Tough World for Bronies

Started by HerpyDooves, 2013 May 09, 06:43:42

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well if i did that at my school (btw we have to wear uniform but if i could) they would probably tease me and i dunno throw my t-shirt over the fence i have like no bronies where i live so its kinda sad for me even though i'm ten i just cant enjoy MLP with someone else it makes me sad


Quote from: HerpyDooves on 2013 May 09, 23:29:11
When you're a Brony, it's usually important to have a ton of confidence. Like, I probably wouldn't be into the comic series right now if I weren't able to build up the confidence to buy them at the Comic Shop. (The guys that work there are awesome, anyway)

I dunno, I'm just proud to say I'm a Brony.
Like at Barnes and Noble, one time there were pony plushies, and my older sister's birthday was a few days away, so you can guess what I did. I got a Rarity plushie for her.(Rarity's my sister's favorite!) And the cashier who was just an older woman turned out to actually be a pretty big fan of the show herself, we actually struck up a conversation!
I'm back


If you don't mind abrasive advice, then if you do start takin' it hard: there's always the hand-to-their-face method of resolving it. Especially in public and if you know the guy to be whuss.

Though it got my a week suspension for the entire incident and a stain on an otherwise clean record: it was worth it showing off I ain't takin' nuffin'. And then when it came around that'd be important, it wasn't even relevant anymore. Folks laid off me the four years of high school after that.


Midnight Breeze

Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Jun 07, 21:29:40
If you don't mind abrasive advice, then if you do start takin' it hard: there's always the hand-to-their-face method of resolving it. Especially in public and if you know the guy to be whuss.

Encouraging physical violence is hardly necessary.


2014 Jun 08, 23:05:43 #64 Last Edit: 2014 Jun 08, 23:10:43 by AaronMk
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jun 08, 21:13:56
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Jun 07, 21:29:40
If you don't mind abrasive advice, then if you do start takin' it hard: there's always the hand-to-their-face method of resolving it. Especially in public and if you know the guy to be whuss.

Encouraging physical violence is hardly necessary.

It's a war of image and risk. You could run to the teachers, but they can't stop it all. Their power ends when you leave school property. Beyond that it's in your arms.

Unless you don't have much time to go before post-high school scatters everyone you got choices: soldier through or step it up. It's what I learned and how my issues were solved. Ain't nobody stole my notebook from in front of me again for cheap giggles. Not since I got up to confront the prick's face in the act... Unless the guy in question is the footballer jock, then you might be cruisin' for a heavier bruisin' than the guy in your weight class.

Not all people are Gandhi. Especially kids. Kids are cruel, Jack.



Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jun 08, 21:13:56
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Jun 07, 21:29:40
If you don't mind abrasive advice, then if you do start takin' it hard: there's always the hand-to-their-face method of resolving it. Especially in public and if you know the guy to be whuss.

Encouraging physical violence is hardly necessary.
As they say, violence breeds violence!

I just ignore the jerks, then when the time is right act nice in front of EVRYPONY...
1: They are FORCED to look nice....or
2: They still act like a jerk and just humiliated them-self in public...or
3: They realize you're nice and hopefully's rare but happens...

Although I am not in your situation so I might not know what I'm talking about... :s

Night Pony

Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Jun 17, 04:42:46
As they say, violence breeds violence!

But there's a song that goes...
"...violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way!" lol

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Jun 17, 04:50:34
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Jun 17, 04:42:46
As they say, violence breeds violence!

But there's a song that goes...
"...violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way!" lol

Funny thing is that it was used in a quite violent game that reveled in being both violent and at times completely bonkers.

Also I don't really spread me being a brony around much, mostly because it hardly matters and because I just can't be bothered to deal with dumbasses that would try to harp on me for it. I just don't wanna have to have them sneaking behind me all the time looking for an excuse to call me girly or something similarly "offensive", was even called gay a couple times and I don't really see the offensive bit in it.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Just wear what you wanna wear, if it looks nice on you and makes you feel happy, then to heck with what anybody else thinks. :nod:

It's all about confidence and your attitude! :)

Not to be confused with Zukiuke


Couple reactions I wanna share when I wear pony stuffs.

People randomly walking by me do a double take and I silently laugh inside as they ask themselves if they just saw someone wearing a brony t-shirt out in the open.

One time I saw a couple walking by and the girl randomly stared at me... uh I mean my shirt before realizing she was with her boyfriend and turning away. Bwahahaha XDD

Someone randomly gives me a compliment. Cool. Brohoof. Then again, Austin is weird. You can get away with a lot of stuff cuz people here are cool (and chill). By Austin I mean Austin Texas btw. ;)


Quote from: S_Realm on 2014 Jun 17, 22:55:51
Couple reactions I wanna share when I wear pony stuffs.

People randomly walking by me do a double take and I silently laugh inside as they ask themselves if they just saw someone wearing a brony t-shirt out in the open.

One time I saw a couple walking by and the girl randomly stared at me... uh I mean my shirt before realizing she was with her boyfriend and turning away. Bwahahaha XDD

Someone randomly gives me a compliment. Cool. Brohoof. Then again, Austin is weird. You can get away with a lot of stuff cuz people here are cool (and chill). By Austin I mean Austin Texas btw. ;)

Amazing, somewhere in texas that isn't filled with bigots that will try to lynch/shoot you if you're even slightly different?

Yeeeaaahhh I might not be having the most positive view on Texas.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Quote from: Chibalt on 2014 Jun 18, 02:22:49
Amazing, somewhere in texas that isn't filled with bigots that will try to lynch/shoot you if you're even slightly different?

Yeeeaaahhh I might not be having the most positive view on Texas.

Many-a-Texan will tell you that Austin is not a part of Texas.  The culture of Austin has more in common with Portland, Oregon or Seattle, Washington, than San Antonio or El Paso.


Quote from: hazardtime on 2014 Jun 18, 02:46:27
Quote from: Chibalt on 2014 Jun 18, 02:22:49
Amazing, somewhere in texas that isn't filled with bigots that will try to lynch/shoot you if you're even slightly different?

Yeeeaaahhh I might not be having the most positive view on Texas.

Many-a-Texan will tell you that Austin is not a part of Texas.  The culture of Austin has more in common with Portland, Oregon or Seattle, Washington, than San Antonio or El Paso.
Austin is a liberal bastion. I'll let you imagine what that implies.

But Texas isn't what people imagine it to be, some dry deserty western place. Silly stereotypes hahaha.


2014 Jun 24, 13:02:43 #73 Last Edit: 2014 Jun 24, 13:04:35 by equestrianAce
My treatment as a brony has not been kind to day the least. Though I don't have a MLP T shirt(I wish to get one), I still did other pony related things such as look at pony pictures and have discussions about the show. I was looking at pictures and all of a sudden, these three girls came up to me and saw what I was doing. They asked me what I was doing. I don't really like to lie, so I told them I was looking up MLP. They glared at me and told me that I was creepy. What was weird is that they told me that, yet one of the girls likes to twerk in class.  o.O

In another incident, I was talking to a classmate who liked ponies too. Then, these four girls came up to me and asked me what I was talking about. I told them I was talking about MLP. They teased me about it through the rest of the year, while saying it's a stupid show that only 8 year old girls watch. What is very strange is that they said that My Little Pony was childish, yet those four girls liked to watch Hannah Montana and Barbie movies and say those are more mature.Keep in mind that these girls were in middle school! Again,  o.O o.O.

Though, I suppose I like a lot of things not considered mainstream. Anime, Homestuck, comic books/graphic novels/manga, other webcomics, etc. Some people who teased me about it liked things like Doctor Who, Star Wars/Trek, and Pokemon. Sorry for the long rant, peeps.  :\

"You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored."


  I guess it really depends on your age.  If you're in middle or high school (or just between the ages of 10 and 18), then being a brony is definitely something you don't want display too much.  During that time, everyone is trying to demonstrate how masculine they can be, and doing something as blatantly feminine as watching MLP is going to make you a target.  The worst part of all this is that even if you persevere through all the bullying and hazing and take it to the school administration, chances are they won't do anything about it.  I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the story of that kid who was forbidden from bringing his Rainbow Dash backpack to school because the administration was too incompetent to deal with the bullies themselves.  While I believe that it isn't the job of teachers to teach children morality, they should still at least take responsibility and teach their students how to be tolerant of other peoples' lifestyle choices.

  Once you get into adulthood, though, it's pretty smooth sailing.  My parents know I'm a brony and really don't care.  Sure, my dad thinks it's a little weird, but he's not going to disown me over it.  I haven't told any of my friends yet, but they honestly wouldn't care, either. 


That is very true. My parents don't care if I'm a brony, heck, sometimes they support it! Though, I still find it weird that people who like other things considered "Geeky" get a free pass while bronies get picked on. But in this day in age, it's cool to like some geeky/weird things I guess. For example, it's okay to like Star Wars, Marvel movies(not the comic books, though) and Doctor Who. But if you like something like obscure video games, webcomics, anything from Japan, furry material, or MLP, you're not cool and get picked on by other "geeks".  :l Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I hate any of the things I mentioned, but I'm saying is that there is hypocrisy in the world regarding that.
"You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored."


  Whovians, Trekkies, and others are accepted because you can like those sorts of things yet still be masculine.  Bronies, however, are pretty far out of left field.  As men, we're supposed to like masculine things, and yet here we are watching and appreciating a show that was made to sell toys to little girls.  It's only human nature that, in the event that we witness something we cannot explain, we jump to conclusions based on our own morality.  In the case of most brony haters, they assume that we're either mentally deficient or sexually confused/perverse because of how blatantly we are defying cultural gender norms.


Though, sometimes, even if you like something that is "masculine" like a certain anime or whatever, you'll get picked on simply because it's foreign or weird. That sounds hypocritical to me because most of those people saying that to me are people who like Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Pokemon.
"You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored."


Quote from: equestrianAce on 2014 Jun 24, 14:54:17
Though, sometimes, even if you like something that is "masculine" like a certain anime or whatever, you'll get picked on simply because it's foreign or weird. That sounds hypocritical to me because most of those people saying that to me are people who like Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Pokemon.

Buddy, people just like to hate. If you were a man-mountain, I doubt they'd dare pick on you) But srsly, they just want to find something to justify their pickings. The weirder thing you like is, the easier it is for them to get to you.


Quote from: -ReiMar- on 2014 Jun 24, 14:59:00
Quote from: equestrianAce on 2014 Jun 24, 14:54:17
Though, sometimes, even if you like something that is "masculine" like a certain anime or whatever, you'll get picked on simply because it's foreign or weird. That sounds hypocritical to me because most of those people saying that to me are people who like Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Pokemon.

Buddy, people just like to hate. If you were a man-mountain, I doubt they'd dare pick on you) But srsly, they just want to find something to justify their pickings. The weirder thing you like is, the easier it is for them to get to you.

That is very true, ReiMar. People have hated/bullied/teased people for generations, and it is no different to me or anyone else. From young to old, people just hate no matter what. People have been bullying me since the first grade and sometimes for no reason. Heck, it seems like most people like to harass other people simply because they walk on the same ground as that person is. I like some pretty strange things, however, since it's not "cool" to like them, people look at you like you have two heads. I'm also not muscular or model thin, either. So that's one.  :/
"You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored."

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