Equestria 2500: Dawn of Chaos (RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Oct 07, 23:42:18

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The Wandering Magus

Mr. Talon nodded, then thought for a moment at the Sheriff's requests.  "And thank you for your services, sir.  A message for the Sisters?  I think I can get you an audience... yes, it seems that They are currently speaking with... uh..."

The griffon blinked at the data on his heads-up display, then cleared his throat.  "Ahem, sorry about that, They are currently speaking with a few... long-lost citizens, and should be available for audiences within the next few hours.  Port, that might be a bit more difficult to get, but I think I can schedule a slot for you at Spaceport Celestia, just a few hundred thousand kilometers away.  They've got some Sovereign-class electromagnetic service docks over there, usually for military use, but I think we can manage to get you a few spaces.  Recruitment?  Hmm... the Starlight Castle orbital city over by Equestria has quite a few rookies looking to join up with law enforcement.  I'm afraid Starfleet's been expanding though, with all the Clockwork attacks, but your best bet would probably be over there.  Most places around here are just full of off-duty space marines and such.  You might get lucky, you might not.  I'm not surprised to hear that Free Systems recruiting material's getting scarcer."


All the diplomats gasped in shock as the Emperor described the invasion and ruthless destruction caused by this mysterious enemy, but the Sun Alicorn only firmed Her lips in determination.

"We shall show them the fury of Gods if they dare cross Our borders."  Her expression softened, and the Sisters looked compassionately and lovingly upon Their Little Ponies all about the ship.  "Most certainly, Lord X.  Homeworld will always welcome back all who come in peace and Harmony.  That is the Honest Truth, and it is only Kind and Generous to extend Our Friendship to all of you in the hopes of preserving a world of joy and Laughter, that we may strengthen bonds of Loyalty between each other."

The Alicorn of the Moon nodded.  "Sol System has multiple Lagrange points with maintenance Spaceports large enough to accommodate System Preservation Ships and motherships.  You are more than welcome to use them at your leisure."


The convoy ships give affirmative responses and begin to move into position for docking with the massive structure.  There's chatter on the Holonet, if anyone pays attention to the news, of enormous Black Rose Empire motherships returning from out of the past, and the Royal Family holding an emergency meeting of some sort with the leaders.

On a completely different note, there's also chatter among the engineers of a dreadnought ruining a too-small-to-fit dock a couple spaceports over, and that they were going to be coming over here because this station had bay and docks actually big enough to accommodate such ships.


Commander Shepard nodded to acknowledge Ms. Light's question.  "While there is some spacetime warping drag, inertial dampeners are crucial for acceleration, deceleration and banking safely at modern speeds.  I'm sure you all recall from your physics briefings that objects that are in motion tend to stay in motion.  This is true for everything there is in the whole wide universe without inertial dampeners.  This means that if you had a coconut on a starship going from zero kilometers per second straight to hyperspeed, that coconut would instantly enact nuclear fusion with itself and then proceed to crush itself into subatomic particles, and crush those subatomic particles into pure energy in a massive explosion brighter than Celestia's Blessed Sun."

The griffon picked up a piece of chalk with a claw and wrote out the exact equation on the board, ending with E=mc^2 in bold and underlined letters.

"As you'd all imagine, that would NOT be good for space travel.  Fortunately, we invented inertial dampeners so that we can violate that so-called law by warping space-time a little bit.  This lets us go from zero to several million kilometers per second in a nanosecond WITHOUT getting squashed into quantum foam."


Calamity's com stayed silent for the most part, although the holographic displays up around the bar were starting to feature news of massive motherships coming in from hyperspace that matched the descriptions of the long-lost Black Rose Empire.  There were also distress signals from someplace called the Nexus Empire, rumors of a strike by Clockwork forces.


Pain.  Searing, searing pain.  Her subjects were in disarray now, half fleeing for their lives in madness, some choosing to end it all by their own hooves, some simply sitting down and doing nothing, utterly defeated and resigned to their fate.

The air itself was choking, almost caustic now.  The oceans were dead.  Forests were ash.  The sky was turning black and orange...
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Teal Turken

[Initial entry post]
On the planet of Phuana in the heart of the Harmonia system, Gaia 1, Herdfather Teal, leader, colonist, environmentalist, and founder of Harmonia, attends a meeting of his highest Elders to assess recent events in and outside the system.
Seated at a large round table in a brightly colored chamber hidden secret underground from the outside by flourishing fields of flowers, the elders and Herdfather gather.
At his seat Teal prepares to begin.
I want to begin with current affairs in the system, and then we will move on to matters that may come later as consequences. he says. He looks to the lead elder for environmental control.
Elder Blossom Branch, Teal addresses the mare elder. Recently you told me that unknown debris had crashed on planet Fiore and it's fuel had polluted the forest?
"Yes, and we did just uncover the origins of the debris. It's inner hull bore the symbol of Homeworld. What the debris was part of is unknown. It's already been removed and is being destroyed." What about the forest? "The forest is being cleaned up and restored." Okay... Teal nods with a worried look on his face.
Debris...from Homeworld? And it's unidentified? What was it? A long lost satellite from long ago? Or a fighter destroyed and left to linger in space?
Elder. Teal addresses the mare once again. Cancel the destruction of the the debris, I want it to be investigated thoroughly. "Yes Herdfather." Branch replies and quickly takes out a neuro-transmitter, gently pressing on the flower bud "button" to transmit her message.
The meeting continues for a bit on more trivial tasks inside the Gaia system before more pressing concerns were brought up.
Elder Light? I want to hear about news from the other empires and factions.

// So not sure if that's the kind of technology Magus was aiming...speaking of which Magus would you care to play Elder Light and bring me a bit up to speed on current events, heard from spies or something of the like on the view of Harmonia? \\

Bane Emural

"Thank you for your hospitality. Now then, with the transfer complete, we will be on our way." He trots into the Shining Star with his crew waiting inside. The ship's port door closes. Buckeye goes to the bridge and prepares his crew for takeoff. "Now that we have gotten ourselves stuck, we are going get out of using full speed of our engines. So hold on tight." The two other frigate ships already left the docking bays and joined Dreadnought. Shining Star goes into full speed and was able to get out of the docking bay with minimum damage to the hull on the back end. The ship joins in with the rest of the fleet.

Buckeye contacts his fleet. "We have been given the all go for recruitment. Head out to the Starlight Castle, we will find the recruits there. And Dreadnought, you will have to wait 'til we get back to Space Station Ether for resupply." He closes the coms and the Shining Star heads towards the Starlight Castle with the fleet following in. "Open com channels with Starlight Castle" The communications officer opens the coms. "This is Sheriff of the Shining Star, do we have permission to port?"
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


((Soo magus you really realy realy want to drive moonlight out of her planet i have a little something In stored it involves her sister from cosmology stardust.))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

Bravo 658

Yellow chuckled and nodded.  "Yes, sir, that would be most unfortunate.  Thank you for clarifying, I understand it now," she finished, sitting down.  She contemplated the possibility of turning the dampeners off for specific maneuvers... and wondered what the effect of turning them back on while in motion would be.  Yellow decided that sounded a might dangerous to test.

The Wandering Magus

((actually, Moonlight, it seems YOU "really really really" want to just die, from the way you've been acting.  going out and taking on the enemy's armies all on your own without protection, getting your horn knocked off, ignoring the environmental devastation, being myopically focused on one single area rather than the rest of the planet, refusing to call for aid from other planets in the system, refusing to call in reinforcements from your multiple motherships in orbit, refusing to call for aid from your own soldiers, refusing to call for aid from the other factions...

the list goes on.

and by the way, no player is allowed to enter in "unregistered" main characters without my explicit permission, so scratch that idea with bringing in your sister.

If I were you, I'd retreat to the castle, get into an escape vehicle, call for reinforcements and start engaging the enemy from the safety of a mothership rather than facing and getting beaten by their elite troopers.  You've got massive weapons that can fire at rates and cover areas far greater than you can alone with a single horn and four hooves and two wings.  USE the resources given to you rather than trying to one-pony-army an invasion.

Got it?))

The ancient stag stood and bowed deeply to Teal.

"Yes, Herdfather."

He gently stroked his hoof over an object shaped like a bud, which blossomed to reveal many tendrils, the means of controlling a section of the wall shaped like a butterfly's wing.  Millions of scales twitched in response to his gestures, changing to display a three-dimensional map of the known factions and their star systems.

"Homeworld has been keeping the peace and increasing environmental protection policies, as promised in their last treaty with us.  New facilities, although still artificial, increasingly utilize solar energy rather than combustible fuel for movement, and they've been shutting down the ancient mining shafts in favor of minerals obtained from asteroids instead.  Bitopia remains just as arrogant as before; I believe the exact words used were 'whatever money can buy'.  Free Systems try to adapt the teachings of our missionaries as they can, but it seems many of their citizens are unwilling to sacrifice convenience for harmony with nature."

His face grew grim.

"Although Nexus has long been one of the more... traditional and isolationist factions, they had been mostly careful with their environment.  That, unfortunately, has changed rather drastically.  Reports say that the Clockwork Empire is bombarding Proximus Centauri and utterly ravaging all life on the planet, as is their habit, the filth.  Our scouts did not engage, as they were vastly outnumbered and did not wish to reveal their presence, but it seems that if we do not intervene, another ecosystem may be irrevocably lost."

Tears were in everyone's eyes as they thought of the destruction of all the forests and oceans of that world.  Elder Light bowed to Teal, shaking in rage and grief over such wanton destruction.

"Herdfather... what must we do?"


The orbital city responded immediately and genially.

"Shining Star, this is Starlight Castle.  We've received the all-clear from Law Enforcement.  Permission to port granted.  Welcome to the city."

This time the ports were more than large enough for every vessel in the fleet, especially since the place was often frequented by motherships and Bitopian cargo trains.  Trillions of twinkling lights stretched out along the many spokes connected to the central hub made the place look like a lopsided Hearth's Warming Eve tree.

Within, ponies, griffons, zebras, deer and other travelers of all kinds went to and fro, many in jumpsuits as they prepared for departure.  The ones that actually lived around here, of course, usually just wore a simple bracelet or a bow in their mane; Homeworld citizens didn't normally wear clothes in the first place.

As promised, there looked to be plenty of potential recruitment material wandering about or sitting lazily in pubs and squares here and there watching the sports holograms or chatting with friends.  One place that caught the Sheriff's eye was a local flight school, currently in session.  Perhaps if he came back here in about a month or so he might have fresh-from-Academy pilots to bring aboard.


"Glad to explain it.  Any other questions?"

Some others raised their hooves and claws, and the Commander spoke at length about a wide variety of subjects ranging from the importance of balancing mass and maintaining a clean environment to methods for bootstrapping a broken engine in an emergency.  By the time he had finished, it was time for a break, and he nodded to the rookies.

"All right then, dismissed.  Be sure to have all the parts of a general-issue transporter memorized for the next briefing, and I'll see you back here in half an hour for Introductory Flying.  Try not to get into trouble out there."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Teal Turken

Teal stares at the screen the entire time Elder Light is speaking, his eyes fixated on the locations of which he is reporting about.
At the end of his report he takes his eyes off the monitor and looks around towards his elders, noting the pain clearly visible on their faces.
Teal takes a sigh and shuts his eyes, hanging his head a bit. So very difficult to ask one simple thing of others...
He raises his head back up and takes a breath.
I want to send a small war fleet to Proximus Centauri, but I don't wish to further the conflict. Give Clockwork a warning. he says, beginning to jot down his orders for the fleet on pad with similar functions and design to the screen. They are to leave the planet be and leave the system or be forcibly evicted from it. Give them 16 hours to retrieve any troops they have on the planet if they comply.
Teal then places the pad on the table, closing the "wings" on the screen and passing the folded pad toward Elder Light.
And bring along two eco-recovery ships, for the planet.
With that decision made he moves on to discussing Homeworld again.
It's good to hear that Homeworld is honoring the treaty, but I want to know what that debris of theirs is. That kind of carelessness is why an entire forest is in need of desperate repair. he says sternly. A few of the Elders look startled and frightened by his bit of rage.
He takes a small gasp and puts a hoof to his mouth. S-sorry...everyone, just...the news about Proximus got to my head... In truth he's on edge about a possible war being started with Clockwork. War brings mass destruction, death and many other horrors. It's nothing he wants to take part of or even witness. Teal takes a sigh.

Bravo 658

2013 Oct 15, 16:05:04 #47 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 15, 17:56:27 by Bravo 539
Yellow Light stood up and left the briefing room with the only intention of finding a quiet spot to review her notes.  She didn't like to think of herself as a nerd; she just liked to know what she was doing in every way possible.
In hindsight, she thought, that's the very DEFINITION of a nerd, isn't it...  Yellow shook the pointless thought out of her head and spent the next half hour reviewing and memorizing as many transporter parts--and their functions--as she could.
Following the break, Yellow rose from her quiet spot and began making her way back toward the briefing room.

Bane Emural

The Shining Star and Dreadnought were able to port into the docking bays this time with no trouble. The other two ships waited outside. Buckeye left the bridge and heads down into the port doors. The doors opens up and Buckeye leaves the ship and onto the platform. He meets up with Captain Autumn Wing and his recruitment officers. The Captain and his officers stands at attention and salutes Buckeye when he approached. "At ease." He faces Autumn Wing. "I see you have dressed yourself nicely, Autumn. Getting ready for the new recruits?" "Aye, Buck. It's about time we get some new recruits, otherwise me old fighters won't have any pony to impress but themselves. Plus I have been itchin to get some after that last battle." Buckeye grins. "That's good to hear. You know what to do, set up a recruitment stand and recruit as much as you can. Oh and save a little for reserves, I saw a flight school when I came in. Might be good when we go recruiting again in a month, eh?" Autumn grins as well. "Aye sir. I couldn't agree more. You heard him! Get those greenhorns recruited." Autumn and the rest of the officers left for recruitment.

Buckeye exits out of docking bay and enters into the city. He looks around the place until he comes up to the Academy he saw. He looks at it. "That's a fine school for flying. A lot of students learning to fly in there. I wonder if I can get a tour of this place while my guys are out recruiting?"
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Lord X bowed once more.

"I must thank you again. The years have been cruel, but things do seem to be looking on the brighter side, for a change."

He then turned as a incoming transmission was being patched through on the large overhead display. Noticing that it was his main director and chief engineer calling in for his usual report on progress, and other things. The engineer saw the two Royal Sisters, and bowed.

[glow=red,2,300]"My apologies, I was unaware that a important meeting was happening at this time, but we have some incredibly important things to discuss. First, you know the animals we retrieved from our planet, as well as other nearby ones? Well, it turns out that we have finally learned something about the one with the most interest. As we have guessed, those 'Landwalkers', as we have dubbed them, do have an unusual waste product. We have obviously learned that they eat anything, but what was most shocking is that after digestion, a material, one we use in many of our weapons, anti-matter is built up in a internal organ, which they have learned how to expel it as a defense mechanism. We have tamed all of these wonderful creatures, and with some vigorous testing, have learned they are far more than capable of taking down ships, for they easily melt right through our hull, which is saying something, for we have one of the most durable ship hulls."[/glow]

He took a deep breath, letting that sink in. Lord X nodded at what he heard.

"I see, but I would only use those creatures with their permission, as I know we still have that brain wave translator in there. And the rest of your report?"

The engineer nodded.

[glow=red,2,300]"And the other.......you know that damaged atmospheric analyzer we have? Well, I've managed to repair it, and it started going crazy. Turns out that I some how amplified its range, and is detecting multiple minor atmospheric changes, but is detecting a huge change quite far away from here, but I have no idea where its coming from exactly. I'll patch the star map to you know."[/glow]

He began to hit a few keys in front of him, and soon a unknown to him star map appeared.

[glow=red,2,300]"What do you make of this, sir?"[/glow]

X just looked at it with confusion, which was hidden away under the suit he was wearing. He had no idea of where this was, but knew only a few things could happen to cause catastrophic atmospheric problems, and none of them were good. He turned toward Celestia and Luna.

"Can you tell us where this is? I need to personally check it out."

Thoughts of his planets came back up, but he quickly push them away, fearing he might loose his temper.

"I really don't want what I think is going down there happening. I know it isn't the same as before, for if it was, there would be no planet there anymore. So........"


((Il take suggestion also can I make an app for stardust soo she can come to the rp? Il post later gunna think of a plan also mark 7 is still on moonlights trail soo it will take a little while before she can return to her castle.))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

The Clockwork King

Clockwork watched as the Earthmovers began registering signs of the elusive compound he sought after, the self-dubbed Chronite being brought to the surface in careful measures, so as not to cause any impurities. All in all, this 'invasion' had somewhat been a waste of his time. There was no fight here, no orbital defences to outmaneuver, no ships to outgun, even the ground forces were pitiful at best. Yet something told him to stay, to terraform this world into a new age, where all were equal and technology would advance through trial and error, as it should. He had the best weapons in the galaxy because of that fact, his soldiers needed never eat nor sleep, and were practically immortal. It infuriated him to see his enemies call him a tyrant, could they not see he was attempting to improve on the Pony design? He would stay longer, Clockwork decided, and show these fools what they had been missing...
The Mark 7 said nothing, at least, not in a conventional way. Its nulling aura was slowly drawing out Moonlight's magic, effectively turning the Empress into a null like itself. The Mark 7 encountered new phrases and words as it sifted through the magical field of the Empress, discipline, domination, oppression and more like it. It heard the Empress speak, but it did not care. It's hoof was a silver blur as it disabled her wings with a CRACK, gripping the enemy's neck tight as it lowered itself to the ground.
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!


2013 Oct 15, 22:07:11 #52 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 16, 00:21:32 by moonlight7starshine
Moonlight finally had enough of this. The null ness didn't stopped her from grabbing mark 7 back and tearing off part of its silver plating.

Lightning dust saw moonlight being choked she tackled mark 7 off her and damaged mark 7 a lot. moonlight lets go back

lighting dust you go on ahead I can't fly or use magic. Il be fine I think.....hopefully . Lightning dust hesitated but then nodded and went back to the palace leaving moonlight to face mark 7 on her own. Moonlight approached the now damaged robot she raised her two front hooves and stomped on mark 7 she did this six times before becoming too tired todo soo.

((And no moonlight will not get killed....moonlight will probably be gone for a few gm post's))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


2013 Oct 16, 01:42:31 #53 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 16, 07:27:02 by Somebeing
Clamity watched as the three dimensional hologram portrayed it's news for the day. The stock prices of magic were high, Speed Dasher won the 2321 Grand Universal Prix, and more that she practically ignored about. The daily information beaming to multiple displays were typical, repetitive. Things were injured in a craft crash, a galactic cruiser liner ramming a large asteroid broadside, it was just usual for the average day.

If it were not for Odin commenting on every, single thing, Calamity would dismiss the news immediately. Even so, his comments were just a blur to her ears.

"Did you know that..." Soon turned into: "Blahy Blah Blah." as she tuned him out. Even the bartender flicked his ears away from the rowdy stallion.

Calamity returned to her drink of apple cider, the wooden mug completely empty of any liquids.

"Excuse me, but I think that-" She bobbed her head up hoping that her eyes would meet the friendly stallion behind the counter, but all she could see was...metal.

The camera expanded its view as the rest of the customers joined in on the live stream. It wasn't a piece of metal at all, it was a ship. Most sighed, it was just a normal star fleet cruiser...until a massive craft appeared above.

The footage cut back to the anchorponies, as most ponies around the bar began to discuss among themselves. The sight of such thing was terrifying. They could be out for world domination, or the eradication of a species. Some few just called it off as nothing serious, but most turned their heads towards the one pony who could do anything.

"They're staring at you...they're trusting you yet again." Odin commented at the situation unfolding.

"Goody goody. Not my business." After hearing this, some sighed in disbelief. The best hunter around town wasn't going to, at least check on the ship.

"Well, the Black Rose can kill us all then." Odin stated to Calamity, but the only reply he got was silence, unusual for the mare.

All she could hear was the words Black Rose stinging off every part of her brain, followed by a roaring gush of questions. Odin's calls for a respond was nothing but blurs by now. The Rose was something new, familiar, and frightening...

...no, couldn't be. She saw it happened, they all perished with honor. She saw her planet exploded, it was impossible. She diminished the fact as quickly as she could, as reality began to swirl back into place.

"Don't wanna die on me now." Odin joked.

Her respond came with a slight pause. "Someday, sometime, we all gotta die."

"Expect me to perish in my grand luxurious gold space castle. Fit with a gold swimming pool and-" He stopped for a moment, going to a different subject. "...Nexus, War? Got it."

"Great. Space Com said what now?"

"Nexus is at war with something. Long range sensors picked up strange signatures, near Nexus. Match a second-tier heavy engagement."


"Yep, lets go and get our hooves dirty." And with that, the duo left their place of solitude, leaving a few bits behind for the drinks and hospitality. Calamity reached for her earpiece, activating it.

"Star fleet. Calamity here. Picked up something, and it's bad. Hopefully you know the place Nexus, been there a while back and all. They're under heavy fire now, as we speak probably." She sighed. "Odin sh-"

"Yo," his voice chimed into the transmission.

"-shall provide defence of the free systems. I'm heading there personally. Not recommend to bring any of our ships there, the last thing we need is another war." She sighed yet again, already there was enough violence. "The 'Black Rose' can be an alternative. Do so if you please to, any backup shall be appreciated." She paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say. "Attackers are unknown, but hostile. Be careful. Godspeed."

With that, she stopped the communication as she headed for her ship.

The Clockwork King

The mining operation was going smoothly, aside from the odd hiccup where these insufferable organics had broken their lines. Clockwork cared little, the Earthmovers were impervious to much small arms fire, such was their scorpion-like bulk, and would crush those unlucky enough into the dirt as they slowly scuttled into their mining tunnels. He had noticed that Unit 390 had not responded in some time, but that was to be seen as normal, especially when under Unit 460's command. Truth be told, 390's irrational behaviour had struck something within Clockwork, perhaps it's growing personality had been the result of the damage caused by that Asterian so long ago. Clockwork internally shuddered at the thought of important soul dampeners being damaged, he did not wish to have to deal with what he did countless centuries ago again. A stream of binary caught his thoughts, ships were incoming with unknown intentions following the passing of his remote satellites. He considered activating an explosion, just to put the forces on edge, but thought better of it. He had been needing an alliance of sorts, some way to subtly introduce his methods of enforcement and enhancement. He would wait until the ships had entered sensor range before calling halt to the mining operation. Did not want to look too incriminating.
The silver that had been struck from the Mark 7's form re-attached itself to it's crumpled mass, the silver body, akin to a pony with neither mane, tail, mouth nor working eyes, beginning to repair itself at an astounding rate.. It now knew pain, of rejuvenation, of battle.
A silver hoof whipped out, smashing into the front ankle of the Empress and knocking her sideways before a powerful buck echoed a crack from the enemy's chest area. Scans indicated a bone had been broken beyond known repair. Raising it's hooves high above the Empress' head, the Mark 7 prepared to repeat the action it was dealt moments before.
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!


(Honestly stardust is suppose to jump in at this moment )

Moonlight dodged mark 7's attack she stood up but wobbly. y-yo- you've d-done this t-time moonlights broken horn started to glow with not the magic she usually use but with pure dark magic ((think of the spell that twilight use to open that stair case in the crystal empire)) her horn slowly grew back to its former state before it broken off she aimed at mark 7 a beam of dark magic hitted mark 7 it slowly started melt mark 7.

((Also moonlights chest will fix it self unless you actually dislocated something ))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

The Wandering Magus

The deer bows deeply as he received the pad and allowed it to crawl onto his back.

"It shall be done, Herdfather."

The rest of the Elders bow as well, and buds here and there around the mushroom-like table blossom into green tendrils as the assortment of respected leaders begin giving orders to their acolytes.

An assortment of Elder Guardians riding on or within dragon-like creature-starship organic transports began to descend upon the crash site as neural antennas sent signals to the Skytree.  Thousands of "branches" shifted and moved into a circular shape, glowed slightly, and suddenly pulsed as space-time warped around the makeshift holonet beacon and the warning began transmitting en route to Apha Centauri.


Yellow Light was just making for the briefing room when she saw Buckeye looking at the Academy with interest.  He looked like he was interesting in recruiting; perhaps later when she had the necessary skills she could offer her service to whatever organization he was with.  Maybe she could talk to him now about that; class didn't resume for a few more minutes.


The Alicorn of the Moon closed Her eyes for a brief moment, the star-fields in Her mane sparkling and shimmering as She felt out the panicked transmissions.

"Nexus Empire is under attack by Clockwork forces," She said gravely as She opened Her eyes again.  "But Homeworld... We are not sure if We can afford an interstellar war.  Our forces are being stretched trying to defend Our citizens against Pirate and Raider attacks already."

"Yet We cannot simply leave an entire star system to genocide and assimilation," stated the Alicorn of the Sun grimly.  She turned to Lord X, bowing.  "We... We know that you have only just returned to Us from out of war and attack, but... We humbly request your assistance in this, Lord X.  Will the Remnants of the Black Rose Empire help Homeworld and the Systems in belaying this unprovoked attack, even if Nexus is not one of Our own systems?"


Bar patrons and even scarred space marine veterans stepped back as the bounty hunter made for her ship, some nervously looking on, others nodding their respect for the fire in her eyes.  Homeworld and Free Systems weren't exactly the best of friends with Nexus, what with the place being a monarchy-dictatorship and almost Amish technologically, but they were never truly "enemies", as it were, and an attack by Clockwork forces could draw sympathy from most ponies, provided you didn't completely deserve it yourself.  It was a brave thing to do, going into battle just to protect another pony's hide.  Brave and stupid, if you didn't know what you were doing, but clearly Calamity's reputation preceded her around here.

No questions were asked as the ship left orbit and approached the hyperbeacon, and even the Guard ships made way for her as she prepared to jump to Alpha Centauri.




Space-time warped near the Nexus hyperbeacon, indicating the approach of ships from hyperspace...
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

The Clockwork King

(@Moonlight: Sigh. Prepare for another rant.)
The bridge of the Phantom Hourglass came alight at the transmission, Clockwork bellowing orders to navigator servitors left and right "Navigators! 90 degrees starboard, full turning speed! I want those ships in visual range as soon as they enter this expanse! Prime all guns for defensive action, to fire on my mark! Hold the Thunderfire Cannon and rerout power to  teleportation systems, to be ready to jump on my second mark!" switching from ship communications to ground troops, Clockwork began to convey orders once more "All ground forces, you are to retain a defensive position unless explicitly directed otherwise, engage organics only if they begin to attack the Earthmovers! Marks 390 and 460, continue your operations and maintain visual contact with Unit 703, I do not want five decades of refining to be lost on this backwater planet! Clockwork out!" he closed the communication link and turned to view the empty space before him, not long now until negotiations would need to begin. Force was a last resort, ponies and their allies would see he had no intention of beginning this conflict, neither did he have any intention of continuing it in this way. They would see reason to his methods, and he would be able to return to Ares 1 without need for repairs this time...
Visual contact with 703 was easier said than done for Unit 390, the searing heat from the Empress' broken horn was steaming the air, making sight without scans impossible. The operation was near half way through, with the Chronite extraction showing no signs of being run aground. Deep within it's soul battery, Unit 390 felt sorry for the inhabitants of this world. If they had not intervened, the concept of war in this system would not be known. This line of thought was broken when visual contact was reestablished with 703 in a movement so sudden...
Silver skin melting under the blue flame, yet under no impression to cease it's assault, the Mark 7 swiped a hoof at the enemy's neck, allowing her to dodge the feint before it's true attack struck. With molten metal dripping from it's right hoof, the Mark 7 struck the Empress square in the eye, the metal it left behind bonding painfully to the skin as the Mark 7 recoiled to regenerate it's lost form. Damage to Unit: minimum. Damage to enemy: moderate with permanent scarring over the eye...
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!

Bravo 658

Yellow took note of the uniformed pony staring at the academy in thought.  "I've still got... what, a year or two before I get a license?  What am I thinking, I can't ask to be hired right now...  Still, this guy looks like he might know a tip or two for me to use in class.  Doesn't look like he's got anything better to do...," Yellow mumbled.

Buckeye saw a young yellow pegasus mare with a crimson mane and tail trot over to him.  Judging from the book bag she was carrying, she was probably one of the students.  After a moment's pause in front of him, uncertain what to do, the mare decided to open with an introduction.  "Hi, I'm Yellow Light!" she said with a smile and extended hoof.


Moonlight gasp and threw mark 7 off her then vanished (now she teleported away like I said she might be gone for a few gm post I'm not gonna say were she hid herself in )

Stardust was trotting Ina big circle in moonlights throne room. She has her armor on in case anything decides to attack the castle and the city below we're not damaged at all this is because stardust and a few elite unicorns putted up a force field to Proventil it from being utterly destroyed.

moonlight just come back to the castle already she repeated 5 times

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

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