The WhoPonies! [SIGN-UP ONLY]

Started by Alassë, 2013 Jul 13, 20:04:03

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"Well...sorta?" Thunder backed away a little, his droopy eyes slowly closing on him. He couldn't wait to feel the expression that this mare would, to say the least.

There were so many question to ask, answer...and ALL HE WANTED TO DO IS SLEEP


I mean...sorry about that.

"Is he still there? I still owe him a few bucks." He chuckled.

((Who said it was his? You walked into it first.  :P))


2013 Sep 08, 19:39:13 #1821 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 08, 19:46:21 by blobking156
What are you talking about?


"Wait...What the hay is going on!?" He said, turning his pillow over to cover his ears. "I need sleep." He said to himself.

((Blob can read minds?))


Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 08, 19:39:13
What are you talking about?

[fixed. it was red, like Baddy's speech before]


((He's in Alassë's tent & she's being loud so he'll go to his own tent. :P)) *turns to Blobking, then Harmony* Hold on, hold on. The thing about Doctor Whooves is... no other Time Horse really knows who he is. And it's very possible that that name could be used for completely different ponies. He's an enigma, showing up here and there but never leaving enough evidence to really pinpoint who he is. Trust me when I say that no other pony has ever studied anything more extensively than I've studied Doctor Whooves. He embodies everything that I want to be and if I could ever have the honor of meeting him - any of the possible hims - that would be the crowning achievement of my life.


((Will that ever happen?  :P))

Thunder continued to grunt in his sleepy state, his annoyance for such a rowdy pony beginning to reach it's peak.


[glow=red,2,300]If she wants to see him, shes gonna have to go back in time HA[/glow]
Just stop talking Baddy
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


He's a time traveler. so all of the "possible hims" could be him. Just look for an hourglass cutie mark.


*smiles at Harmony using "Baddy", looks over at Thunder, nudges him gently* You look awfully sleepy... I could move to a different tent if you're too tired to. ((Gonna be off for an hour.))


Blob pulls out a 3DS and starts playing as he goes in his tent. the sound is off, so nopony hears what game he's playing.


2013 Sep 08, 20:10:38 #1830 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 08, 20:50:03 by Somebeing
He sighed. "I'm...sorry 'bout that. Just...I'm very tired. In a bad mood, greedy...I'll move on my own." He said, taking his own pillow, heading outside.

He enjoyed the fresh breeze of air. The ambience created from the wildlife. It was a majestic feeling. To live in, to be awake in, and to sleep in.

He threw his pillow onto the ground, and lied down.


I think I'll head to sleep too he reached into his tie and his eyes widened aww, im all out
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


Blob continued playing. Faint yells of "Luna dang it!" could be heard from the adjacent tents


Quote from: Somebeing on 2013 Sep 08, 18:23:11
Thank Luna, it was the good harmony.

Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 08, 21:01:48
Faint yells of "Luna dang it!" could be heard from the adjacent tents

((o_O What? I thought most if not all would say Celestia, instead of Luna. o_O (Lord... What have you done?) ...What have I done?! o_O))

[glow=maroon,2,300]When the darkness fades away... Somethings can never change... The growth of one... the population of a place... The knowledge of the shadows... The kindness of all... When the darkness finds more... As the light fades away... If the dark knows the way... Some know to stay... When dawn comes... some may find the way... others are lost in the light... If I could find the lord of the night... I would so dearly keep that in a memo... When the light finds the way... most will be pleased... As the darkness fades away... none pray for them. Where all have the way, why no pony has any fear...[/glow]

((Curse-ed internet connection! >:())
((By the way... what was Harmony searching for and is out of? o.O))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


[Luna's a princess too! Blob recodnises this.]


I guess I won't be sleeping tonight *sigh* I'll help keep watch
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


Harmony? What are you looking for?

Pumpkin Seeds

*She nods and tries to smile.* "I hope so." *She sat silently listening to Dream's singing, thinking about her family still and hoping she wasn't making the colt nervous.* "What was your family like? If you don't mind me asking." She asks as she picks up her hat.*
((Did the colt eat all the fruit from Pumpkin's bag?))


[glow=maroon,2,300]When the darkness comes to stay, the light may come to change... when the dark fades away, will there be shade? Questions come when considering change. If the past is changed... the future will differ, yet if all is connected, it all will seem like a loop. Starting at the beginning of the change, and ending before the change takes place, initiating the loop over... If one is to change the past, one may do it in vain... All thoughts must be pushed on the future... If the impression is to stay... The guard duty is available to any who need not rest.[/glow]
(o_O :c you lost me Shade)

Quote from: ssumppg on 2013 Sep 08, 21:32:39
Harmony? What are you looking for?
((I asked this earlier so... What is it that helps Harmony sleep?))
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


I made a potion a while back that can temporarily disable the continuation of night visions. I must have used it all up already
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us

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