The Silverdale Saga (Sign-up and OOC)

Started by Morning Glory, 2012 Jun 16, 06:16:38

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Morning Glory

2012 Jun 16, 06:16:38 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 30, 20:50:00 by Morning Glory
Myself and Chautauquan are attempting to start up a more advanced RP thread. This will be a little experiment for all of us, and we welcome anyone who wants to try something a little different (and maybe more challenging) from the usual style found on this board.

This is our RP concept and sign-up thread. Please read the rules and familiarize yourself with the setting. When and if you decide you want to join, please fill out the character info template found below, and post it as a reply.

This RP will have two GMs (Game Masters). Chautauquan, and myself. We will be sharing duties, and both of us have worked together to build this concept. I hope you are excited to join us and I look forward to RPing with you all.

Also feel free to ask any questions you have!

The RP can be found here:


1)   Character Creation:

--A) The setting will be a fictional town called Silverdale.  This is primarily an earth pony town, so it'll take some reasoning to put unicorns and pegasi in a place where they're usually unaccustomed to staying.  This doesn't mean that they'll be barred from entering, but there's got to be a reason.  However, we're not going to have alicorns.  The main reason for this is that they all seem to be royalty, and incredibly powerful to boot.  They've got plenty of important places to be... just not in Silverdale.  (This is partially because alicorns tend to go all OP, but also because we want to encourage more problem-solving.  If you can just wave a hoof and cause everything to be better... well, we'd have a really short RP session now, wouldn't we?)

--B) Use the form provided.  This is to help us get to know you, and to engage a bit in self-discovery.  We don't need a novel, necessarily, nor a 5-point Freudian analysis.  But knowing some of the strengths and weaknesses of the character will help us build a realm wherein you, the players, can explore your characters as much as possible. Also, if another player needs to refer to a feature your character has, it will be easier for them to find it. Applications not in this format will need to be modified to fit the template before you start playing.

--C)  As a suggestion more than anything else, try to make your character someone "real". By this, we mean someone you can really see bumping into on the streets of Ponyville or elsewhere.  No one seems to have a dark grudge against the world, nor do they have childhoods which make Oliver Twist look like a spoiled prince.  Equestria, for whatever reason, is a generally happy place.  People do encounter struggles, but it's not so dark that everypony and their uncle have lost a mother, father, or dearly beloved pet rock.  (This encourages us to focus more on 'solvable' problems.  Perhaps we have a pony psychiatrist or counselor, but really, we're seeing what simple friendship can do in our daily lives.  I mean, that's what helps me, so I hope it helps others...)

2) Character Conduct

--A) No powerplaying/god-modding.  We're all simple ponies, so we won't be puppet masters.  In short, you can control only your own actions, just like in real life.  So, before taking that lively filly and sweeping her off of her feet, consider this:  Do they have a say in the matter?  Do they really want me to do this?  Could I reasonably do this?  These questions will help us avoid doing things which we shouldn't.  Now, perhaps somepony has a sleeping potion or something, and wants to kidnap somepony else off to Never-Ever land.  While in theory you could do this, it's rather rude, and would require permission, both from the player, and the GMs.  (We love our GMs)  We want to have a place where anypony can play without getting shanghaied to who knows where.

--B) No "metagaming".  This means doing something with things that you know, but your pony doesn't.  Sure, I know Russian, but if my pony doesn't, I'm not going to understand what's being said.  If there's a pony in Canterlot who lost her dolly, no one in Cloudsdale is going to know.  We might learn things out of character which we don't actually know in character.  Pretend you don't know, and leave the fourth wall alone!  This will help us to make adventures exciting for the ponies, as well as engaging more challenges when we can't see them from a mile off. (We love our GMs)

--C) Be polite, even when you're being rude.  Some folks aren't kind, to be sure, but there's the right way and the wrong way to go about things.  In short, language ought to be of the same strength as you find on the show.  That way, there's less headaches for the GMs. (We love our GMs)

--D)  Follow the site rules.  We like being here, it's a good place, so don't do anything you know you shouldn't be doing anyways... (It's true, just do the right thing.)

3. Player Conduct (Yep, different than characters!)

--A) Write detailed posts.  We don't need War and Peace style prose, but give other ponies something to work with.  This is a skill that takes practice and time to develop, so we won't be too harsh on this.  But the basic idea is that we want to interact, so feel free to take multiple actions at once.  But talk about it!  Let us know how you're feeling, what you're doing, your reasons for being here.  If you walk in a room, don't be afraid to talk to somepony!  Or, be afraid!  It's your choice, but tell us what's going on.  If you're a wallflower, mention it.  Don't just mention reading the book, mention what your reactions are to reading!  Is it a gripping adventure?  Or that summer homework that you're being forced just now to finish?  Or is it a math textbook which is just too good to put down? (If so, I'm not sure whether to pity or envy you.  Bad math....)  Let us know more about you, and we can know what our own reactions might be, and how we can interact.  (Basically, try to help us get to know each other!  We're starting fresh here, but even old friends like knowing more than a simple "hello" when they want to really get talking)

--B) Try not to double-post.  People might be hailing from Ukraine to Uruguay to Uganda to the US.  We might not get an instant response all the time, but don't worry about people responding until they have a chance.  (This will be monitored by the GMs.  If somepony seems to really drop off of the planet, they'll help out in getting you back in the action.  But remember, some ponies have real live finals and essays, and nasty workbook homework, not to mention jobs and families.)  So be patient!  We'll try to keep the flow moving.

--C) Respect the GMs.  Sometimes, things don't go just the way we had hoped.  The GMs are trying to help you have fun, not make life miserable.  We want to have a healthy environment for people to play in, and the GMs keep things running in the background, as well as moving the story along.  Perhaps things don't seem fair, or right, or whatever.  We're trusting the GMs to try their best to help.  Being mortal like the rest of us, expect mistakes, but be willing to be kind and patient with others, just as you once had people be kind and patient with you. (We love our GMs and our players!)

--D) Keep OOC, OOC. We'll keep a thread going to help people stay abreast of what's happening.  Feel free to contribute, ask questions, and figure out fun plots to enact together!  The OOC thread is nice, though, for keeping the nature of the narrative flowing.  It's kinda fun to think of the whole thread as one big story, and having random conversations interrupt our programming is like those annoying commercial breaks.  (We just like the story more!)

--E)  Enjoy yourself.  We don't want to force anyone to be happy, but it sure makes the rest of us happy too!  There's a bit of text here on rules, but hopefully it will make you have more fun, not less.  (Imagine playing sports without 'out of bounds' rules.  Fun for a while, but the rules help make sports and other games fun!  We think the same will be true here.)

--F) Check your ego at the door. This is going to be a learning experience for everyone. RP is not a contest. While it is encouraged that players help one another, remember that all players are equally valid and important in the eyes of the GMs. Do not try to tell others how to play. The GMs will guide and instruct players as needed. Let everyone go at their own pace, and write in their own style. If you think you're better than everyone else, remember you started out somewhere basic too. Also let go of any fears or insecurities here. No idea is stupid, or bad. We're not here to judge. If you're new, just do your best, put real effort into your work, and don't be afraid to reach out for help. You're here to learn, grow and have fun.


Silverdale is a medium-sized mining town in the northwestern portion of Equestria. The environment is temperate, with moderate summers and winters and above average rainfall. Most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners or metalworkers. Most of the town made up of housing for the workers, but there is a market street and a large line of buildings closer to the mine that processes the ore and gems found underground. There the metal is purified, melted and formed into bars. From there, most of it is shipped off to other cities. The rest is kept and crafted by Silverdale's many blacksmiths.

In addition to the miners, there are some artisans and farmers, including a branch of the famous Apple family. There are also bakers, carpenters and tailors, but most only produce enough of  their wares to be sold to those living in the village. There is also a small schoolhouse nearer to the residential area of town that includes a basic library.

The town was founded by earth ponies, and is still not very well populated by unicorns or pegasi. The residents of Silverdale are down-to-earth and hardworking. They are simple and prefer to be blunt and straightforward. They have somewhat accepted the other two pony races in their town, and live in relative harmony together. However, they tend to be mistrusting of strangers and can be a little cold to outsiders.

The market street includes:

A large town hall
A medium-sized inn
Seven blacksmith's shops
Three bakeries, one of which is also a café, a second that makes candy, and a third that doubles as a tea shop
Two carpenter's shops
A small diner
A tailor/dress maker's shop
A seamstress that sells household items like sheets and curtains
A large general store
A small toyshop
A small bank
A gem and jewelry merchant
A grocer that sells mostly vegetables
A permanent booth from Appleshine Farms that sells apples and other apple products
A second fruit stand that sells everything but apples (how could they ever compete?)
A large tavern frequented by miner ponies after quitting time

Notable NPCs:

Mayor Ironhoof: Lawmaker of the town

Pink Lady Apple: Owner and operator of Appleshine Farms.

Peppershake: Owner of the Feed Bag Diner

Coaldust: Overseer of the Silverdale Mine

Garnet: Owner of the Trot On Inn

Coinlock: Owner of the Silverdale Bank

Nicklebrew: Owner of the Silver Trough Tavern

Pebblechime: Owner of the General Store

Character Sign-Up Template:

Age:  (in equivalent human years)
Race: (Earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus)
Appearance: (Either add a picture or fill out the items below)
Coat color:
Mane/tail color:
Eye color:
Build: (slim, athletic, pudgy, muscular etc)
Special talent:
Additional skills:


Personal effects:

Additional notes:

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Current Players:

Chautauquan: Dusty Tomes- Character Sheet
Morning Glory: Coppershine- Character Sheet
GalvinRoe: (inactive) Green Strokes, Bright Mane, Right Hoof- Character Sheet
The Wandering Magus: Feather Scroll, Juniper Scroll- Character Sheet
Coffee Rush:(inactive) Ribbons- Character Sheet
Star Striker: Sweet Dreams- Character Sheet
Link: Silver Flask- Character Sheet


2012 Jun 16, 06:36:24 #1 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 05, 10:34:13 by Chautauquan
Basic example for me, my first OC (well, first MLP OC)

Name: Dusty Tomes
Gender: Male
Age:  22
Race: Earth Pony
Appearance: (Thanks Morning Glory!)

Special talent: Memorizing
Cutiemark: Scroll
Additional skills: Storytelling (mostly history)
Occupation: Scholar, Storyteller
Strengths: Affable, Kind, Open, Knowledgeable, Dedicated, Curious, Strong Family Values
Weaknesses: Scatterbrained, Absentminded, Stubborn (it's like the bad version of dedicated!), Curious, Lacks tact (a.k.a. hoof-in-mouth disease) Lonely (misses family) Jumpy


Tools: None
Accessories: A brown hat, similar to a turn of the century driving cap.
Personal effects: History Book, Saddle Bags (often distressingly empty)

Additional notes: Visiting Silverdale to get an idea of the local history and lore.

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Link's character!
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 05, 10:16:30
I finally got this thing filled out!  :D

Character Sign-Up Template:

Name: Silver Flask
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Pegasus
Spoiler: show

Coat color: silver
Mane/tail color: light jade
Eye color: turquoise
Build: skinny

Special talent: Potion-making and the art of Herblore
Cutiemark: a bubbling vial (seen in picture)
Additional skills: fair gardener, and dabbles in history during his spare time.
Occupation: Silver Flask, as his name and cutie mark imply, lives on the outskirts of Ponyville, close to Whitetail.
Strengths: Being excellent at flying maneuvers, plus his slim build, make able to him fly at high speed with ease. He's also very kind and understanding, and is ready to add a little sunshine to anypony's life.
Weaknesses: As talented as he is, Silver Flask possesses low endurance, which makes it difficult for him to travel long distances, hence the reason he mainly stays at his cottage without good reason. Silver Flask also has many fears, the main three being spiders, beetles, and strangely enough, earth ponies...


Tools: He carries a few potion vials in his saddle-bags, in case he finds anything interesting to experiment on.
Accessories: Merely his green and gray traveling cloak and his bits pouch.
Personal effects: N/A

Additional notes: Although he'd do anything to not have to go to another earth pony town (see his history), Silver has wanted to see the Summer Sun Celebration since he was small. He's also come to inspect the various herbs and medicines they use there, hoping to add another recipe to his already brimming mind. Silver will take caution however; he brings his only traveling cloak, in order to don it before reaching town. It conveniently hides his wings...

Include a link to your OC's character page here:
"I often wish that the two groups - adults and kids - could find a way to get along better. ... The biggest problem is, the adults have one of the most effective recruitment strategies in the world.

Give them enough time, and they'll turn any kid into one of them."
-Brandon Sanderson


2012 Jun 16, 07:02:45 #2 Last Edit: 2012 Jun 16, 20:29:39 by GalvinRoe
Character Sign-Up Template:

Name: Green Strokes
Gender: Stallion
Age: 40
Race: Earth Pony
Description/image: White waving locks, stylized just to the point where they are clearly not naturally falling the way they do but still seemingly chaotic in appearance. Violent Green eyes that hold a great deal of passion and tension. Pale - Pale green skin so light it is almost white but the hue is most certainly there. Tail has just regrown, almost as chaotic and curled as his mane, Green Strokes ties a small glass orb to the end of his tail. Currently wearing a plain tunic but if the occasion arrises for formal attire Green Strokes wips out his Viridian Kimono.
Coat color: Light-light green
Mane/tail color: Silver-white
Eye color: Green
Build: Well-kept, a little more then athletic but not buff in any sense.
Special talent: Arts (Mainly writing): Books, poetry, paintings (surrealist).
Cutiemark: Three green strokes
Additional skills: PHILOSOPHER!
Occupation: Writer
Strengths: Interesting conversation, philosophy, arts and diplomacy
Weaknesses: Understanding biases, fighting (physical), not good with manual labor, a little too "cold" and uncaring at times, can be distant and thinks about the self more then others . . . at times.


Tools: Strokes three trusted fountain pens, lots of paper and ink (kept on his assistant Right Hoof)

Accessories: Crystal orb on the end of his tail. Pocket watch, monocle (hanging loosely by ear, hardly ever uses)

Personal effects: green "leather" (fake leather of course, we are ponies!) book-sash holding "A Fight for Immortality", "The Seventeen Obstacles" (both books by me) and "Nevermare Strange and Mr. Coarse" (My favorite book by some pony author)

Additional notes:

Religion: TRUTH is this pony's religion the burning truth he believes lies deep within

Pony Bio: Eccentric artist, mainly author. Stallion that travels the world looking for insperation, creativity and stories. Constantly on the go, he doesn't consider any county his "home" nor does he side with sides who have wars against each other. Stroke's has a strict philosophy on life: The individual is important! He doesn't care for great empires or governments of any sort. The only thing that matters to him is the happiness of the individual.

  Green Stroke's is well kept from his travels through different lands, he can fight just mediocore, as he has picked up some martial arts along the way. Still he is NOT a pony who would fight if the situation had ANY other resolution and as Green Stroke's likes to say there is ALWAYS another resolution.

  Green Strokes is likeable for his eccentric behaviour but can easily be just as un-likable because of . . . well the same reason. His ideas are often puzziling to ponies around him and sometimes, most times, ponies just lable him as a crazy old coot and don't look deeper into his meanings and metaphors.

Recently Strokes has had some trouble writing and has, once again, taken to the rode for insperation and to take up time. Now it appears he has stumbled upon Silverdale. Can he regain his artistic insperation or is this the end of the famous author?

Green Strokes has a small entourage, consisting of: Right Hoof (Strokes' personal assistant) and Bright Mane (Strokes' apprentice)

Vow: I vow to use the OOC for all things out of character related.

OC Page:

The Wandering Magus

2012 Jun 16, 12:55:55 #3 Last Edit: 2012 Jun 16, 19:28:29 by The Wandering Magus
Seems reasonable enough.  Last "advanced" RP i was in died, hope this one is a bit better.

Name:                                 Juniper Blossom Scroll

Species:                              Earth Pony.

Gender:                              Mare

Age:                                     25

Physique:                            Strong and hardy but decently shaped

CutieMark:                          A stump carved into a beautiful portrait surrounded by sprouting
                                              flowers and vegetables.

Talent:                                 Growing various edible plants and woodworking

Mane colour:                      Light brown with streaks of darker brown

Mane style:                         Long and flowing naturally, but usually braided and to one side.

Coat colour:                        Soft green

Eye colour:                          Brownish-green

Occupation:                        Carpenter/woodworker/gardener; her stand in the square sells
                                              both fresh edible plants and various wood tools and toys.

Personality traits:               Gentle, but firm. Good at bartering but prefers to get trading over
                                              with and spend the rest of the time making small talk with
                                              the regulars. Occasionally gives out dolls and toys to foals for free.
                                              A good friend to have a conversation with and the wrong pony to
                                              try to swindle.

Other information:              Carves toys, tools, furniture, accessories, instruments and
                                              any number of other items from various types of wood
                                              ranging from basic Rowan to Holly and Yew. Also does gardening
                                              on the side, growing all manner of small vegetables and edible
                                              flowers not already covered by the rest of the market. She chooses
                                              not to compete with other merchants and in exchange has
                                              somewhat of a stranglehold on the woodworking market. Can
                                              play the guitar. Lives with Feather Scroll.

Bio: The daughter of a woodspony and a farmer, Juniper always loved being outdoors and working with plants. She got her cutie mark whittling an entire replica of Equestria out of a stump in the middle of one of the flower fields with nothing more than a small knife. She studied at the Silverdale Elementary School during her fillyhood and eventually moved to the town permanently as a woodworker/gardener. An avid participant in the Summer Sun Celebration, she eventually met Feather Scroll playing as part of a miniature impromptu ensemble near the Town Hall while waiting for the ceremony to start. After about a year the two decided to live together, with Feather buying the property and Juniper building the house proper. Some other merchants criticize her for her strict shop policies and attitude on barter, but she insists that what's important is getting to know the customer's needs, not haggling for more money than what the product's really worth. She occasionally answers to "Juni" from longtime customers, but prefers "Ms. Blossom", "Ms. Juniper" or just "Juniper".

Strengths: strong, honest, shrewd with money, quick-witted, many friends and loyal customers.

Weaknesses: headstrong, stubborn, brutally honest at times, VERY traditionalist/fundamentalist believer in Sororitism (belief in the Princesses/Sisters as Goddesses), not too good in uber-formal social situations.


Tools: Saws, files, hammers, chisels, sandpaper, nails, lathe and other materials in her cart if she's pulling it, otherwise just a pocketknife for whittling and a guitar she likes to carry around and play every so often.

Accessories: simple wood necklace.  Will carry a wood staff when hiking or out walking beyond the borders of the town.

Personal effects: woodworking licence, store proprietor's licence, identification forms, purse, several hundred gold bits, a few silver and copper bits, a photograph of her family, lip balm, lotion, keys to her house and store, hoof files, tweezers, sanitary wipes, tissues, perfume, address book, wooden emergency whistle, graphite pencils, quills, ink bottle, scrolls, notepad, scissors, pen-knife, a couple tea bags, granola bars....

Additional notes: I modified her origin by one word (switched Ponyville to Silverdale) to fit the setting of the RP.

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Name:                                  Dr. Feather Scroll, aka "Magus"

Species:                               Unicorn

Gender:                                Stallion

Age:                                       28

Physique:                             Somewhat frail

Cutie Mark:                          Lightning-blue feather and purple-rune-covered silk scroll

Talent:                                  Interactions between various forms of magics; can build matrices
                                              incorporating a variety of spells, potions and runes on the fly

Mane colour:                       Soft Pink

Mane style:                           Wavy and somewhat long, partially covering one eye (in the shy
                                              sort of way)

Coat colour:                          Light blue

Eye colour:                            Pink

Magic colour:                        Purple

Occupation:                          Research in universally accessible magic, magic storage, spell
                                              matrices and Alchemy-Magic interactions.

Personality traits:                 Generally shy and gentle, but can get assertive in stressful
                                               situations. Can go into OCD-mode when researching, but
                                              otherwise is very flexible and accommodating.

Other information:               Is fluent and literate in ancient Equestrian, has a passing
                                              knowledge of Draconic, is an artist and cartographer as a
                                              hobby, can play the flute, decent cook, lives with Juniper
                                              Blossom, has passing knowledge of Zebra alchemy

Bio: Born and raised in Canterlot by one of the professors at the School for Gifted Unicorns, he had the privilege of attending for a few years before getting his cutie mark. He graduated with average scores and was recognized as the founder of the new field of magitronics. His father, Lightning Scroll, assisted in overseeing the budding research team dedicated to the field, and continues to manage the Canterlot division. Despite being raised among upper-middle-class ponies, Feather Scroll made numerous friends with other classes, and eventually moved to Silverdale to study the effects of various metals on spell matrices. He owns a decent home nestled comfortably next to Juniper's shop, a few minutes' walk from the town hall in one direction and the bank in the other. He met Juniper Blossom at the Summer Sun Celebration several years ago, and the two have been living together for some time with the permission of both the Blossom and the Scroll family.

Strengths: Intelligent, good with formal situations, gentle, good listener.

Weaknesses: Shy, not good with new ponies, somewhat reclusive, relies on Juniper for everyday needs.


Tools: many, many rune stones, writing implements, chalk, trowels, wire, metal, various chemicals, books and tomes on ancient languages, laboratory notebook, optical equipment, adhesives, various spell matrix tools, and other equipment if he is in his laboratory, otherwise just a flute, magnifying glass, tweezers and writing equipment and a notebook.

Accessories: glasses, wooden pendent from Juniper, wedding ring.

Personal effects: spell matrix research licence, researcher's licence, identification forms, wallet, several hundred gold bits, a few silver and copper bits, a photograph of his family, keys to his house and laboratory, sanitary wipes, tissues, address book, wooden emergency whistle, graphite pencils, quills, ink bottle, scrolls, notepad, scissors, pen-knife, some candy....

Additional notes: I modified his origin by a few words (switched Ponyville to Silverdale, changed Everfree to mine, etc) to fit the setting of the RP.

Clarification about spell matrices:
Magitronics are essentially magitech electronics, and spell matrices are like programs. Like an electrical engineer, Feather needs specialized tools and equipment to properly design magitronic devices, and he needs those devices to program spell matrices for things like magic barding and shield runes.
Without these delicate tools to channel his generally weak but precise magic, he is somewhat useless, like an electrical engineer in a medieval community.
Spell matrices, for those unfamiliar with the concept, are networks of sequences of spells stored in rune-stone devices which build on each other in a chain reaction, similarly to the way an engine works. The net effect of the spells acting together can be anything from a benign invisibility matrix to a devastating rift matrix. The more powerful the matrix, the more complex the spells required and the more fragile the construct is.

Include a link to your OC's character page here:
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Coffee Rush

Name : Ribbons Rosette

Gender : Filly

Age : 12

Race : Earth Pony

Appearance :

Coat Color : Beige

Mane/Tail Color : Jade Green

Eye color : Jade

Build : Normal

Special Talent : Digging Holes ( Quickly )

Cutiemark : Hoof Shovel

Additional Skills : Climbing Trees

Occupation : School Filly

Strengths : Quick Thinking, Polite, Generous, Energetic,

Weaknesses : Quick Thinking, Curious, Daring


Tools : Hoof Shovel, Notebook

Accessories : Insulated Vest, Boots, and a Saddlebag

Personal Effects : Hoof Shovel

Additional notes : Ribbons has moved to Silverdale because of her mother, who is looking to support the family as a miner.

Include a link to your OC's character page here : Its not really updated.
My OC can be found here!

Morning Glory

2012 Jun 16, 14:03:58 #5 Last Edit: 2012 Jun 16, 17:33:51 by Morning Glory
Name: Coppershine
Gender: Female
Age:  24
Race: Earth pony

Coat color: Cream and white paint
Mane/tail color: Auburn
Eye color: Green
Build: Tall and muscular
Special talent: Minework and metalcrafting
Cutiemark: Minecart with gold
Additional skills: Digging, endurance running, basic cooking, map reading and navigation
Occupation: Miner/apprentice blacksmith
Strengths: Determined, loyal, level-headed, calm, hard-working
Weaknesses: Impatient, blunt, introverted, xenophobic, work-a-holic


Tools: Leather(imitation leather) work harness with a pickaxe, a lantern with flint and steel, a hammer, and a shovel
Accessories: Dusty handkerchief around her neck
Personal effects: One set of saddle bags containing- money purse, identification, keys to her house, small knife and a water-proof coat.

Additional notes: Lives in Silverdale with her family, works in the mine.

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Morning Glory

Last call for all who want to join! We'll be getting started soon!


Well I suppose that's all I can do until someone pops up to RP with me. I might *move* into the town center. Or at least make some progress into town, but I'm not going to RP by myself  lol

Morning Glory

If you move Stroke and Co to the Inn, Copper can interact with him. I can also GM you around town if you want.


Can do! I'll chat up a town-pony and hopefully they'll tell me where the Inn is.

"Where's da Inn? Well I reckon it's around here someplace. If ya can' find it den yer in da wrong place partner"

Morning Glory

Talking to any of the Notable NPCs I listed would be perfect. I'll have one of em show you around.


All right let's see if chance is on my side.

Come on serendipity don't fail me now!

The Wandering Magus

did the RP start yet?  or is it still in planning?
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Ah, Magus makes a good point. Could you link the RP thread to the sign-up thread Morning?

At the top in big letters?

That's how Magus and I prefer to keep our threads together.



lol The start of an RP, right? Has you rushing around doing twelve things at once  lol! Well just remember all your players are rooting for ya  :3!

Morning Glory

Seriously. But I think it's well worth it. Let me know if you have any ideas or concerns with the NPCs interacting with the players.


Haha! I'll do my best to put my characters quickly with the others but they must do what they must.

The Wandering Magus

i guess i kind of brought my isolation down on myself x3  but then, not everypony can be at the center of attention.  Juniper's condition is based on my experiences trying to help out selling things in the past.  I always seemed to come late, and I always seemed to be in that one corner nopony came to x3
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Morning Glory

I'll just keep alternating back and forth between playing Copper with Magus and GMing for Strokes. Eventually all the PCs will be brought together by the GM, and we'll start working together a little more. However, I wanted to start slow, so we'll just settle in and get comfortable and established before the adventure starts.

Please be patient. I'm running around like a mad-mare organizing everything and posting a the same time- twice!

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