Tara lies

Started by super_chris85, 2012 Nov 27, 20:19:00

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I have to point this out when the squirrel comes up to twilight in Hurricane Fluttershy trying to talk to her and spike goes "what is he saying" and twilight says " I don't know, I don't speak squirrel"
On the contrary Tara strong does the voice for Bubbles in powerpuff girls who does indeed talk squirrel


They're different characters. They're not the same. Thus, Twilight can't speak squirrel.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Rad Thunder

Twilight does not equal Bubbles. They may be spoken by the same actress, but that's about it.
It was more of a joke for those who watched Powerpuff Girls back then anyway.


I know but when my bro brought it up it was really funny  :D


There's a difference between characters and actors/actresses. You can figure out the rest.
I'm back

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