Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Angels Breath2

No honey it's not fair  :l


The Waiting Game.

Even though usually it's worth it at the end, instead of killing time, it feels like time is killing us instead... o_o


2013 Aug 06, 09:27:00 #10342 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 06, 10:00:35 by Johannes
And over six hours later, I still don't have any idea what's wrong with my objective setup...



When I try to open this website and

Itty Bit

I still seem to be terrible at fighting games, even despite having pretty much played them all my life.

Teal Turken

Quote from: Itty Bit on 2013 Aug 06, 13:35:23
I still seem to be terrible at fighting games, even despite having pretty much played them all my life.

Getting completely outplayed and annihilated in a game that I'm good at.
It makes me at least the tiny bit happy that there are people better than me out there but still upsets me too. x3

Little Star

Two words: Summer Reading.

I mean seriously? I swear we are the only state who has it and it is THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER. Ugh... o.O


Quote from: StarSong on 2013 Aug 06, 14:10:02
Two words: Summer Reading.

I mean seriously? I swear we are the only state who has it and it is THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER. Ugh... o.O

Two words: Summer homework

More words: Read book, write report on book. I lost the paper on which book I have to read. School ALWAYS finds a way to stress the **** out of me.


Quote from: StarSong on 2013 Aug 06, 14:10:02
Two words: Summer Reading.

I mean seriously? I swear we are the only state who has it and it is THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER. Ugh... o.O
Wisconsin  has it
ay i'm no longer using this site

Randam Saiko

Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Aug 06, 16:46:20
Quote from: StarSong on 2013 Aug 06, 14:10:02
Two words: Summer Reading.

I mean seriously? I swear we are the only state who has it and it is THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER. Ugh... o.O
Wisconsin  has it

3 more words:
Summer Math Packet

And Maryland also has this summer reading bs

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Dark Hooves

not allowed to play my favorite online game whenever I want to b/c of my older bro's lies
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0


Continued from the today's smile thread...

I did not find Animal Crossing though, so I came home without games. :P

Teal Turken

Being told to mow the yard AFTER I take my shower.

Little Star

Waking up to my idiot aunt yelling about some crap to my grandma who is half awake. Seriously? LET US SLEEP.

Randam Saiko

When I clip my big toe nail. 3 Seconds later......

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


ay i'm no longer using this site

The Wandering Magus

not being there for an event
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

The Stars

I am conjuring up a STORM after I figured out Dungeon Fighter Online got closed in North America last year :T
I... I am not very happy right now XD
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


how nopony appreciates psychostick
ay i'm no longer using this site

Princess Feenix

>.< Getting writers block after writing a Prologue and Chapter 1 of a new story I'm working on that will either be a graphic novel or animated series.

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