Northplace Military Academy (Jump in)

Started by Shadow Storm, 2013 Apr 04, 19:47:18

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2013 Apr 05, 10:11:48 #40 Last Edit: 2013 Apr 05, 10:16:55 by bleyd
yes yes very true he is a special a lot special. look a picture

Bravo 658

Wavelength took a seat and practically punched the smile off his own face before class began.

Shadow Storm

Staring at the picture, the mare raised an eyebrow.

"You're joking right?"


"Alright everypony settle down. I'm Sergeant Glyder and welcome to Level 1 Training, EMB102.5, how to care and wear your uniform, with pride I might add."

Sighs and groans sounded throughout the room.

"Oh come on, it's not that boring," Glyder stated, pacing back and forth at the front of the class, "Let's do a quick check on wearing your uniform. Who here knows how to tie a tie?"
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm


I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us

Bravo 658

Shadow Storm

Raising his hoof, a familiar dark stallion shouted "I do Sergeant!"

"Alright. I'd like to point out ALL of your hooves should be up, but I know some of you are new cadets so we'll overlook that for now. Cadets..."

Glyder paused, eyeing Gentlecolt and Storm.

"I didn't get your names," he stated with a smile.

"LAC Storm, sergeant," the pegasus, who once again sat in the front row, responded.
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm



Nears the academy with a duffle bag slung onto his back. He approaches the entrance to spot three ponies, one of them being a red pegasus. He rubs the back of his neck as he nears the group and stands nearby for his turn to announce himself.

Shadow Storm

"Ah..." the mare stated, chuckling and turning to her companion, "Have fun with this Pine."

With that, she walked towards the second pony that had just showed up. The male MP eyed the red pegasus once more, before turning and heading back to the guardhouse at the gate.

"Would you come with me sir?" he asked as he walked.

Walking up to the other pony, the mare raised an eyebrow curiously.

"New cadet, transfer or new officer?"
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm


but my friend can jiin to military academy?


Smiles at the mare that approached him and stands at attention out of respect. "Not quite an officer yet ma'am; transfer." He announced with a light smile.

Shadow Storm

"Oi," the male MP shouted towards the guardhouse, "Get me the sign in sheet Plank. On the double!"

"Alright, rank and name," the mare commanded, pulling a small notepad out of her pocket.
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm


Nods to her. "Private First Class, Ateren Steelbender." He said giving a friendly formal salute. "..And uh, recently appointed too." He added.


come on friend lets go

a 8 meters height  monster appears and move near guardhouse with bleyd

Shadow Storm

"PfC eh?" the mare said, chuckling a bit, "Alright. Well, you're not in basic anymore. You're now a Leading Air Cadet; Northplace's equivalent to PfC. Welcome to Northplace Military Academy, L.A.C..."

The mare trailed off slowly, noticing the creature advancing toward the guardhouse.

"Go see Lieutenant Cloven, Steelbender. He's in Dorm Alpha. All you new cadets will be bunking there," she stated, staring at the creature.

"Uhh... hi," the male MP said to the monster, "You here to apply?"

He couldn't believe his eyes, but on the other hand, he was shown a picture...
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm


Salutes to the mare. "Rodger that.." He said trying to sound unphased as he looks down at the shadow growing over them. He looks behind him at the tall creature. He had to rub his eyes for a brief moment and quickly went to Dorm Alpha to see the Lieutenant in order to avoid prolonged confrontation until later. He briskly reached the Dorm after a little bit of searching in further search for Lieutenant Cloven.

Bravo 658

Wavelength felt a little confused at first; he never introduced himself either, but then again, he'd signed plenty of forms.  The sergeant probably already read Wavelength's name before he arrived.


yes he go to try a little discipline because he is very playful and revelde say the red pegasus

Shadow Storm

"Uh..." the pegasus stuttered, "Are... here one second."

Turning to the guardhouse again, the MP screamed, "Plank, get me that sign up sheet!"

Stumbling out the door, a lanky, young Earth colt galloped over to the MP. Placing the sheet down, he panted, staring at his superior.

"Sorry, Sergeant, it was..."

He trailed off, just now noticing the shadow that was cast over him.

"Sarge?" he questioned.

"Thanks, I've got this."

Clicking his pen on, the male MP turned to address the large applicant, asking, "Name?"

[move]Meanwhile, in Dorm Alpha[/move]

"New cadet?"

A, beige coated, grey haired pegasus walked toward Ateren, noting him searching the barracks. He wore a navy blue dress uniform and a Air Force wedge.

[move]Meanwhile, in Classroom Bravo[/move]

Frowning, the Sergeant turned around began ticking names off a list he had on the table. Shaking his head, he placed his pen down, and faced the class again.

"Alright, Cadets Storm, Wavelength, Gentlecolt, Skyvolt and Bell. You are all to head down to the supply office across campus. It's in the admin building, first floor, entrance hall, on the left. You can't miss it. You'll receive orders from Lieutenant Incense when you get there. Everypony else stays here. Understood?"
"Vengeance and betrayal are not in a soldier's vocabulary."

"....Shadows never die."

- Shadow Storm

Bravo 658

Wavelength stood at attention and gave a lively response, glad to have some orders after that awkward wait.  "Sir!  Yes, sir!"

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