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Messages - StarrBee

Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 08, 10:25:09
Marina smiled back at Rush, and looked out across the ocean again. The question of where exactly she'd stay while she was here arose in her mind. The mare looked around the beach, supposing she'd curl up somewhere around there. Deciding not to worry about it just yet, Marina sighed softly and looked back at the sea.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 07, 17:51:11
"Oh, no reason in particular." Marina replied. "Like I said, just trying to meet some new ponies while I'm in town."
The mare smiled innocently at the other pony.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 03, 11:08:13
Marina simply nodded to show she agreed with what he had said. She was happy knowing that her assigned pony was one who wanted to save the ocean as well.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 02, 16:33:10
"I guess you could say that..." Marina chuckled softly. "It may be wishful thinking, but I'd say it's a pretty great wish. And it may not stop entirely, but I hope the situation will improve." She spoke with a warm smile on her face.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 02, 13:29:17
A happy feeling gew within Marina when she heard Rush's response. It was good to know he was in favour of the ocean.
"I believe it can be saved though, the damage can be undone. And hopefully, in time, those ponies who are damaging it will see the error of their ways. The ocean is a home to so many, they just need to be reminded of that." She stopped herself before she went off on a huge rant about the whole situation.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 01, 12:50:28
The mare was still looking out across the water, smiling softly. Her face fell a bit, as she thought of what some land ponies had done to the ocean. "It's such a shame it's being damaged." she sighed, looking down at the sand.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Nov 01, 05:09:18
Marina smiled. "It's even more beautiful when you see what's under the surface." she murmured, thinking of her home.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 31, 20:20:12
"No, it's fine." Marina said, smiling to show she wasn't upset. She looked out across the ocean before them for a moment, watching the dimmer light dance across the surface. She wondered what to say next, or if staying quiet would be a better option.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 31, 17:53:48
"Oh! Well... uh, not too far from here really, but not all that close either." Marina mumbled her response. She couldn't tell him she had come from an underwater kingdom filled with sea ponies. Not yet, anyway.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 31, 12:10:02
"Fair enough." Marina shrugged. "Have you been here long already?"
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 30, 04:55:09
Marina smiled. She found this to be going quite well.
"So, how long will you be staying here?" She asked. It was an attempt at making conversation at least.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 29, 17:35:23
"I see. Well, it's nice to meet you." The mare smiled, although she was slightly confused by his reaction to being called approachable.
"I'm Marina." She introduced herself.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 29, 15:27:36
"Well, not really. I'm uh..." Marina trailed off for a moment, before coming up with an excuse. Telling him she was from an underwater world and assigned to spend her time with him until she had to return didn't seem like the best way to introduce herself.
"I'm new in town! And you seem like an approachable person, so I figured I'd say hi."  She smiled, finding her excuse to be acceptable. And it wasn't a lie, it just wasn't everything.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 29, 11:24:08
"I hate to break it to you, but you weren't exactly singing quietly." she chuckled. "So yes, I did hear. You're really great at it though, so I wouldn't worry too much about others hearing you."
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 29, 09:57:08
"Excuse me? I hope I'm not interrupting, but you're a wonderful singer." Marina complimented the unicorn, smiling softly. She hoped she'd caught the stranger's attention.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 29, 07:36:59
//Wow I'm terrible at remembering to check back here. I'm so, so sorry.//

Marina had speant her day on the beach, just... watching. She decided to blend in and see how exactly surface ponies behaved and lived their lives. Though she began to realise this may not have been the best of plans, as it was getting dark, and she had no idea where to go. She hadn't found her assigned pony, and had no where to stay but on the beach. The mare sighed, standing up. She looked around, and caught sight of a stallion sitting on the beach. Her interest was originally caught by his singing, but after glancing between the orb and the stallion, she realised this was her assigned pony.

Marina smiled as she cautiosly made her way up to the singing unicorn.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 22, 11:17:50
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2015 Oct 20, 14:54:34
@Quill Ink
The orb glowed a soft blue light as Marina gazed into it. The orb was voice activated and it displayed a few options. One option had a symbol of a cutie mark and the words "Assigned Pony" over it. Another option had a question mark and the word "Help" over it. The last option had a pencil symbol and the words "Weekly Report" over it.

//Ahhh sorry for disappearing for a few days, I've been pretty busy and unable to check the website.//

Marina 'hmmed', before choosing the 'assigned pony' button. She figured that was the best place to start her quest.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 20, 13:51:05
After some more practice, Marina finally got the hang of walking. Or at least, she'd managed to get to the point of being able to walk without falling on her face every 4 seconds. She grinned triumphantly as she walked slowly, but steadily, onto the dry sand. She flinched, drawing her hoof up quickly. She hadn't expected the ground so be so hot. Gently, she pressed her hoof against the ground, slowly adjusting the the higher temperature.

Curiously, Marina looked around her, squinting in the light. She decided to check her orb, as she wasn't sure what to do next.
Quick Silver sighed. Her horn lit up, and a bridge-like barrier appeared over the water. After no reply, she decided to just go over by herself. She trot over the bridge, and then stopped the spell, the bridge dissapearing.
Canterlot Archives / Re: OASIS [sign up]
2015 Oct 14, 16:16:09
Marina breached the surface of the water, flicking her short hair back. She looked around with curious eyes, aqquainting herself with the new environment. The mare made her way forwards, and as she moved into shallower water, her tail shifted and changed into a pair of legs.
She managed to upright herself, after a lot of wobbling. One bold step forward, and she'd fallen face first back down.
Marina sighed as she stood up again, realising this was not going to be as easy as she had assumed. But, she was a determined young thing, and would not let a couple of slip ups stop her. She began practicing, slowly pacing through the shallow water, wobbling and falling more than a few times.