World of Discord (RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Sep 12, 13:00:56

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[glow=black,2,300]Alright, hold completely still, or this might get uncomfortable.[/glow] Laserbolt turned to Moonlight, and stared at her for a few seconds. He didn't move to get a measuring tape, or anything that may help in this endeavour. Then, a black mass swept of off him, enveloping Moonlight for 5 whole seconds, then swirled back to him. He stood stock still, then his eyes lit up, as if he had been unconscious.

[glow=black,2,300]Got it! Thanks, Moonlight.[/glow]

He turned back to the armor, pulled out a hammer, and began pounding out the hot metal.


Koalemos sighed. So the grey mare couldn't be saved unless Discord was beaten, too, and the land reversed to harmony. And that couldn't be done unless the six Elements of Harmony had been found and used. Six creatures bearing the qualities of friendship. It sounds so easy, and yet..
There was a lot to think about right now, and Koalemos had to come up with some way to find the elements as soon as possible. Strong magic residing within the bearers of the elements. "Like that green glow on Miss Hooves' hoof. Hehe, hooves hoof. Wait, what? Could that be it?" The image of the mysterious, bubble-shaped glow of green beneath her right hoof as she galloped away sprang to mind. She HAD to be a bearer, it couldn't be any other way!

"But Guru. I'm certain Miss Hooves is the Element of Loyalty! Are the Elements of Harmony of any use on their own? They must be, right? Right?" He asked the Guru, hoping firmly he'd confirm his hopes.

Asterian Starfall

Starfall once again hesitated to open the door, but then he thought up a clever idea. [glow=yellow,2,300]"Actually, I think I could use both of your help on this one. I'll try and get Greedity to come out of her little hole with this-"[/glow] he pointed to his cloak pocket "-while you two stay and provide a little help. Abigail, do you think you can fool Greedity into seeing this as the priceless gem it is?"

He then turned to Chrysteel, [glow=yellow,2,300]"Perhaps if there are some sort of... feelings emanating from me, it may make my plan work better. Chrysteel, I know that this may be a little... odd to say the least, but..."[/glow] He leaned in and dropped his voice so the others could not hear him. [glow=yellow,2,300]"Do you think that using your powers, you could make me seem desirable to Greedity?"[/glow]

He drew back with a nervous smile. He then said in mock [glow=yellow,2,300]"I doubt Greedity has ever captured a gem of these sorts before."[/glow] He pointed towards his cloak pocket again, but the way the writer said it, he meant himself as the gem.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Shadechaser looked at Starfall, then returned her gaze to the Everfree.

[glow=purple,2,300]I hope this land becomes filled with peace. Those who have waited so long... and those who have never had that feeling... relief from this constant turmoil... Something must be done. We cannot remain here in this world for longer then we have to. I desire to no longer be referred as the exile of [glow=black,2,300]Oblivion[/glow].[/glow] Shade thought.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


golems, for kill one golem need elemental magic, if we see rock golems i can turn this in mud, or use a eartquake in they hearts, and when your eyes lie to you, the best is use other sense, i can ask to plants for help and this can touck and grab our enemys


2013 Dec 05, 15:51:39 #1425 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 05, 15:53:33 by bauccgia0
As Laserbolt hammered the armor, he looked around, chuckling a bit at Asterian. [glow=black,2,300]Alright, pal. I guess I'll help. I stand by my earlier statement, though. And, as an addendum, I'm gonna want to try a special combat technique I'll need your help with when we get there. Anyone else want some armor?[/glow]

The Wandering Magus

"[glow=blue,200]What?  You saw Miss Hooves with the Element of Loyalty upon her hoof?[/glow]" asked Guru Fido, shocked.  "[glow=blue,200]That is... something that had been hoped for for ages...[/glow]"

He passed a paw over his diamond eyes, thinking hard.  "[glow=blue,200]If it is indeed the Element of Loyalty... it would explain her incredible feats of strength and almost supernatural resistance to injury.  She should be able to break the Chains of Treachery, and perhaps even fly at Sonic Rainboom speeds if her wings were fully repaired.  Unfortunately, since she IS Loyalty... I do not think that she would leave her circuit unless her filly was somehow freed, and that would not happen unless the other elements were present.[/glow]"

Fido sighed.  "[glow=blue,200]So yes, it is useful... but only combined with the other elements will it be able to free Dinky, her daughter.[/glow]"


Twilight, Abigail and Dash all raised their hooves for armor, and Apple Pie tilted her head.

"Do Ah need some too?" asked the filly innocently.

Plants rose from the ground in front of Laserbolt, ancient plants that he could actually recognize, though they were nearly unrecognizable to all save those who had often been within Avalon.  They coalesced into the shape of Queb, the stag that was the Guardian of Life.

"Laserbolt... My count...counter... other half, Clockwork, wishes to speak directly with you when he finishes rebooting," rumbled the creature.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

The Clockwork King

Clockwork examined the piece of metal in wonderment from his position at a pony-sized workbench near the smelting furnace, examining the energy readings of what was once part of 003 before it was blasted to pieces by Traitor Dash. The same readings that came from the Sonic Endboom were still being exhibited by the shard, and Clockwork could not help but wonder if this power could be harnessed by more...refined technology. A long copper pole was acquired from nearby, tall enough and sturdy enough to be leant on before the shard was haphazardly fixed to the tip via a shoddy soldering job. Clockwork cursed himself, he HAD gotten rusty in these present years when it came to metalwork, and the item he now held in his hand was testimony to that. Clockwork nearly resorted to breaking the makeshift staff across his knee, but due to the materials used he resorted to snapping...his...fingers...

When Clockwork awoke again, albeit less gently this time, he was stunned. Had harnessing something of the Discorded Elements power bypassed the Valeyard long enough to return something of his power? He recalled the fire ceasing to move, all sound mute and the nearby clock stop. Clockwork was not sure what was luckier, the fact he had discovered a means of time manipulation or the fact he had survived it with less than 20% of his energy remaining. Picking himself up once more, he decided to abate further testing until he was ready again. Making sure to somewhat tidy away after himself, Clockwork opened the door to Sweet Rock Acres. Now where was his group...?
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!


[glow=black,2,300]Fair enough. I'm gonna have to do more measuring, really quick.[/glow] The clouds of smoke rolled off of him, enveloping Twilight, Dash, and Applejack, then returning to him. He tossed a finished set to Moonlight, that had lode stone set in the chest. [glow=black,2,300]You and I need to finish our conversation from earlier, Queb. Any preferences for gems or metals, you three? I've got a few in here.[/glow]


2013 Dec 05, 19:37:16 #1429 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 05, 19:38:50 by Omega_Khaos
Chrysteel says, "[glow=navy,2,300]Can you augment a carapace? That is all the armor I can wear. I have it designed right now to be defense capable but also light in weight. If you can, will you add Mental resistance and reality altering resistance to my carapace?[/glow]" Chrysteel waits for Laserbolt's response. She looks to apple pie and says, "[glow=navy,2,300]If you will join us other element bearers, then yea more then likely you will need armor at some point.[/glow]"


[glow=black,2,300]That...uh... Sorry, Chryssy. That sounds more like surgery, and I didn't study that. Sorry.[/glow] He began to hammer out different armors simultaneously, using the shadows like extra legs. [glow=black,2,300]You know, these Nightmares are probably the most useful tool ever. I don't think I've had any problems since I got them.[/glow]


Shadechaser watched as the others converse over Laserbolts craft, soon she left to the forest, like she mentioned earlier. Her shadow step as subtle as the winds of calm.

[glow=purple,2,300]Those ponies... seem to be gaining some hope... maybe some appreciation for allies. Those who know not of these encounters may never truly know the feeling of help. The feelings that those near have given are becoming more real in my mind. Only Discord's power can rid my mind of these feelings.[/glow]

As she walked toward the inner part of the Everfree, she looked to the sky. "If the sunset could come as normal as white clouds, and sunrise, my mind may be cleansed of these evils. The more I stay in this web, the more I become one with it." [glow=purple,2,300]We don't want that, do we.[/glow] Shade returned to silence as she roamed the forest, with the utmost care, and caution.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Bane Emural

Bane watches the others from a distance. "Armor? Acquiring it would help the group advance through any dangers. Luckily, I already have one; however, I hope I don't need to use it." He looks towards the forest. He stares at it for a moment, then reverts back towards the group.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural

Asterian Starfall

Asterian looked to Chrysteel once again, uncertain if she had perceived his query. [glow=yellow,2,300]"Chrysteel, is there a way you can use your Element to make me appear... Desirable to Greedity?"[/glow]

The unicorn waited the changeling's response, slightly nervous as to what her reaction could be.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Chrysteel shakes her head sadly says, "[glow=navy,2,300]Making one a love interest to another goes against the purpose of love itself.  The love wouldn't be real and even I have morals against it. Sorry Asterian I can't. A.J. would have to use her deception to do that. Greedity, being one of Discord's at the moment, would almost be able to see through it. But we will have to see on it.[/glow]"

The Wandering Magus

2013 Dec 09, 17:42:07 #1435 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 09, 23:21:59 by The Wandering Magus
Abigail sighed.  "Ah can't implant thoughts from a distance, Chrysteel.  Ah might make a sound, or a smell, or somethin', but Ah don't haf'ta tell y'all that we're outta range 'less we get ta Chaos Castle.  How's about gettin' Derpy first or somethin'?  Oh wait... no Honesty yet... uh... aw, Discord play it with a spoon, we're gonna haf'ta do it th' hard way, ain't we?  An' thanks fer th' armor, Laserbolt.  Er... Ah don't know, somethin' that says 'kind' without bringin' 'Cruel ta mind?"

Dash shrugged.  "Something rainbow, I guess.  But fast.  Streamlined.  Don't want anything slowing me down or getting in the way."

Twilight looked at the spell with curious eyes that firmed into full, comprehensive knowledge almost instantly, with two Elements of Magic beating within her chest.  "Opals, sunstones, moonstones, fire rubies, mother-of-pearl, gems that can store, block and redirect massive amounts of magic, incoming or outgoing, and convert any sort of force or energy into extra magic.  Something that can even absorb chaos magic, if you know of anything like that."

It was about at this moment that Clockwork finished rebooting, and found Queb standing and waiting for Laserbolt, who was apparently making armor for the group.  He was close enough that his audio sensors could detect the Nightmare talking about some conversation he had with the god earlier.

Queb tapped His hoof, causing plants to sprout where once there was but barren purple patchwork, but nodded.  He had the patience to endure a thousand years of chaos.  He had the patience to endure a hundred billion years of solitude, then a hundred million years of mindless creatures trying to gain sentience.  A hundred thousand years watching ponies crawl towards something resembling civilization.  He knew patience like He knew the Earth Herself, like He knew the Sun and the Moon and Time.

"I am Nature, I am Life, I am the turning of the Seasons, I am the Plants, I am the Animals, Laserbolt.  But I am also but a steward of all this, a guardian.  A keeper of it, until Gaia was/is/will-be born, until Mother Deer was/is/will-be steward.  I am Gaia, I am Mother Deer, in a way.  Yet not, separate, only an aspect, one face of an infinite Being that is Nature.  I am a pegasus mare who adopted her daughter in a world where a tyrant fell rather than reigned.  I am a Deer Who watched as Her fawns fell to an Imagination Demon.  I am a Stag made of vines and living plants.  Yet I am not that mare, I am not that deer.  I am Queb, and I was, and am, and will be Queb, in Time and Space as you understand it, and that mare in Time and Space as you understand it may very well be a Concept of Mercy, not Nature.  But that is not for Me to choose or say.  It is up to you, your choices, your decisions, your actions, Laserbolt, the choices of the Shadows Who Play, that shall cause this timeline to differ from the others - or not."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


((question about gems was directed towards Applejack, Twi, and Dash, not Queb. Sorry for the confusion.))

Asterian Starfall

Asterian nods to Chrysteel, [glow=yellow,2,300]"Just a thought."[/glow] He tapped the brim of his hat with flair, saying, [glow=yellow,2,300]"Well, let's see how this goes, shall we?"[/glow]
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


[glow=black,2,300]So... no connection to Shub-Niggurath? Blast, I was hoping I'd get a connection through you.[/glow] Laserbolt immediately realized his faux pas, and grimaced a bit. [glow=black,2,300]Um... Sorry about your children. I don't know what I'd do if something like that happened to me. [/glow]

He reached into his saddlebags, and began to look through the stones. [glow=black,2,300]Spectra Stone... [/glow]He muttered to himself, pulling out a flat stone that had the appearance of a rainbow on fire. It glowed spectacularly, lighting up Laserbolt's face.

[glow=black,2,300]And Void Stone... [/glow]This stone appeared dull, and uninteresting. When Twi looked over to see him setting it in her armor, she would be confused, until she looked straight at it. Then she would see what appeared to be a miniature universe inside the stone, swirling and expanding inside the rock. It was a reservoir for magical energy, and would absorb near any spell thrown at it. [glow=black,2,300]Be careful with this.[/glow] He said to Twilight, motioning toward the stone. [glow=black,2,300]It was a gift from Luna. [/glow]

Applejack's request gave him pause for thought. He looked through the bag, trying to find something that he could use to comply with her request. Finally, he pulled out an ancient crest, from the old Diarchy's guard. It was a sun motif, with a moon set inside the curvature of the sun. [glow=black,2,300]Would this do, Applejack? I'm not sure it symbolizes kindness, but it would give ponies hope. And I think hope may be what they need.[/glow] He began setting the stones in Dash and Twi's armor, and waited for a response from Applejack.

The Clockwork King

Clockwork bustled over with elation evident on his features
Gentlemen! What a glorious day, is it not? Especially for one such as I who has managed to retain a portion of my power. I believe now that the retrieval of the other elements will go without much trouble, hm? he embraces the stag's neck with a single arm
Your concern of my wellbeing is much appreciated, dear Queb. It seems the bonds of family can cross even dimensions! removing his arm, Clockwork lowered himself to the ground, to about Laserbolt's height
Laserbolt, I have important information I wish to address to you personally on hushed tones, come closer in case the rocks suddenly grow ears...
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!

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