Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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the dark gods

yea, "A bit".... Physics says, before noticing the other menu on the table. You're here with another pony? Physics asks Flame.
thank you Sky Sketch


Flame nods Dream Seer I ran into her while I was wandering around the town
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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Below the table sat Dream Seer saddlebags, the very ones that looked so familiar... Physics wouldn't know about it, of course, but Flame would. Perhaps they could learn more about her from that... If they weren't against snooping in a mare's effective 'purse'.

((I'll just put that out there, since I have a plot I'd like to see go somewhere...  X3))
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

the dark gods

Physics was going to say something when he notices the mares bag on the ground, it was the same saddle he saw her wear awhile back. Oh hey.... Physics says, lightly pulling the bag out. I wonder.... Physics says, his mind wandering to those suspicions he had awhile back, his hoof slowly pulling the bag open, against all better judgement to not do something so scummy.
thank you Sky Sketch


What are you doing Physics? He asks Invading Dream's privacy? Probably not the best idea she seems like the mare who'd kick your flank if she caught you.
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Oh please, I can handle myself in a fight, I mean what's the worst she can do to me? Besides, I have something I wan-no need to investigate.... Physics says, as he quickly goes through the bag, positioning himself so he was between the mares room and the bag, and the back of Dreams chair between the bathroom and himself, giving it the occasional glance over to make sure Dream wasn't coming back.

Physics had a lot of experience in going through other ponies things.
thank you Sky Sketch


At first, it just looked like nothing really important was inside: Mane products, brushes, all the things a mare would need and use... That is, until Physics shifts a pack of feminine products and finds what looks like a small, clear orb. It seemed to exude an aura of mystery, something a pony wouldn't normally find on someone's pony.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

the dark gods

Physics eyes the orb for a moment, staring at it.Well what do we have here? Physics says with a sly grin. He tries to memorize it's features, before using his magic to prod at it, both with his telekinesis, and his mind, seeing if it would react to it in anyway.
thank you Sky Sketch


//I'm going to assume Physics didn't take it out X3
Hm what did you find Physics? Flame asks raising a brow
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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The world seems to melt away from Physics, being replaced by a dark room and stallion he should instantly recognize: Farsight. The maroon unicorn's eyes were puffy and he seemed haggard, his mane and fur ill-kept. After a moment of staring, he took a deep breath and sighed, "If you're watching this... You either found it, or it was given to you. Either way, don't let Dream Seer ever see this... I don't want to remem... I don't want her to know about me, at all... Please, just let her be..." As the words leave his mouth, the message dissipates and Physics finds himself once again inside the restaurant. There could be more in the orb, but it was somehow locked away for now and would require a unicorn no small effort to open up more of the message.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

the dark gods

//You'd be right....
Physics eyes go blank as he watches the vision, staring at Farsight while he spoke, his eyes still looking at were he stood after the message was done. Physics shakes his head. What the Tartarus.... Physics says, trying to comprehend what he had just seen. He lets go off the bag by instinct, it feel down back to were he had picked it up.
I'm....I'm not sure just....what I found exactly, I think it may be some sort of memory... Physics tells Flame, a confused, worried look on his face.
thank you Sky Sketch


huh what do you mean what happened?... What did you see?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics looks around, he wasn't sure if he should say anything, in-case anypony was listening, his horn begins to glow, just all so much.
[shadow=blue,left]It was Farsight, I think Dream Seer is Farsight...[/shadow] Physics thinks telepathically into Flames mind.
thank you Sky Sketch


[shadow=red,left]what? really? So that's why she see,s so familiar..... What are we going to do?[/shadow]
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

[shadow=blue,left]Nothing, Farsight told me to not tell Dream who she was, and I plan on keeping to my friends final wishes.....[/shadow] Physics thinks to Flame.
thank you Sky Sketch


[shadow=red,left]He well She's going to remember at somepoint. Even if she doesn't it doesn't help that Farsight is just running from whatever problem he has... It's not good[/shadow]
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

[shadow=blue,left]It's his FINAL WISHES, you don't mess around with that sort of thing, that's a sacred social contract right there....[/shadow] Physics explains to Flame.
thank you Sky Sketch


[shadow=red,left]fine whatever.. Though I wonder what drove him to do all this :s [/shadow]
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics gives a shrug. [shadow=blue,left]I don't know, maybe if we ask, not directly though, we can find something out.....[/shadow] Physics thinks.
thank you Sky Sketch


As the two were talking, Dream was finishing up in the powder room. She stands in front of the mirror and sighs, washing her hooves and drying them. She stops in front of the mirror, though, as she tries to fix up her mane a bit.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

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