Fantasy Game Night, An RPG within an RP within a horribly made game (Sign-Up)

Started by Randam Saiko, 2013 Nov 11, 22:35:25

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(I assumed since the bill wasn't paid, they left in their current state...good to know now.)

Not used to the random act of kindness, she blushed lightly glancing at him in bewilderment. "Thanks..." She once again regained her composure and returned to the stand. "I would like this bow please."

"Not you again..." The mare glanced at the bag. "Oh, you brought it this time. Good. We have a deal. That'll be 2500." They made their trades. "Thanks again."

"No problem. Let bygones be bygones." Before trotting off, the older one muttered lowly.

"Steal again, and the Golem will be the last thing to worry about."



"So, when does the turnament start?" Sefi asked and rubbed his head, examining closely his new weapon. Not the best i've ever used, but pretty good. I didn't even steal this one, sweet.

Blue covered her mouth with her hoof and yawned. She took an extra shift last night so that she could be free for the game, and now she feels tired. She rests her head on the table, and before she knows it she fell alseep and snored gently.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Randam Saiko

Real World
Mirage was becoming impatient waiting for the players to prepare for battle. I'm so bored. When are we going to start?
[glow=blue,2,300]We can't do anything until everypony is all geared up and ready.[/glow] Light replied.


"The more I think the tournament, the more I think we're going to lose," she sighed.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


In game:
After examining his weapon Sefi hid it in his cloak. He thought to himself that he will wait in front if the arena for the others. He slowly made his way through the town and before long he was there. He leaned against a wall and waited.

Real World:
After some time of Blues sleep she began to snore gently. She looked peaceful and calm. Only question left to answer is, how does she play her character if she's asleep?
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


((Listen, I know I haven't been playing here, I just kinda got bored of it. I don't really know why. So here's what I'm gonna do. Grizzly, out of all of us here, you know Rainstorm best, so you can control him and his character for this RP. If that's okay with Randam Saiko.))
I'm back


//and how about this: Rain has to go home and leaves his character for Blue to control (or anypony else) could that be?
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Randam Saiko

(The RP pretty much died already. Rennatan and Joylight have also left so there's not really anything to do here.)

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


( I'M SORRRRRRY  D: I forgot and got busy and lost track of what was going on and so I just had a flop and then didn't know what to post so I kept putting it off because I'm lazy :c )
Beware the writer. She will feed off everything you say and store it into her memory, so don't be surprised if a few years from now you open up a book and see something you said years ago there. I'm always watching ovO


//awww, im a bit lazy myself. So, how about we end it properly at least? Just send all the characters home or something. I really hate when RPs just stop.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Randam Saiko

Real World:
While waiting for every player to make their selected moves, Light flipped through the game's script and noticed that it ended right where they were. "I couldn't think of what to write next hehe..."
With an incomplete script and no further available action, the game was forced to end where it was. Mirage and Saiko packed up the game pieces, cards, and board. After exchanging goodbyes, everypony left the pottery store and returned home.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

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