can go to cloudsdale and pegasi can interact with clouds, possibly the other races. Thanks pointing that out >.< Sorry for the confusion guys. I need to sleep...
Quote from: FicklePickles on 2012 Jun 18, 20:22:31
Just like the show, will only pegasi be able to go to Cloudsdale? And how about pegasi being able to interact with clouds?   
All races and yes.
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2012 Jun 22, 21:27:14
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 22, 21:23:53
I made a quick instrumental that can back any vocals you guys make ...if anyone else is actually going to try their hoof at this, that is.
Here it is. Hope you like it!
Oh Tekner, you so nice.
I might do it, if I have some free time, but I think it'd sound weird in a voice like mine.  lol
You're Pinkie Pie. You'll make it work. And if it doesn't work, it'll still work.
I made a quick instrumental that can back any vocals you guys make ...if anyone else is actually going to try their hoof at this, that is.
Here it is. Hope you like it!
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 01:53:06
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 20, 17:03:30
Quote from: HerpyDooves on 2012 Jun 20, 16:48:19
This also happens to me to. I think it's just the way it's displayed, ya know, in that mouse-over box.
Yeah. It may be that one thread for all we know. However, that still means that something in the website code is allowing that to happen, and it needs to be fixed. Well, it could be ignored too; it isn't that big of a problem. Meh 0:)
you're the programmer x3
*Ahem* Game programmer ;)
The moment I touch the website code... Um, Yeah... Let's just say big, physically impossible, and reality fabric ripping 'splosions will happen :I
Hehe.... Heh.. heh. :D

...That's a no-no.
Quote from: HerpyDooves on 2012 Jun 20, 16:48:19
This also happens to me to. I think it's just the way it's displayed, ya know, in that mouse-over box.
Yeah. It may be that one thread for all we know. However, that still means that something in the website code is allowing that to happen, and it needs to be fixed. Well, it could be ignored too; it isn't that big of a problem. Meh 0:)
Resolved Issues / Post Preview Formatting
2012 Jun 20, 14:42:44

This is a weird bug that probably means nothing. I can't figure out why it would happen. I was looking over the Pony Off-Topic board when I moused over the "I know where alicorns came from" thread and saw the syntactical mistake. I'm assuming the mistake at the end was that it was trying to print &#39; and got cut off. I looked at every single other thread and couldn't find such a typo. The only uncommon denominator in this particular thread is that it got cut off, as opposed to the apostrophe being in the middle of a post. I don't know how the post preview parser functions, but if it iterates over the OP, translates it, and prints it to the preview box, always checking if it's printing past a threshold, then maybe it got stuck between the translating and "thresholding" part and didn't finish the job. That's all I can think of :\
Sorry to double post, but this requires a bump.
Might I suggest we either delete this thread, change the title, or change the OP since it's now misleading. I'd hate for new users to need to read the entire thread just to realize that the thread is no longer valid.
Well, for the time being I have a suggestion that should buy you some time:

  • Click here to go to your personal message search page.

  • In the "Search For" box type in commonly used punctuation and simple words separated by spaces. I'd recommend ". , ? a i" without the quotes.

  • Make sure to change the combo box to "Match Any Words".

  • Type in the user name you are talking to in the "By User:" box.

  • "Search Order" can be what you want. For an IM-ish experience I'd use "Most Recent First".

  • Check "Show full message in results."

  • Hit search.

Any posts lacking punctuation or any other words you typed in, it won't show up. Hopefully it won't matter because if you realize it's missing, you should know what to search for to find it. Good luck!