The Expedition (NOT Jump-In)

Started by Spazicle12, 2013 Jul 11, 20:55:16

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"one more but he could catch up" spaz finishes

Randam Saiko

*comes in* Oh, i'm sorry did i keep everypony waiting?

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Vick McBread

"Awesome" Vick smiles "On our way?"
Vick McBread; the small orange pegasus stallion is BACK!
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread
Skype: vick.mcbread
I do RPs. Here, and on steam.
I just wanna say "hello."


//well she is the witch if death though you can't see them she is a Pegasus that knows magic
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Hello darling. She Sketched some more.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.

Vick McBread

Vick gets all this stuff ready "We good to go Spaz?" He asks.
Vick McBread; the small orange pegasus stallion is BACK!
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread
Skype: vick.mcbread
I do RPs. Here, and on steam.
I just wanna say "hello."


Hugs and kisses with a nice big cake on top,

Vick McBread

"Burning Daylight" Vick says as he gets out an umbrella for the sun and lays down on his bag.
Vick McBread; the small orange pegasus stallion is BACK!
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread
Skype: vick.mcbread
I do RPs. Here, and on steam.
I just wanna say "hello."


Yes but only for designing purposes.... Don't you think you'd look adorable in this makeup and dress? She shhowed her drawn with a autumn looking dress with Red eyeshadow and Dark Orange blush Then with brown lipstick.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


"Yup...I'll go get the wagon"
Spaz leaves and comes back hauling a wagon

(BTW this is medieval-times)

Randam Saiko

Closes both spellbook and travel journal.
"Alright, let's go"

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Vick McBread

(Alright then.)
"Awesome." Vick throws his two bags onto the cart "Lets get a move on" He smiles
Vick McBread; the small orange pegasus stallion is BACK!
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread
Skype: vick.mcbread
I do RPs. Here, and on steam.
I just wanna say "hello."


Nightly puts her pack and a small wooden box on the cart. BTW ( The box is dusty and old looking. )
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


*blinks for a few times at the sketch* Um...I think we should get going...*tosses her bags into the cart*
Hugs and kisses with a nice big cake on top,

Randam Saiko

"this should be fun"
puts away books and hops onto the wagon

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Nightly puts her book on the cart. Alright let's go.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.

Vick McBread

"We gonna pull Spaz?" Vick smiles as he is STILL out of the cart.
Vick McBread; the small orange pegasus stallion is BACK!
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread
Skype: vick.mcbread
I do RPs. Here, and on steam.
I just wanna say "hello."


*smiles and hops in cart with the others*
Hugs and kisses with a nice big cake on top,


//oh since we switched back to the original idea um I guess I should say that Flame has either died or hasn't been born depending on the time area
The mare is carrying a saddle bag with her I'll be fine I can carry this anyways the mare says climbing in
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


"nah... I can pull" Spaz chuckles
"but ill need some entertainment and will be boring"

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