Pony-ality Test for OCs!

Started by Asterian Starfall, 2013 Aug 26, 18:50:48

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Asterian Starfall

Quote from: SuperNovaNightmare on 2013 Sep 10, 21:05:34
Wow, thanks for the info on my pony OC page, and the results of the Pony-ality Test!

Just wanted to say I was in no way hurt by what you said, for I was hoping for some feed back telling me how I could improve Super Nova, and you brought up some amazing points I would have looked over as fine!

Thanks again for all your help and feed back!

Anything for a friend!  ;)
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall

Asterian Starfall

Attention everypony!

The Pony-ality Test for OCs is back up and running!
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


I'm back

Shadow Mare

Explain how does this work?

Asterian Starfall

Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Sep 15, 21:29:02
Explain how does this work?

Please read the opening post. It contains all the directions you will need to follow to take the test.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Erm... Is this still open, or am I just drifting through old forum posts aimlessly?
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


2014 Feb 02, 21:41:30 #66 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 03, 12:29:08 by DawnsEmbrace
I hope it's still open, I haven't done it yet and I really want to.  X3

Post Merge

Here are my results.

Spoiler: show
1. B
2. D
3. A

1. C
2. B
3. B

1. B
2. A
3. D

1. D
2. D
3. B

1. B
2. A
3. B

I really hope Lunar Composer isn't a jerk I just never knew it.

PS: What do you think of the name Lunar Composer?
I thought it was pretty good, but his talent doesn't have anything to do with music.     :/
Maybe I should find a way to work it somehow...

[Edit]  Heheh, I just realized his Compassion results spell, BAD.
I sincerely hope that's a coincidence.
<br />

Asterian Starfall

2014 Feb 03, 16:14:32 #67 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 03, 16:34:48 by Asterian
Quote from: Luminescence on 2014 Jan 30, 18:02:47
Erm... Is this still open, or am I just drifting through old forum posts aimlessly?

It is still open. Feel free to try it!

Spoiler: Lunar Composer's Results • show
Patience: 23 (Nearly Zen)
Conformity: 12 (Stands out)
Compassion: 27 (Loving)
Charisma: 22 (Socialite)
Intellect: 18 (Average)
Morals: 8P (Light-hearted)

While others may have you beat in intelligence, you are a sweetheart! You always are willing to help others, even if that might mean sacrificing a little at times. You also seem to have a knack for making friends; just about anywhere you go, you can always manage to talk with somepony in a way they find pleasing!
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


That's pretty on point, all except Charisma I think.
Lunar would help (Just about) anyone he thinks needs it, but he'd do it awkwardly.

All in all, I like his results. ^-^
Thanks for the test, Asterian.
<br />

Asterian Starfall

2014 Feb 03, 18:07:28 #69 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 03, 18:13:33 by Asterian
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Feb 03, 17:58:14
That's pretty on point, all except Charisma I think.
Lunar would help (Just about) anyone he thinks needs it, but he'd do it awkwardly.

All in all, I like his results. ^-^
Thanks for the test, Asterian.

Of course, my friend!

Oh, while he may help and do so awkwardly, he might do so in a manner that is appealing. I'd like to point out that your answer for the third question yields a high point value in Charisma by itself, coupled with the answer for question two -- which in case you're wondering, answer A is the highest in Charisma there, but it also darkens your Morals -- yielded your score in charms.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Ah, Delightful! It would be a pity for something with this much work in it just die.

Spoiler: Results • show
Although, If if there was a ask Mr. Cake button, that would be it
Although, If there was something Between C and D that would be it

I hope Balmy isn't just too odd...
Oh, by the way, thanks for making this!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly

Asterian Starfall

Spoiler: Balmy's Results • show
Patience: 23 (Level-headed)
Conformity: 23 (Follower)
Compassion: 24 (Loving)
Charisma: 11 (Unattractive)
Intellect: 20 (Bright)
Morals: 7P (Light-hearted)

While you may not be the cutest one in a social outing, you are definitely a caring one! You are always patient and willing to help others with their problems, no matter what. Even though you typically go with the crowd, you are smart and pure-hearted enough to stay out of trouble!

I had a fun time coming up with it!
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Excellent! This was really close to what I had intended for her. Although, it seems that occurs a lot with this.
Well done! And Well made quiz!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly

Asterian Starfall

Quote from: Luminescence on 2014 Feb 03, 20:14:29
Excellent! This was really close to what I had intended for her. Although, it seems that occurs a lot with this.
Well done! And Well made quiz!

My pleasure creating it!
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


2014 Feb 04, 21:31:57 #74 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 04, 22:08:44 by DawnsEmbrace
I actually forgot to mention, I was forced to answer D on the first Charisma question due to personal reasons in the characters past.
Because of those reasons, he never attends the Summer Sun Celebration.
(Had he not had those reasons, my answer would have been B )
I thought it was worth mentioning.
<br />


2014 Feb 05, 16:25:42 #75 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 05, 16:31:45 by OfficerShields
Here is Shelly Shields, answers are underlined  X3

Spoiler: Patience Questions • show

1: You've fallen in love with somepony and decide want to marry them.
What do you do?

A. Run to the nearest jewelry store, buy the biggest diamond ring you can, then propose.
B. Take the relationship steady and wait a few years.
C. Just go with it. If it's meant to be, it will be.
D. Go out for a while, and if all goes well, then sure I'll marry him/her!

2: Your friend wins 100,000 Bits thanks to your sweepstakes ticket. He says he'll give you half, but he won't say when.
What do you do?

A. Ask politely for the Bits, then wait.
B. His Bits?! They're already mine! I snuck them away last night!
C. Beg him until you get what he promised.
D. Let him take his time. It takes a while to count out 50,000 Bits.

3: Hearts and Hooves Day is nearly here, but you wish it would never come.
What do you do?

A. Hang your head, then try not to act like you care.
B. I care that Hearts and Hooves Day is here, but it's going to last twenty-four hours like every other day, so why be angry about it?
C. Research Time spells and stop time before it comes.
D. Snarl and spit at the new couples that are eating each other's faces.

Spoiler: Conformity Questions • show

1: Your friends want you to go dancing with them, but your boss says you need to work overtime, and you need the money.
What do you do?

A. Quit your job and go out with your friends.
B. Do as you're told. You need this job.
C. Try to persuade your boss to let you go.
D. Finish as quickly as you can, then go.

2: You hear Trixie Lulamoon is battling unicorns in magical duels, but everypony is afraid to fight and tells you not to challenge her.
What do you do?

A. Sit back and observe the others. Let them make the first move.
B. Ignite my horn and prepare.
C. Go to the very back of the crowd and cower.
D. Stand and mock Trixie until she notices me.

3: You hear a rumor being spread that Mr. Cake is cheating on Ms. Cake and are told to keep it a secret.
How many ponies do you tell?

A. I tell only my close friends.
B. Uh, none? It's supposed to be a secret, no?
C. What rumor, now?
D. I plaster the words on a billboard and smile wryly.

Spoiler: Compassion Questions • show

1: A dear friend of yours just lost their house in a fire.
How do you help him?

A. Give him a few Bits, but I really can't help past that.
B. Try to console him best I can. Words repair wounds better than medicine.
C. Invite him to live at my house for as long as he needs to, so long as he doesn't take advantage of my hospitality.
D. Act like I care about his problems, then rob him while he's on the street.

2: The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and they desperately need help to even keep up with the ponies coming in.
How much do you contribute?

A. All of my knowledge, time, and energy to heal the wounded and sick.
B. I already work at the hospital! I'm the one who needs help!
C. Shrug it off and go home.
D. I'm the reason they're there anyway, why should I help?

3: You find a small bag containing thirty Bits. Later that day, you come across a filly who looks starved and lonely.
What do you do?

A. Look disgustedly at her and keep trotting with the cash.
B. Give her the bag and then leave.
C. Treat her to a restaurant feast, even if that means spending some of my own Bits.
D. Take her home, give her a bed, and raise her as my own!

Spoiler: Charisma Questions • show

1: You discover the Summer Sun Celebration is being hosted in your town, only to then find out the royal guard won't allow you to attend due to a previous infraction with the law.
How do you get in?

A. Walk up to the guards, who shun me away with a firm, "Be gone!"
B. Sneak in and remain unseen.
C. Charm the guards, who let me attend. One of the mares/stallions even winked at me!
D. Don't even approach the gates.

2: You are three months behind on your mortgage and are about to be evicted.
How do you handle it?

A. I... "persuade" the manager of the company to let me stay. *Naughty laugh*
B. I... "persuade" the manager to let me stay. *Dark laugh*
C. Plead for him/her to give me more time, which doesn't work.
D. Ask to be given more time, which worked wonderfully!

3: You meet a mare/stallion who seems interested in you, and you feel smitten.
How do you react?

A. Sit casually as if (s)he doesn't affect me.
B. Give them a compliment in a suave/charming tone.
C. Blush/giggle and chat with them.
D. "Smitten?" Is that an emotion?

Spoiler: Intellect Questions • show

1: It's dark outside. You are over a mile from home and are in a shady part of town.
How do you navigate back?

A. I don't navigate. I couldn't even read a map.
B. Use my eidetic memory to find my way back.
C. Try to find my way back by wandering down random streets.
D. Uh, I don't go to that part of town, and I'm already home. What's the question here?

2: You are playing a game of cards and have been losing repeatedly to the same pony.
What do you do?

A. Expose the extra cards he has concealed.
B. Let him keep winning; I'm still at a profit.
C. Bring out my own cheater's hoof and win it all back.
D. I'm not even playing cards! Everypony knows you'll only lose money!

3: You get a strange sense of anxiety, but you're not sure what it could be from.
What do you do?

A. Ignore it. It's probably not anything important anyway.
B. Think back and see if there's something I've forgotten to do.
C. Rush to the doctor and get a complete physical exam.
D. It's because I'm taking this test, maybe?


2014 Feb 05, 18:36:45 #76 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 05, 18:40:07 by PlatinumJoystick
Here are my answers for Joystick:

Spoiler: show
 Patience 1.D 2.A 3.A
Conformity 4.C 5.D 6.B
Compassion 7.C 8.C 9.B
Charisma 10.D 11.C 12.C
Intellect 13. Cast a spell to light up the area around me and find my way home\B 14.C 15.D
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Quote from: Asterian on 2013 Aug 26, 18:50:48

This is Sweet Hoof, answers underlined:
Spoiler: Patience Questions • show

1: You've fallen in love with somepony and decide want to marry them.
What do you do?

A. Run to the nearest jewelry store, buy the biggest diamond ring you can, then propose.
B. Take the relationship steady and wait a few years.
C. Just go with it. If it's meant to be, it will be.
D. Go out for a while, and if all goes well, then sure I'll marry him/her!

2: Your friend wins 100,000 Bits thanks to your sweepstakes ticket. He says he'll give you half, but he won't say when.
What do you do?

A. Ask politely for the Bits, then wait.
B. His Bits?! They're already mine! I snuck them away last night!
C. Beg him until you get what he promised.
D. Let him take his time. It takes a while to count out 50,000 Bits.

3: Hearts and Hooves Day is nearly here, but you wish it would never come.
What do you do?

A. Hang your head, then try not to act like you care.
B. I care that Hearts and Hooves Day is here, but it's going to last twenty-four hours like every other day, so why be angry about it?
C. Research Time spells and stop time before it comes.
D. Snarl and spit at the new couples that are eating each other's faces.

Spoiler: Conformity Questions • show

1: Your friends want you to go dancing with them, but your boss says you need to work overtime, and you need the money.
What do you do?

A. Quit your job and go out with your friends.
B. Do as you're told. You need this job.
C. Try to persuade your boss to let you go.
D. Finish as quickly as you can, then go.

2: You hear Trixie Lulamoon is battling unicorns in magical duels, but everypony is afraid to fight and tells you not to challenge her.
What do you do?

A. Sit back and observe the others. Let them make the first move.
B. Ignite my horn and prepare.
C. Go to the very back of the crowd and cower.
D. Stand and mock Trixie until she notices me.

3: You hear a rumor being spread that Mr. Cake is cheating on Ms. Cake and are told to keep it a secret.
How many ponies do you tell?

A. I tell only my close friends.
B. Uh, none? It's supposed to be a secret, no?
C. What rumor, now?
D. I plaster the words on a billboard and smile wryly.

Spoiler: Compassion Questions • show

1: A dear friend of yours just lost their house in a fire.
How do you help him?

A. Give him a few Bits, but I really can't help past that.
B. Try to console him best I can. Words repair wounds better than medicine.
C. Invite him to live at my house for as long as he needs to, so long as he doesn't take advantage of my hospitality.
D. Act like I care about his problems, then rob him while he's on the street.

2: The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and they desperately need help to even keep up with the ponies coming in.
How much do you contribute?

A. All of my knowledge, time, and energy to heal the wounded and sick.
B. I already work at the hospital! I'm the one who needs help!
C. Shrug it off and go home.
D. I'm the reason they're there anyway, why should I help?

3: You find a small bag containing thirty Bits. Later that day, you come across a filly who looks starved and lonely.
What do you do?

A. Look disgustedly at her and keep trotting with the cash.
B. Give her the bag and then leave.
C. Treat her to a restaurant feast, even if that means spending some of my own Bits.
D. Take her home, give her a bed, and raise her as my own!

Spoiler: Charisma Questions • show

1: You discover the Summer Sun Celebration is being hosted in your town, only to then find out the royal guard won't allow you to attend due to a previous infraction with the law.
How do you get in?

A. Walk up to the guards, who shun me away with a firm, "Be gone!"
B. Sneak in and remain unseen.
C. Charm the guards, who let me attend. One of the mares/stallions even winked at me!
D. Don't even approach the gates.

2: You are three months behind on your mortgage and are about to be evicted.
How do you handle it?

A. I... "persuade" the manager of the company to let me stay. *Naughty laugh*
B. I... "persuade" the manager to let me stay. *Dark laugh*
C. Plead for him/her to give me more time, which doesn't work.
D. Ask to be given more time, which worked wonderfully!

3: You meet a mare/stallion who seems interested in you, and you feel smitten.
How do you react?

A. Sit casually as if (s)he doesn't affect me.
B. Give them a compliment in a suave/charming tone.
C. Blush/giggle and chat with them.
D. "Smitten?" Is that an emotion?

Spoiler: Intellect Questions • show

1: It's dark outside. You are over a mile from home and are in a shady part of town.
How do you navigate back?

A. I don't navigate. I couldn't even read a map.
B. Use my eidetic memory to find my way back.
C. Try to find my way back by wandering down random streets.
D. Uh, I don't go to that part of town, and I'm already home. What's the question here?

2: You are playing a game of cards and have been losing repeatedly to the same pony.
What do you do?

A. Expose the extra cards he has concealed.
B. Let him keep winning; I'm still at a profit.
C. Bring out my own cheater's hoof and win it all back.
D. I'm not even playing cards! Everypony knows you'll only lose money!

3: You get a strange sense of anxiety, but you're not sure what it could be from.
What do you do?

A. Ignore it. It's probably not anything important anyway.
B. Think back and see if there's something I've forgotten to do.
C. Rush to the doctor and get a complete physical exam.
D. It's because I'm taking this test, maybe?


This looks interesting.

Spoiler: Laebenal's answers • show
1: You've fallen in love with somepony and decide want to marry them.
What do you do?

B. Take the relationship steady and wait a few years. (closest one and can't make up a good custom one...)

2: Your friend wins 100,000 Bits thanks to your sweepstakes ticket. He says he'll give you half, but he won't say when.
What do you do?

D. Let him take his time. It takes a while to count out 50,000 Bits. (she wouldn't care too much for those bits and probably would just let him have them all anyway...)

3: Hearts and Hooves Day is nearly here, but you wish it would never come.
What do you do?

B. I care that Hearts and Hooves Day is here, but it's going to last twenty-four hours like every other day, so why be angry about it? (it's just a day among others...)

Conformity Questions
1: Your friends want you to go dancing with them, but your boss says you need to work overtime, and you need the money.
What do you do?

B. Do as you're told. You need this job. (if she REALLY would have and need a job, she doesn't really care about dancing anyway...)

2: You hear Trixie Lulamoon is battling unicorns in magical duels, but everypony is afraid to fight and tells you not to challenge her.
What do you do?

A. Sit back and observe the others. Let them make the first move. (she probably would just watch as she isn't unicorn but if needed she would fight her...)

3: You hear a rumor being spread that Mr. Cake is cheating on Ms. Cake and are told to keep it a secret.
How many ponies do you tell?

B. Uh, none? It's supposed to be a secret, no? (like she would care...)

Compassion Questions
1: A dear friend of yours just lost their house in a fire.
How do you help him?

C. Invite him to live at my house for as long as he needs to, so long as he doesn't take advantage of my hospitality. (she cares about the few friends she has...)

2: The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and they desperately need help to even keep up with the ponies coming in.
How much do you contribute?

C. Shrug it off and go home. (yup, she wouldn't care unless her friends are the ones that would need help...)

3: You find a small bag containing thirty Bits. Later that day, you come across a filly who looks starved and lonely.
What do you do?

B. Give her the bag and then leave. (for what would she use those bits anyway...)

Charisma Questions
1: You discover the Summer Sun Celebration is being hosted in your town, only to then find out the royal guard won't allow you to attend due to a previous infraction with the law.
How do you get in?

D. Don't even approach the gates. (why would she care...)

2: You are three months behind on your mortgage and are about to be evicted.
How do you handle it?

Simply leave

3: You meet a mare/stallion who seems interested in you, and you feel smitten.
How do you react?

C. Blush/giggle and chat with them. (if that would happen...)

Intellect Questions
1: It's dark outside. You are over a mile from home and are in a shady part of town.
How do you navigate back?

B. Use my eidetic memory to find my way back. (thing she is good at... if I understood "eidetic" right... X3)

2: You are playing a game of cards and have been losing repeatedly to the same pony.
What do you do?

D. I'm not even playing cards! Everypony knows you'll only lose money! (why would she anyway...)

3: You get a strange sense of anxiety, but you're not sure what it could be from.
What do you do?

A. Ignore it. It's probably not anything important anyway. (happens to her quite often...)

Kinda easy as all of my OCs are a bit like me...
Nightmare pony is here!
(.gif made by KoalaLover99)
My OCs
Here I am... Alone as always...


Here is North Wind.
Spoiler: show
1: You've fallen in love with somepony and decide want to marry them.
What do you do?

A. Run to the nearest jewelry store, buy the biggest diamond ring you can, then propose.
B. Take the relationship steady and wait a few years.
C. Just go with it. If it's meant to be, it will be.
D. Go out for a while, and if all goes well, then sure I'll marry him/her!

2: Your friend wins 100,000 Bits thanks to your sweepstakes ticket. He says he'll give you half, but he won't say when.
What do you do?

A. Ask politely for the Bits, then wait.
B. His Bits?! They're already mine! I snuck them away last night!
C. Beg him until you get what he promised.
D. Let him take his time. It takes a while to count out 50,000 Bits.

3: Hearts and Hooves Day is nearly here, but you wish it would never come.
What do you do?

A. Hang your head, then try not to act like you care.
B. I care that Hearts and Hooves Day is here, but it's going to last twenty-four hours like every other day, so why be angry about it?
C. Research Time spells and stop time before it comes.
D. Snarl and spit at the new couples that are eating each other's faces.

Spoiler: show
1: Your friends want you to go dancing with them, but your boss says you need to work overtime, and you need the money.
What do you do?

A. Quit your job and go out with your friends.
B. Do as you're told. You need this job.
C. Try to persuade your boss to let you go.
D. Finish as quickly as you can, then go.

2: You hear Trixie Lulamoon is battling unicorns in magical duels, but everypony is afraid to fight and tells you not to challenge her.
What do you do?

A. Sit back and observe the others. Let them make the first move.
B. Ignite my horn and prepare.
C. Go to the very back of the crowd and cower.
D. Stand and mock Trixie until she notices me.

3: You hear a rumor being spread that Mr. Cake is cheating on Ms. Cake and are told to keep it a secret.
How many ponies do you tell?

A. I tell only my close friends.
B. Uh, none? It's supposed to be a secret, no?
C. What rumor, now?
D. I plaster the words on a billboard and smile wryly.

Spoiler: show
1: A dear friend of yours just lost their house in a fire.
How do you help him?

A. Give him a few Bits, but I really can't help past that.
B. Try to console him best I can. Words repair wounds better than medicine.
C. Invite him to live at my house for as long as he needs to, so long as he doesn't take advantage of my hospitality.
D. Act like I care about his problems, then rob him while he's on the street.

2: The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and they desperately need help to even keep up with the ponies coming in.
How much do you contribute?

A. All of my knowledge, time, and energy to heal the wounded and sick.
B. I already work at the hospital! I'm the one who needs help!
C. Shrug it off and go home.
D. I'm the reason they're there anyway, why should I help?

3: You find a small bag containing thirty Bits. Later that day, you come across a filly who looks starved and lonely.
What do you do?

A. Look disgustedly at her and keep trotting with the cash.
B. Give her the bag and then leave.
C. Treat her to a restaurant feast, even if that means spending some of my own Bits.
D. Take her home, give her a bed, and raise her as my own!

Spoiler: show
1: You discover the Summer Sun Celebration is being hosted in your town, only to then find out the royal guard won't allow you to attend due to a previous infraction with the law.
How do you get in?

A. Walk up to the guards, who shun me away with a firm, "Be gone!"
B. Sneak in and remain unseen.
C. Charm the guards, who let me attend. One of the mares/stallions even winked at me!
D. Don't even approach the gates.

2: You are three months behind on your mortgage and are about to be evicted.
How do you handle it?

A. I... "persuade" the manager of the company to let me stay. *Naughty laugh*
B. I... "persuade" the manager to let me stay. *Dark laugh*
C. Plead for him/her to give me more time, which doesn't work.
D. Ask to be given more time, which worked wonderfully!

3: You meet a mare/stallion who seems interested in you, and you feel smitten.
How do you react?

A. Sit casually as if (s)he doesn't affect me.
B. Give them a compliment in a suave/charming tone.
C. Blush/giggle and chat with them.
D. "Smitten?" Is that an emotion?

Spoiler: show
1: It's dark outside. You are over a mile from home and are in a shady part of town.
How do you navigate back?

A. I don't navigate. I couldn't even read a map.
B. Use my eidetic memory to find my way back.
C. Try to find my way back by wandering down random streets.
D. Uh, I don't go to that part of town, and I'm already home. What's the question here?

2: You are playing a game of cards and have been losing repeatedly to the same pony.
What do you do?

A. Expose the extra cards he has concealed.
B. Let him keep winning; I'm still at a profit.
C. Bring out my own cheater's hoof and win it all back.
D. I'm not even playing cards! Everypony knows you'll only lose money!

3: You get a strange sense of anxiety, but you're not sure what it could be from.
What do you do?

A. Ignore it. It's probably not anything important anyway.
B. Think back and see if there's something I've forgotten to do.
C. Rush to the doctor and get a complete physical exam.
D. It's because I'm taking this test, maybe?
Derp race!
[move] :P[/move]
[move]    :P[/move]
[move]       :P[/move]
[move]          :P[/move]

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