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Messages - Ellowee


Hi again, everyone! We're pleased as punch to let you all know that we'll be hosting a panel at Bronycon on August 7th; alongside our previously-announced Galacon panel, that means we'll be doing two within a week! Busy times!

Members of the development team will be on-hand in the Hall of the Sun at 9pm; they'll be giving everyone a glimpse of what we're working on right now, talking a little about how we're making the game, and if you're lucky you'll get to ask them a question or two!

And remember, even if you can't make it to Bronycon, there's no need to miss out; our previously-announced Open Server Weekend will be running August 14-16, so we'll all get a chance to explore Equestria together then!

Hope to see you at the panel, or in the game, very soon!

Hello, everyone!

We're excited to announce that we're hosting a panel at Galacon 2015!

Taking place from August 1-2 in Ludwigsburg, Germany, you'll be able to see some of our team members showcasing the biggest updates coming to Legends of Equestria while discussing the work that goes into creating a game of this scope.
To learn more about GalaCon, check out their site at!

But that's not all! We'll also have our very own table at the GalaCon games room, where you can stop by at any point throughout the convention and check the game out for yourself!

Not attending GalaCon? No problem, because from August 14-16 we're opening the servers so anyone can come online and see how Legends of Equestria has changed and improved!

We hope to see you soon, whether it's at GalaCon or in LoE itself!

Downloads are now up!
We're happy to announce that members of the Legends of Equestria team are coming to Everfree Northwest 2015!

You'll find us in the Horizon room from 14:45-15:45 on Sunday, May 31! We'll answer questions, show off some of our newest features and generally have a fun time!

The convention, now in its fourth year, will be held in the Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel & Conference Center from May 29-31. Head over to their site for more information!

Hope to see you there!
Hello, everypony!

I've been loving all the pictures and stories you've all been posting, so I decided to post some of my own!

I was overwhelmed with just how many of you there were! It was amazing meeting so many new friends!

We decided to make a heart shape - out of ponies! If any Pegasi got a better view, I'd love to see it!

More dancing with my new friends!

Next, we decided we'd meet by the fountain and play some games.

We played Hide and Seek in the mine. I got found really fast, but it was a lot of fun!

Next was the pony conga line. It lasted through the night and into the next morning!

Sugarcane Corner was the place to be. Lots of pictures from the party we had there!

We had a Fluffy visitor come to the party, but she ran around so much it was hard to get a picture!

This is the last one I got before the weekend ended, I had so much fun!

The Open Server Event was an amazing experience, and I can't wait for the next one! Meeting you ponies was so incredible, I only wish I could have met you all!
If you've got any memories to share, you can post them in this thread on our Forums, or tweet them to us at @LegendsofEq. I'd love to see them!

See you next time!
News Archive / Servers Now Closed!
2015 Apr 09, 23:03:51

Hello, everypony!

The Open Server Event is almost upon us now over!

We hope you all enjoyed playing our game! We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot from you that will come in useful for future updates!

Thanks again for all your support everyone!
BABSCon is coming up in April! For those of you going, we wish you a safe travel and a happy time down at the convention. If you haven't heard yet, we'll be making our way down there as well! You'll be able to meet and talk with the ponies who help make the game possible and prod them with thousands of questions.

If you're not joining us at BABSCon, fear not; you'll be able to enjoy our panel through the magic of the internet, where we'll be discussing all sorts of cool stuff about the game and perhaps leak some cool secrets!

Err, I mean, what secrets? We don't have any secrets!
Legends of Equestria does not comment on rumors and speculations relating to the game.

Mmm, yes, quite. Anyway, the panel happens at 1:30 PM PDT on Friday April 3rd so we hope to see everypony there!

After the convention, we hope you'll still have some room left for more fun! We're happy to announce that we'll be having another Open Server Event on April 10-12! It will be a chance to try out some cool new features we've been working on in the game, as well as experience all the content we've offered in the past. Just in case you missed any of it! We'll be providing more information, and the download links, closer to the event, so stay tuned!

April is going to be an exciting month for Legends of Equestria and we hope to see you all join us for the fun!

Now if you excuse me, I need to get ready to meet up with Golden Gates!
Hmm... Now where is my airship ticket...
News Archive / The servers are now closed!
2015 Feb 22, 00:09:10

Hello everypony!

The Open Server Event has finished and the servers are now closed. Thanks everyone who played the game this weekend. We hope you all enjoyed your time in Equestria! We look forward to the next Open Server event where we hope to add even more content to the game! Please, feel free to send us your feedback on the game such as things that can be fixed or even suggestions for content to add at [email protected]. We really enjoy reading your suggestions to improve the game!

Until next time, see you later!
Hello everypony!!

The Open Server Event is almost upon us! Servers open up at 12:01 AM EST on Friday January 20th (i.e. tomorrow, in roughly three hours). We hope you're as excited as we are! To get you ready for the Open Server Event, here are the download links for the game client. Go ahead and pick the download that corresponds to your machine's operating system and you'll be set to enter Equestria first thing tomorrow! Just know that the game won't let you log in until our game servers open up. Got that? Okay!

Windows (x86 / 32-bit): Removed, see you next time! Updated
Windows (x64 / 64-bit): Removed, see you next time! Updated
Mac OS X: Removed, see you next time! Updated
Linux: Removed, see you next time! Updated

Please Note: Your browser might inform you that the file is malicious! Don't worry though, it's still safe!

How to unblock a download on Chrome
If you are using Google Chrome, it may try to block the download because Google Chrome is silly. To skip the filter, hit Ctrl-J to open your downloads window and click "Recover Malicious File"

Take note that with each Open Server event, we enable new fixes and features. Therefore, we have to wipe game data on our servers with each update. Character data and items collected from previous Open Server events will NOT carry over.

Thanks again for all your support everyone! Next stop, Equestria!


Hello everyone!!

The most recent Open Server Weekend suffered from connection issues and room crashes. Despite the problems, we managed to set a new record for the most players on simultaneously; but we know that it wasn't the ideal experience we had hoped for, and that a lot of you still didn't get a chance to experience the game. Plus, these events are our opportunity to make sure everything in the game's working as intended.

To give you a bit more insight, one of the major issues we had to deal with involved a DDoS attack on our servers. What is a DDoS attack you might ask? Well, check out this cool link I stumbled upon while pondering that same question myself: What follows are screenshots of the traffic we received during the DDoS attack.

Those inbound numbers would look really cool if this was an internet speed test. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. Those high inbound numbers mean too many fake connections were trying to reach our servers keeping out real connections (i.e. actual players) from enjoying the game. Not very fun if you ask me. We're constantly working behind the scenes addressing problems as they come up. However, we know that still doesn't change the fact that many players were left out from enjoying the last Open Server Weekend.

Therefore, to make up for those that were unable to play last Open Server Weekend, and to give us another chance to test our systems and some new fixes, we'd like to give everyone another opportunity to explore Equestria. That's why we'll be holding another Open Server Test soon, on February 20-21!

We'll make another announcement once the game client is available to download. You will be able to to install the game client on your computer prior to the Open Server Test, but remember, the servers won't be open until 12:01 AM EST on Friday, February 20th. The servers will close on Saturday, February 21st at 11:59 PM EST.

Hope to see you then!

(P.S. Here's a cool countdown. Enjoy!)

News Archive / The Servers are now Closed!
2015 Jan 27, 00:10:45

Hello, everyone!

The Open Server Weekend has ended and the servers are now closed.

We hope you all enjoyed playing our game! We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot from you that will come in useful for future updates!

If you still want to submit screenshots, videos or fanart, feel free to post in this thread here:

Thanks again, all!
News Archive / Open Server Weekend Update
2015 Jan 24, 14:48:31
Hello everyone! We wanted to give you all a quick update on the situation with our servers.

The attack subsided early this morning and we were able to restore our servers to working order. The servers are still receiving a higher than normal load; because of this, you might receive errors attempting to connect to the servers. Please note that we are gathering data on the issue, and if you aren't able to connect now, please try attempting to connect in a little while.

If you find yourself stuck in a huge aerial view of the landscape after loading the game, this means you are currently in the waitlist. You will spawn in the area once an opening appears in the game.

Thanks for testing out our game! We hope you enjoy the Open Server Weekend!
Hey everyone, we're happy to see the huge response to our Open Server Weekend! We even managed to break some records for the number of people logged in at once! Unfortunately, there are a few bad eggs that are spoiling the batch. As such, our servers are under a DDoS Attack. We would like to apologize if you are unable to access the server at this time or are experiencing issues playing the game. Our team is working now to rectify this issue and we hope to keep you updated on any resolutions as they come up.

Once again, thanks for your tremendous support! We hope to see you around during the Open Server Weekend.
The servers are now open! Go, be free, horses!

Here's what you'll need to get started!

Forum Account
If you haven't already got one, you can make a forum account at
A forum account is REQUIRED to login and play on the Legends of Equestria servers.

System Requirements
To run our game, you'll need to make sure you have the following:

  • 2 GB ram

  • Dual core processor, somewhere near 2 GHz. A single core processor works, but is not recommended

  • An okay graphics card. If the computer is made after 2007, you'll be fine. The bare minimum would probably be 128 MB vram, DirectX9.0c/OpenGL2.0

  • 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space

  • OS: Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux

Downloading the Game

You must have the newest game version downloaded in order to get all our brand new features! If you have an older game version from a previous open server weekend, it will not work!

Please remember, the servers will only be open from January 24th-26th. You will only be able to login or play while the servers are open.

Choose the appropriate file for your OS --

Windows 32 bit:!t5gmmI4J!bBBSsg65wZ9hyL9ldLek8kBifFv4v6v85uEY3w0Ec10

Windows 64 bit:

Windows Launcher:
(This will automatically download the most recent version of the game. Just push "update" and then "play" and you're good to go!)



-- and you're good to go!
(There are mirror downloads available here.)

You will also be able to find these downloads on our downloads page,


/listfriendsLists all your friends./logoutLogs out of the game.
/playersLists all the players in the room./helpLists all the commands.
/report <player name>Lets you report a player to the moderators. You can also click on a pony to report them./playervisible <true/false>Toggles your player invisible for you only, everyone else can still see you.
/cinemacamera <true/false>Your player will disappear and the camera turns into a camera-fly mode./removeitem <inventoryslot>Removes a game item according to the inventory slot it is in. Starts at 0.
/standMakes your pony stand./sitMakes your pony sit.
/danceMakes your pony dance./unwearallRemoves all items from your pony.
/facehoofMakes your pony facehoof./inventoryOpens your inventory.

Getting to Cloudopolis
In order to get to Cloudopolis, you must travel via the airship in Cantermore!

If you're in Cantermore, travel up the cliff to the airship port and board your way onto the airship.

If you're starting in Ponydale, you must first go to the train station and travel to Cantermore, and then go to the airship port.

Getting to Cantermore
In order to get to Cantermore, you must travel via train from Ponydale or via airship from Cloudopolis!

If you're in Ponydale, you must travel via train. The train station is just past Sugarcane Corner.

If you're in Cloudopolis, go to the airport located high up and to the right of the main cloud.

Getting to Ponydale
If you'd like to visit the quaint little town of Ponydale, you must go by train from Cantermore.

If you're in Cloudopolis, go to the airport and get to Cantermore.

Once you're in Cantermore, simply go to the train station by by Astral Charm.

Plenty of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) need help with their tasks! Some give out special prizes if you lend them a helping hoof!

Go up to any NPC, right click, and select "Talk." NPCs have a "..." over their name.

Listen to what they have to say, and be sure to follow their instructions in order to move on in the quest.

At the end, you might get a reward for your kindness!

Watch out when going to the Evershade Forest! It's home to some scary monsters!

In order to defend yourself against the creatures you'll encounter, try using your special combat abilities!

Earth Ponies have Seismic Buck and Rough Terrain, Unicorns have Rainbow Fields and Magical Arrow, and Pegasi have Dual Cyclone and Gale! All three races have Ground Pound.

When ready, select a creature, a target reticule should appear. Attack the mob by getting in their range and selecting your skill.

When the enemy's health gets to zero, they'll faint! Don't worry though, I'm sure they can just walk it off.

If you want to form a party with other players, you can right-click them and add them to your party!

Parties are useful for going out and exploring. You never know when you might run into monsters, and there is always safety in numbers!

Do you have an interesting item that you'd like to give to a friend? Well, you can trade them!

Simply right click on your friend and hit "Trade." The other pony needs to accept your trade for it to continue.

Once accepted, you'll see a screen. Left click and add the item to the trading menu.

When both players are satisfied with the trade, they both must hit "Ready." When both players hit "Ready," a "Done" button will appear. Once both players hit the "Done" button, the trade will be completed.

Stuck Somewhere?
Have no fear! No need to call the moderators! Simply type /stuck or unstuck me and you will be moved to the starting point of the map. (This will not work if you are in combat.)
Quote from: 1mirg on 2015 Jan 23, 03:06:11
so, question on the launcher.
After this test is over, will this give us the latest client version all the time or not?


And we are making a back-up for the zip download right now! Standby. :)

Hello everyone! You can now download the game in preparation for the Open Server Weekend!

The servers will open to the public at 12:01am EST on January 24th and close at 11:59pm on the 26th. The game will be available through the downloads page.

Please note that you must have a forum account before you can log in to the game. It is highly suggested that you register before the 24th, as the servers will be very busy once the weekend starts!

If you don`t have an account already, you can register here:

You can see the system requirements for Legends of Equestria here:

Windows 32 bit:!t5gmmI4J!bBBSsg65wZ9hyL9ldLek8kBifFv4v6v85uEY3w0Ec10

Windows 64 bit:

Windows Launcher:
(This will automatically download the most recent version of the game. Just push "update" and then "play" and you're good to go!)



How do you like to celebrate the new year? Either spending time with family, or partying with friends? Inclined to stay up all night one day and sleep in the next? However you spend this time of year, I personally like to celebrate it with ponies and more ponies - and now you can too!

Tune in later this month, from the 24th to the 26th, and you'll find that the servers will be open for all of you to come in and enjoy the game! We can all have fun playing, dancing, doing quests, fighting monsters, or just sittin' in the town square with our buds.

The new build will be available on the 22nd of January on our downloads page. On the 24th, the servers will open at 12:01 AM EST and close on the 26th at 11:59 PM EST.
We have recently created a new server system, which so far has proven to be far more secure than the previous system. This is a test of the new system. Please remember that you must have a forum account in order to log in and play the game.

Everyone here on the team hopes to have some great fun together with you to kick off the new year, and we hope you'll join us for it! Roll on 2015!
Hello, everyone!

We have opened the servers for a short time to prepare for a small-scale Network Architecture Test!

The servers are now closed.

Thanks to everyone who helped us test out our servers!
Be sure to keep an eye out for future Open Server Events!
Hello, everyone!

We are now looking for writers and editors to join the Legends of Equestria team! If you have a passion for writing, are interested in game development, or just want to use your talents to help the game along, please feel free to send us an email!

Update: Writing applications are now closed! Thanks to all of you who applied!
Hello, everyone!
This is just a reminder that the Legends of Equestria team are hosting panels at BronyCAN AND BUCK this weekend!

Our BronyCAN panel takes place on Saturday, August 23rd at 12:15pm PDT and our BUCK panel takes place on Sunday, August 24th at 09:00am GMT.

If you're at either convention feel free to drop in!

Hello, everyone!
The Legends of Equestria servers are closed!

Thanks for an awesome weekend, we hope you enjoyed your time with our game!