The WhoPonies! [SIGN-UP ONLY]

Started by Alassë, 2013 Jul 13, 20:04:03

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*tries to smile* Thank you, I... really do appreciate that. And you know... well, they'd still be able to travel through time... *sighs* It's just this huge responsibility... and I don't know which direction is morally the right one. Which is the greater evil - to allow your own species to die, or to bring them back, knowing the risks? Time Horses... well, Gallopfreyans in general... are very naturally independent. We don't care much for following others when we have our own course to chart. And me? I mean, look what I did, I was the mare running around going "The emperor has no coat!" I was the, least interested in following orders just because someone in charge told me to. If I end up being a common ancestor for the rest of my race... leading them at all is, going to be difficult. ((Is Thunder still standing?))

*ears perk up at Harmony's comment* Oh? Do you know of another one?


Well who else would be able to create a perception filter if not a Time horse?...But then again hes not technically a Horse, Universe differentiation and such
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us



Thunder decided to sit beside her. "I hope you don't mind..." He was embarrassed, but his whole body ached during the second half of this trip, and he really needed to rest. He leaned his back on the fabric of the tent.

"Well. Start small, get people you know you can trust. You don't have to lead alone, you know. Start off with a few time ponies and soon before you know it, there's gonna be millions of 'em."

He turned around after hearing Harmony's comment. Thank Luna, it was the good harmony.

"Oh. Who are you talking about?" He said, a bit curious.


*nods in agreement at Thunder's "a few at a time" comment* No, I don't mind at all. And... I almost think it'd be better if I raised them myself. Not by myself, obviously I'd want a... *blushes*...well, a husband... but anyway, I think that'd be best because children are so very impressionable, and I think I could teach them better that way.

*to Harmony* Pfft, I know plenty of races who know how to make a perception filter, but... you say he's, not a horse? Or any sort of equine, I assume? ((Is it a Time Lord?? ovO ovO ovO))


Well, his regeneration turned him into a horse. He told me that before he got stuck here he was something called a...Time S...Time, Time, was something with an "S" he put a hoof to his chin as he tried to remember what it had called its race
((No  ovO))
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


"Same here." He added on to the mare's comment. First, their was his own race. Then her's and the...Bydo, to say the least. Something that started with a S? He could remember nothing about that.

He turned back to Alassë. "It would take a long time...but I guess it would be safer too." He slightly blushed a little as he backed away a little from her.


*smiles at Thunder* All good things to those who wait, you know. *turns to Harmony* Really? Do you have a way to contact him? Not right now, obviously, but when this is all over?

[glow=#9966FF,10,75]No, Love. Not over; simply the end of the beginning.

<Oh hi there! Do I have a little angel in my head now as well?>

[glow=#9966FF,10,75]*angelic laughter*


Its been...a while, since I saw him...I may have a way, I just need a little time to, SERPENT, thats what he was, a Time Serpent
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


((o_O Well that's... different. lol)) Really? Hm... HANG ON! Thunder, did you just say "people" a moment ago? ((ovO ovO ovO))


[yes, yes I could. would add another scar to one of his hooves. and you've never mentioned Alasse being a time horse to Blob before] Time horse?! Like Doctor Whooves!? OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! Do you have a TARDIS? sonic screwdriver? What about that magic blank paper thing? Have you met a Dalek? do you havea companion? You have two hearts, and you regenerate! SCIENCE! *fanboy squee* :3




"Just the truth, and nothing but the truth :D"))

Thunder sat for a long time, almost drooling off to sleep. "Yeah..."


((If Blob can do that, he could pull the Time Serpent here ovO))
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


Smiling to Pumpkin she would pat her gently. "Well don't fret to much, even if your family is divided rather it be by conflict or by living to far away from one another. Anypony always knows that their family will always love them unconditionally. No matter what it is I am sure it will pass in time Pumpkin." She then looked at the little colt and picked him up in her hooves as she sat there. Softly she would begin to sing another song for him handing him any of the fruit that he may want from that which blob gave him.


2013 Sep 08, 19:18:31 #1814 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 08, 19:21:25 by ssumppg
Thunder... you should probably get some sleep. *smiles* <He's so cute.>

*eyes spring open* Did you just say Doctor Whooves?? And- hold on hold on, one question at a time- yes, I have, or, rather had a TARDIS, no I don't have a sonic but I have something very similar, I'm assuming you mean psychic paper and no, I've never really needed one, I have no idea what a "Dalek" is and as far as companions... Well, consider all of you the first! Now, tell me EVERYTHING you know about Doctor Whooves. *grins in delight* ((Yes, I'm aware she forgot a couple questions. :P))


((Tells Thunder to sleep

Screams a few seconds later.))

Thunder tried his best to overcome the mare's delight about somepony named Doctor Whooves, but to no avail. He wouldn't be sleeping for a long time.

"If he's a brown fella, maybe" He moaned in a sleepy state. He thought for a second, trying his best to think it out. "Why's he so special? Friend of yours?"


Well, The Doctor was on a show in the... other world, so I modified it. but it turns out, I've actually met two generations of Doctor Whooves back in Ponyville. one Pegasus, and another Earth Pony. a Dalek is the race that wiped out most of the Time Lords, as they're called in the other world. they look sort of like this: Blob pulled out a drawing of one. they also go around saying EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! all the time


((Well yeah, she wants him to sleep in his own tent. :P)) *completely forgets that Thunder's trying to sleep* I WISH!! He, he's like a legend, like my idol!! He's the one who made us aware of the possibility of alternate universes to begin with!! And hang on - *eyes widen* HAVE YOU MET HIM??? *looks at Blobking's drawing* Nope, never seen one. *turns back to Thunder and grins*


Yeah he kinda hangs out in ponyville a bunch. I've seen others with his cutie mark in Canterlot and such, i'm guessing they're more regenerations of him.


[glow=red,2,300]To bad she may never see him, not after what we did to him[/glow] Bad Harmony thought
Please dont remind me
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us

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