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Messages - Aerial Perspective

@night pony...I couldn't say that love and friendship are opposites. Friendship is a form of love. But it is an interesting idea. If we say twilight represents selfless love for friends/family Ethos and Cadence is the embodiment of Eros, which is the somewhat more intense, I love you as I love myself connection between lovers and spouses.

In that respect Cadence is the pony of dark, Since Eros needs an infusion of agape or enduring love to not warp into something perverse. Shining armor might be Agape(?) and the way him and Cadence work together makes them very pure and strong.

Ethos is the basic love any relationship is based off of and its friendship in its purest form, It's even to go so far as to selflessly love your enemies  ^-^ so since twilight is the embodiment of the magic of friendship she has to be the pony of light.

philosophy in ponies...gotta love it
Considering I've been in this fandom since gen one....(btw welcome all you gen 4's to my life long obsession) I would carry on as normal. Ponies have always been learning friendship and always will. Each gen has a unique look that takes time to get used to, but I love all of them.  It's like pokemon.

Small Gush session:

Personally I adore seeing MLP change and grow over time. Gen one was pretty metal...the art was creepy cute and Poor megan was kinda trapped in the pony world.

then there was gen two that had really nice toys. somewhere in here are flutter ponies (butterfly rarity) and special crystal princess ponies (which celestia is based off of) and OMG I NEEDED those.

then there was my little pony tales which a lot of tumblr bronies scream is sexist  :l It's really not. I  loved Bon bon learning to be a good friend the way twilight does now and writing down in her journal (omg season 4? lol) and as a little girl...the writing seemed pretty normal and actually WAY less sexist than other girl shows I was watching.

gen 3 was my favorite of all time for one reason.. Hona - freaking - lulu. that baby Pegasus pony was awesome. I also loved the look of those ponies. they looked modern and real at the same time. and most of them were scented, and STILL SMELL GOOD NOW! this and gen 3.5 only had DVD movies.  D: DD: but rainbow dash had rarity's personality and general voice which is hilarious. lol

gen 3.5 was really really's like the loony toons babies of MLP. But rainbow dash was really funny in this gen so I'm okay with it.

whoa I like that analogy

gen 1-3 is old school loony toons

gen 3.5 is loony toon babies

gen 4 is freaking space jam!

you're welcome. and sorry for gushing! I just have so much love for MLP as a whole and finally have places to talk after decades of no one giving an F.  ovO
omg apple jack... :] I think I heard an Osakan accent on her. perfect
I think she was supposed to be like the snail in adventure time, just artists having a little fun in the background. Really though bronies notice every little thing and its kinda crazy how much a fandom this huge can spot.
sibsy gets her due credit, I know she mostly storyboards but that goes to show that "behind the scenes people" can get quite famous if they go for it.  I think a lot of animators are quite happy making quality work and are less focused on fame than actors tend to be. 0:) I know personally I set animation as my career path because I actually ENJOY staying behind the scenes and working in teams of people.  X3Animation is NOT a stable job at all. So just being on a very stable big ticket show like MLP is what all of us hope for, and its more than enough of a reward in itself.  :3
Good luck writers!!

haha I just downloaded unity and am working hard to learn it! then maybe my maya knowlege can be of actual use!!
oh my goodness. i'm so excited I could just scream >A<
I applied for concept artist, since that's what I have fun with. I am totally offering to work for free.  :3

I know 3d modeling and textures but only in autocad or maya.... :s ono
Yeah I totally know that feel  :c

I really wanted to play this game.

gosh its like skye endless relm all over again
I'm new here. I have no idea what i'm doing. i just really wanted to play the game... :o :P