First OC

Started by invictus69, 2013 Dec 08, 20:38:04

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2013 Dec 08, 20:38:04 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 13, 17:06:53 by invictus69
Name: Itchy
Age: 18 (Pony years)
Sex: Colt
Occupation: Trap Master
Species: Pegasus

Story so far----
Itchy had a very interesting childhood, having grown up in a very small close community in a very small newly established town. Along with having to deal with the troubles of having a stable economy the new town had also had its fair share of dealing with wild beast that lurked outside the towns borders and this is where Itchys role in life was established. As it turned out, itchy had a knack for out witting beasts and luring them in natural snags and pitfalls, and one day it clicked in his head. "Why dont i just make my own traps instead of relying on nature to do it for me?" And blam, itchy had found his calling in life. Since then he has been very busy designing and setting up various traps to keep his small home town beast free. Soon, word spread of this amazing beast busting pony, and towns all over began to call him in to deal with extra troublesome beasts (For a modest fee of course). It wouldnt be long before Itchy began to realize that his traps would work just as well on troublesome law breaking ponies. With that in mind Itchys goal in life is to drive away all forces of trouble from the world, beast, pony and other creatures, and have fun while doing it.

Itchy has been said to be very pleasant to be around, a bit talkative and simple at times, but always cheery and full of energy. However, his simplistic sense of thinking and general ignorance of things not relating to traps can be a bit exhausting to deal with (Ever had to go through the pain of explaining a joke? Its like that with just about everything with him involved). Despite his talents with trapping Itchy tends to take a passive approach to any confrontation, he would much rather talk things through before letting them get out of hoof. That being said, once the situation goes sour its like a switch going off in his head, turning him from a fun go lucky pony to a cold calculating machine, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Likes and Dislikes-----
There are very few things that Itchy has been knowing to dislike, or even hate for that matter. He isnt much of a fan for sweet things, and has a deep yet to be explained hatred for Timberwolves. Aside from that there isnt much he wont smile at.

Abilities, traits, the whole shebang.---
Itchy is pretty fast for a Pegasus, and his hoof to eye coordination is top notch. He is also very tactical, able to think several steps ahead and pre-plan for just about any possible situation. Years of trapping beasts has also sharpened his precognitive senses, and has given him the eye for reading body motions to intelligently predict their next move. That being said he has quite a few downfalls as well.

Physically, he isnt very strong, so hoof to hoof combat is out of the question. He isnt particularly smart either in the general knowledge section. His greatest weakness over all is dealing with magic using beings, something he has very little experience dealing with, and being simple minded makes him easy to manipulate.

Spoiler: show

Itchy and Solari][IMG][/img][/URL]
Courtesy of Bravo 539

[URL=][IMG][/img][/URL] Itchy and Blackhawk

Theme song~!


Yess, I like this pony, quite a bit. I'd say you've done a fine job balancing his abilities, their strength and his weaknesses. That being said I also appreciate the psyche profile!

But here's what I think needs to be done and perhaps this is something you've already thought out and planned, but I shall state it non-the-less. Backstory! We need more information about his family, parents and friends; along with his childhood and certainly how they've affected him! It seems you've already set a few things up here, that convinces me you've at least outlined some ideas, mainly the portion about Timber wolves.

But I would like to see a little more elaboration here:
Spoiler: Quote • show
"Itchy had a very interesting childhood, having grown up in a very small close community in a very small newly established town. Along with having to deal with the troubles of having a stable economy the new town had also had its fair share of dealing with wild beast that lurked outside the towns borders and this is where Itchys role in life was established.'

Although it hints at something there isn't much for the reader to infer, obviously the town had troubles with monsters and the like but how were they dealt with before Itchy found his talent and how did that talent manifest itself, when and why!? Along with his parents and friends reactions. Certainly they must affect his own personal beliefs somehow!

But these are little bonuses to help us better understand the mentality and history of your pony, and obviously aren't 'necessary' for basic comprehension of his personality. Though if you have the chance I'd love to read more about him, specifically in the areas I've stated. Honestly I'd recommend RPing with him a little, and fleshing out his back story with interaction there but I suspect you've that idea in your mind, already.

As always, I leave this small warning: "All these comments are my own opinions and may or may not be the same as others." Either way, very nice and I hope to see you around the RP forums a little if you want to flesh him out even more.


I appreciate your critique in regards to fleshing out my character, and as you've gussed ive already begun fleshing out his early life.

As far as his hatred for timberwolves its a somewhat silly story, i dont wanna spoil it too much, but lets just say it involved some nasty splinters in painfull places  DD:

Shadow Mare

lol I could think of someplaces...


2013 Dec 10, 05:50:26 #4 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 10, 05:52:48 by GalvinRoe
Quote from: invictus69 on 2013 Dec 10, 00:13:59
I appreciate your critique in regards to . . .

Yesss, I thought you might :D. Well, I hope to see you around sir! Most definitively in the RP section, if you manage it! Now I'll leave your OC page free, as I know *I* don't like it when needless conversation goes on in my OC page, I certainly won't fill YOURs with needless conversation. In truth let me know if this one irritates you, so I can move it. Honestly I'd like to have a nice clean OC page for MY OCs.  lol At one time it was pristine and organized, hahaha, not anymore!

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