"Those who are the saddest laugh the most." (Critique requested)

Started by ComputerDeathglare, 2013 May 31, 04:12:12

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2013 May 31, 04:12:12 Last Edit: 2013 May 31, 04:13:56 by ComputerDeathglare

Name: Sketchy Marks, often shortened to just Sketchy

Other aliases: Dark Marks, Minni

Gender: Female

Age: Approx. 18

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie mark: A pencil

Special talent: Drawing

City of origin: Canterlot

Closest friends: Armus Ooze, Bubble Berry, Sparks

Family: Lady Elegant Lace (Mother), Lord Brilliant Lights (Father), Copper Penny,  Polished Silver, and Shining Gold (Sisters)

Special somepony: Error- File not found


Born into a very wealthy Canterlotian family, Sketchy Marks was the youngest of four fillies. In her family, it was tradition foals were not named until they found their special talent, in which they would then name themselves accordingly. Sketchy, being abnormally small, was often called Minni. Being born into a unicorn supremacist family had it's downsides, as Minni was an earth pony. Teasing her for being a filthy, talentless mud pony was great fun for her elder sisters, aptly named for their loves of beautiful things. Their parents did nothing to stop it, not for a dislike of Minni, but rather because they assumed all their children were perfect angels. Although they loved her very much, they showed it they only way they could, by raising their expectations and showering her in lessons and fancy schools. Minni despised every second of it. She craved the feeling of her parents giving her a big hug, giving her a kiss goodnight, but it never happened.

Minni was eventually sent to Miss Fostneigher's School for Fillies. She thought she had relief from her sisters, but she only found herself in it deeper. Getting physically beat up, she visited the school nurse many, many times. The nurse, Nurse Sweetheart, was an earth pony, too. The two actually became friends, and talked even outside of the nurse's office. Naturally, when Minni learned that her friend was pregnant, she was ecstatic, even taking it into her own hooves to throw the foal shower. She was even there during the birth. Good things never seem to last long, however, as Sweetheart went into cardiac arrest halfway through. Minni never walked through the doors of either the school or hospital again.

With her beloved nurse dead, Minni was both shattered and mortally upset with her parents at their lack of care. They were very pained to see their daughter so sad, but were clueless on how to act. Minni became so introverted and emotionless that it seemed as if she was gone, and a only a husk in her place.

But there was one hope. One day, Minni was sitting in a dark alley in the rain in a shady part of Canterlot, almost hoping somepony would snatch her away. She was nothing anymore, nothing left to take. A pack of hungry dogs came upon her. She accepted the almost certain death, but a blinding light drove the mongrels away. When she regained her vision, she saw a small tan unicorn with a red and brown mane, and emerald eyes. The filly told Minni her name was Sparks, and soon realized that the magic she preformed got her her cutie mark. Insisting the two were bound by fate, Sparks never left Minni's side. Minni's parents were overjoyed that she found a friend, and expressed their approval of her being a unicorn perhaps too strongly, which only caused Minni to become more distant from them.

As the two progressed into teenhood, Minni gained a darker streak. She adopted the nickname of Dark Marks, and a false cutie mark of a black moon, Minni fell into being a criminal. Sparks, never forced to do anything, followed her best friend without a single word. The two were never caught, thanks to Sparks's ability to cast spells that change appearance. The two became Canterlot's Most Wanted, laughing when the guards merely walked past them during the day.

Minni found her special talent drawing Sparks during a rather boring afternoon. Earning a pencil for a cutie mark, Minni was surprised her parents didn't die from knowing their daughter was a talented artist. They insisted that she take an elegant or regal name. But on her want to defy them on everything, named herself Sketchy Marks, partially from her criminal name.

Sparks received a letter explaining she was accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Sketchy pleaded her not to leave, saying that it was a trap, which it wasn't, but Sparks chose her dream over her friend. She helped Sketchy with one last thing, she helped her escape from her parents. They switched appearances, and Sketchy left a letter saying she was leaving to the Griffin Kingdom. Sparks, disguised as Sketchy, actually went while the real Sketchy made a break for Ponyville.

She has since adjusted, but still misses Sparks, whom she hasn't heard from since. She now enjoys tackle-hugging Armus "Mr. Gak" Ooze, and being Bubble Berry's party siren.

By Sulfur

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