Ponies on Earth (Jump in)

Started by Teal Turken, 2013 Nov 15, 01:00:13

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Teal Turken

Heading out into the street a car comes to a screeching halt, stopping just short of hitting Moonlight.
It looks to be near the edge of town by the sea.


moonlight shrugged the hit of she started running at the corner of the road she spreads her wings in the hopes of taking off the ground.

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

Teal Turken

Not a single person attempts to stop Moonlight, all of them looking shocked at the sight of her. There's plenty of space to begin flying.


moonlight flapped her wings and started flying straight up at hight speed hopping that nothing can catch her. ((dont make a plane randomly appear teal -_-))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


;The air was thicker, like, poisoned, despite the fact of being surrounded by trees and green land seeing the humans interact with the dogs lead to the conclussion that they cared about other beings... as long as they keep them under themselves...;

Interesting... Maybe I could "ask" that human to take me around the city... ;Yagdra got near the human who looked up and asked;

Wha`do you want? You dont see that Im busy?

;Yagdra looks and the human and then towards one of the city streets;

Ugh... But... Okay... since you got me some money I can show you at least some parts of the city... except those rich uptights from "The upper social scale countryes or wathever" ;said while mumbling and getting up; Then follow me boy! ;as they walked toward egde of the park;

You know... for an animal you are smart... ;place his face near Yagdras; Mhh... what kind of pony are you?...

;Yagdra snorts without knowing what to do;

Ahh... maybe Im giving you too much credit... but dont worry, nothing uncommon happens in this city... most of the days, maybe a robery... maybe a missing person... but nothing too far away from that.

;Incredible... Yagdra learn more about society with just a talk than a library visit, humans are something totally different from ponys... not stopping at mere look, being so focused on the talk Yagdra didnt realised the amount of.... "things" that were rolling trought the street, they looked like some kind of coach, but made completly out of metal, making strange and noisy sounds;

Welcome to the big city boy! ;says the men while doing some stances of "Welcome!";


Dannie peered out of the rippling leaves, seeing another sign under, with a couple numbers. She perked her ears and began to emerge when a loud rumbling noise shook the ground. She looked out, seeing a hard surface a few inches away from where she stood. The mare glanced around, and saw one of the metal beasts come roaring from the other side, and whip past. A stagnant stench filled the air and Dannie coughed harshly. The fumes stung her lungs and tasted bad in her mouth. Her eyes stung in pain and she began to tear up. The mare bolted out of the bushes and ran along side the road, coughing and wheezing.

Eventually, she had to stop. She was out of breath and was nauseous from the fumes of the metal beast. The mare scanned the area, her eyes red with irritation behind her glasses' lenses. The purple pony continued on, her hooves drumming the ground as more beasts roared past. They were loud and obnoxious, with loud snarls like that of a train horn. They never tried to get at her, always staying on their path. It was good for them to do it too. . . she always was nervous of getting devoured. Their eyes were always forward, so she thought they were too riddled with ignorance to look for the mare.

Dannie finally stopped at a gate, not knowing what to do. She waited to see if it would open, or someone would come to open it for her. No avail. She pressed at it, and it creaked dryly. She pushed harder and stumbled as it opened. With a blush, she walked through, slow and hesitant. Beyond she saw the land ripple with more forest, and just off to the right she saw a lot of weird looking structures. Dannie pinned her ears against her head. Structures. . . or forest?She thought, looking between the thick greenery and the hills with the structures.

A bush rustled behind her and she turned around, her breathing slow but her heart pumping fast. "A-anypony there?" she called, her voice small. The mare figured it was in her head and she turned back over. Reluctantly, she walked over to the structures. She was curious, and wanted as much information as she could find to help her get back home. Picking up the pace, she formed a steady trot. A loud cracking noise and a yell sounded from behind her, and Dannie whipped her head around.

Too late. She was already pinned with a rope around her neck, ruffling her green scarf. Dannie gasped, as the stench of damp mildew and oil wafted through the air. A gruff creature was holding her down, his glistening yellow eyes reflecting the pony. She kicked, but the male was too heavy. Her sides hurt as he stayed on top of her, holding the flailing pony down.

Another creature came and picked her up.

"What is this thing?" one said, loudly.
"A pony, idiot! Something weird about it though. . . ponies don't have scarves or hats or glasses. This one's purple too." the one with the glistening yellow eyes responded harshly.
"It's familiar. . ."

Of course, Dannie had a hard time understanding what they mostly said, but she got the idea they were discussing about her since they were prodding her and poking her body. She gave a shriek.

"Somepony! Agh, HELP!" she cried, her legs in ropes. The two creatures were in dull silence, staring at her. "Did that bloody thing just talk?" Yellow-eyes said. Dannie was frantic, flailing and trying to break the bonds, but it was no use. The ropes were tight and she gave up. The pony sighed and rested her head down on the plastic surface. (She's in the bed of the truck) The two creatures shook their heads and entered the beast. They must control them. . . Dannie thought, perking her ears.

The metal monster gave a loud roar, in frustration, and sped off.
She bumped around and hit her head against the beast's body.
Everything faded into a fuzzy mess as she passed out.

Later, the mare awoke. She shook her head, and once her eyes were adjusted to the bright light, she saw a barrier around her. The mare put a hoof on the front of her prison, and gave a shake. It made a loud rattling noise but didn't do anything. She looked around the room seeing an assortment of animals. Cats, Dogs, Monkeys, and many other things she was actually familiar with in this place.

One of those creatures came by, and Dannie noticed she was; 'naked'. Her scarf and hat were gone, her glasses also on a table in the middle of the room. The mare studied this creature since they were inspecting her stuff, picking them up, sniffing them, feeling them. She noticed they stood on two legs, and never galloped or trotted. They had flat muzzles and weird hooves. They looked like claws.

Dannie began to come up with a name for them. Uprights. They were light upright tents, or upright statues. And it made sense, since these creatures stood upright also. The upright walked around towards her prison, and opened it. They slid in a bowl that had some mush in it. Dannie sniffed the bowl's  contents and gagged. It smelled stale and dry, like some food left out in the sun for too long, and began to mold.

The mare wanted a blueberry Bagel! Extra cream cheese! Not some mushy pile of mess. She put a hoof on it's rim and pushed it out, it squeezed through the bars and landed on the floor, with a satisfying SPLAT! Dannie raised her chin in pride at the mess she created, and also showed she demanded not this mess. The upright growled and came to clean up the mess. They walked out with their cleaning tools and came back later.

With MORE mush. This upright was as deaf as a bat! Dannie snorted. "Again?!" she yelled, and saw it was their turn to make the mess. They dropped the bowl altogether and stared in awe at Dannie. "AMAZING!" they shouted, which Dannie couldn't understand, yet.

Dannie gave a disgusted look. "Never seen a pony talk before? Talk about stupid creatures." Dannie said, and flicked her short tail; turning around. The upright ran out of the room, yelling for someone. They came back with another upright. This one held a long stick that had a sharp point. Dannie looked over her shoulder, and backed away. If they brought that near her. . . The upright with the stick made a fast jabbing move, but missed as the mare moved away. The upright stomped their foot and jabbed again with the Sharp-point. Dannie was confused and felt a sharp sensation. She pinned her ears and shook her head.

She fell back again, into unconsciousness.



Ok. . . *Sigh* Alright.

White Shimmer

((I would really like to do humans if somepony needs them,
but first i will start with bringing White Shimmer to this world...)


(I dont know If I would be able to keep up with Apple to be honest... but I will do my best :3)


//and now I feel like a bad RPer :c

humans huh that must mean I'm on earth... but why haven't I changed forms? Flame mutters looking around the farms something is definitely wrong here why am I here and why can't I leave he thinks
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

Some of the farmers take notice of Flame and wonder what a horse is doing out here on these farms. These aren't the animal farms located further inland...
As one man approaches Flame from a distance he notices his differences from horses...


((uh teal your reply to the others? and my self))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


((this seems pretty cool but i dont quite know what oc to use))
ay i'm no longer using this site


besides being a unicorn the man could also see one of his eyes is covered with a eyepatch with a strange rune on it Flame pays no attention to the man yet and keeps trotting
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((you know what i think i'll use a human and one of my oc's))
ami was on her way home from school as she hears a large crash somewhere nearby and heads to investigate she comes across a black pony with a yellow mane with black highlights the pony has both wings and a horn
ay i'm no longer using this site

Teal Turken

The town looks old, at least by the look of the brick buildings and cobblestone roads everywhere. Scant few people fill the sidewalks and occasionally a car will drive by.

People from below watch as Moonlight flies over the small town. She can easily see the clocktower from here with it's four faces indicating it to be 10:40 am.

The farmer approaches Flame and puts a hand on his back. "Now what is this?" he says as he studies Flame.

// I'm busy people! Be patient! I forgot to do everyone else! \\
// I'm not sure Appleflower really needs me to do anything, seems like he's RPing for himself here. :\ \


ami picks up the pony and carrys it home to investigate the creture
ay i'm no longer using this site


// I understand Teal

Flame tenses up muttering something under his breath but not moving know how humans can be sometimes
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

The farmer man walks around Flame, studying him. He stops at his face and studies his horn.
"This a unicorn?...What are ya doing out here little unicorn?" he asks it, though thinking Flame cannot answer.


moonlight decides to land in a alley way to atleast rest ((imma give teal the oppotunity to capture moonlight))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


Flame thinks for a bit knowing that they would probably freak if he spoke but then again Flame figured it was  better then anything I'm stuck here can't leave Earth I am from Equestria
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

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