Private RP- Wonderland (between TheDarkGods Specx and The Captain)

Started by FlameandIce, 2013 Feb 15, 20:50:32

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"i doubt mothy will do as she said though so this may be all for not"


*Specx pulls the hood of his jacket up and leans against the wall* So, what are these "items" we need...?


well the problem is his minions they are very powerful with many tactics
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


*Specx lifts his head* Well I'd like to believe that Zenryo and I alone are powerful, with many tactics as well. Then add you guys.

the dark gods

I'd slaughtered by way through worse, this shale be nothing. Shallow Grave comments.
I'd like to consider myself very sneaky. Physics tells the group.
thank you Sky Sketch


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics whimpers. It was a giant monster! And it canceled my magic! What was I supposed to do? Physics counters to the pony.
thank you Sky Sketch


"i have dealt with alot of things in my time so im not too worried about the earls minions " the captain spoke as he still thought more


Hah, you guys would turn tail if you saw what we guards fought against 1000 years ago. *He smirks*


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

When are we getting to the next stop? Shallow Grave asks impatiently.
thank you Sky Sketch


*Specx stretches and lays flat on the seat* We'll find out.... But for now, I need some sleep.
((It's late over here, see you guys tomorrow.))


"that seems like a good idea to at least rest up till we get to the next stop, may need the energy" the captain spoke as he began relaxing ((im going to go ahead and go to bed too work tomorrow night everypony ))

the dark gods

thank you Sky Sketch


((For when everypony gets online))
The train slams to a stop again throwing everypony froward
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics Shift and Shallow Grave are both thrown by the sudden stop, when Physics comes to, he find he had landed on the necromancer, and quickly gets off him, Shallow gets up, not really caring about the other pony falling on him.
((Do you think I should keep continuity and only have Physics here until the RPs done, or should I have him in multiple places at once?))
thank you Sky Sketch


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((it really depends on if you want to keep your time relative or not )) the captain gets pushed forward and stops himself again "this train is a bit aggravating"

the dark gods

((Kinda late to influence my decision captain.))
Tell me about it... Physics says, holding his shaking head.
thank you Sky Sketch


((thought so buuuut thought id put in my two bits lol)) the captain regains himself and sighs "so what is it going to be this time i wonder"

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