Life in Ponyville Part III

Started by Coffee Rush, 2013 Apr 08, 21:24:10

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"I don't see why not." Farsight says, scooting over a little so that Snowy could sit next to him. He looks back down at his ticket, studying it for a second.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


"Than you." She sits down besides him and yawns. "All that figh- I mean..talking to..friends can sure make you sleepy...and hungry.." She says looking down at her stomach.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


((Sorry for MY delay, had to feed the dogs c: ))

Jenna held in a giggle as he was humming to himself, bobbing her head to the tune. As he set the pancakes down, she sat in the chair he brought up and started eating. "Thank for giving me a place to stay." she told him. Although, at this point it almost wasn't a temporary home.


Farsight noticed that Snowy had caught herself, about to say the word fighting. He sighs inwardly, "Well, the train won't be here for a while... I think they had a restaurant or something inside the station. If you want, I can get you something from there." Farsight suggests, looking over at Snowy.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


"Sure..." She says nodding a little wondering if she should tell him or not.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


As she sat he pushed the chair to help her to sit down then he went to the other chair and then he sat on it "You don't need to apologize" he said with a smile "I love to have you here" he said and then he stared to eat a pancake.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Farsight nods, sticking his ticket into a flank pocket as he stands. He holds out a hoof to help Snowy off the bench if she needs it. After he had raised the hoof, his stomach felt like it fell, hoping he wouldn't offend the finicky mare with this act.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


Jenna laughed. "Who said I was apologizing? It's great that I'm able to stay here." she replied. At least if she had a place to stay, her grandparents would be happy with it. They wanted her to find a life outside of the village. And she did. A pretty crazy life, but it was different. Her eyes glanced at the door, noticing cloud wasn't back. But she and Zeek probably made it home before any of that mess outside had occured.


Snowy held on to his hoof slowly pulling herself off the bench.  "Thank you." She says with a sigh.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


Farsight was glad Snowy hadn't snapped at him for that and says, "You're welcome." He notices the sigh, but brushes over it, walking back to the main part of the station. He holds the door open for Snowy.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


Silver chuckled "And it's great to have you here" he said. He sure was happy to have Jenna with him, he was doing what he did do when he was alive the first time and that made him happy. Silver couldn't help if not noticing that Cloud wasn't home yet but she was with Zeekar so she would be fine....right?
As time passed both have eaten their breakfast and he was waiting for her to finish as he drank a coffee.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


She walks through. "So, how has your trip here been?" She asked. "Did you find any friend of ours?"
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


"I spoke to Flame a little... And met a crazy griffon." Farsight says with a chuckle, remembering the bouncy, bubbly Booming, "Other than that, I was checking on my house, seeing how repairs were. It also looks like yours and Moonlight's are a bit... Worse for wear." He tells Snowy, walking over to the little restaurant near the entrance. It was more of a tiny shop, but it sold sandwiches and the like. He looks over at Snowy, his eyes asking her what she wanted.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


"Oh. Griffins, aren't they all crazy. Oh, and just a normal sandwich." she says looking around.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


Farsight nods and turns back to the shop owner asking for a daffodil sandwich. He pays the bits and takes it, handing it to Snowy, "But not all of them are super happy and hyper all the time... I was amazed I didn't lose an eye after bumping into her and making her smash some of her cupcakes... Into her fur..." He says, chuckling a little, "Do you want to sit outside? Or in here?"
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


Jenna stretched her arms before putting her plate in the sink, scrubbing it down and then drying it. She was enjoying living here, and wondered if cloud was too. But why should she wonder? Cloud always rushed down for the pancakes first and woke everyone up. That is, she woke zeek up. Jenna laughed to herself. Looking out the window, she saw that the smoke from earlier was gone and that ponies were repairing the streets.


Silver smiled hearing her laugh, after all he loved her laugh and he would make anything to just hear that. After cleaning the kitchen and putting everything where it should belong he grabbed a picnic basket and put inside of it a tablecloth, plates and cups, some food, cider and a thermos with tea inside of it in case she prefered that instead of the cider. He the walked up to Jenna levitating the basket using his magic "Shall we get going?" he asked to her.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


he finish repair house, and go to hospital. he need some medicines
All that glitters is not gold.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Appearances are deceptive.


"Outside." Snowy says grabbing her sandwich and starting to walk outside. Now was the time she could let go of her anger. "Well i'm glad that at least you had a nice trip. After I walk around, who's the first pony I walk into? The pony that put us in Los Pegasus in the first place." She says. She sounds completely calm even though she was getting rid of her anger.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


Farsight mumbles something about that pony, remembering his last trip to Ponyville, "And how did that go?" He asks, opening the door for Snowy.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

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