When Darkness Falls (Sign-up RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Jan 19, 00:44:09

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"well the core functions like an elemental conduit of sorts and if one can channel the energy needed to make the elements ignite within the core, the core can recharge itself." tech explains a look of happiness and love for his TC companion clear for those sensitive to emotions to see or detect. "So to make it shorter for those without technical know how it basically has everything need for elemental reaction but not the energy to cause it."

The Stars

"So there's no need for specific elements? Sounds easy enough for me. Just show me the core and I'll do the rest on obtaining elements" Range says
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


"Oh, that's the thing, you only need the energy that is used to create/ignite the elements the core itself can handle the rest." He pulls what looks to be an empty core from his bag and shows it to them. "This is an item that when i found its artifact version fascinated me more then anything. It started a set of gears in my head that seamed to unlock allot of untold knowledge and technology." It is now very noticeable to the three that there is allot of 'love' he has for tech and knowledge.


"Seven?" He trailed off. Was it truly him? The sentinel, majestic construct? It didn't seem like him to be damaged...Was he damaged? It was a rare sight to see. His armour barely withstood the attacks brought to him, legendary attacks. His power reserve bent on pure magic was out, relying on the solar energetic particles around him. He stood there for a time, maybe a long time, but time, staring at his only friend. He had to help.

Quickly running around with his friend in his hooves, he dashed around the areas of the Garden, willing to trade some LaF for some pure magic.


As tech is explaining the core he sees the being that he gave his friend back to and says, "here I'll leave this with you. be right back."

He chases after the being running around with is friend and stops him to ask, "Hey wait up. What's got your head in a knot?"


Farsight had followed the other three out to the training grounds. He could use a spot of training, get some spells down, reaction times, all that jazz. He had heard the other pony talking to them. If could have helped, he would have, but he has no idea how to use elemental magic. He begins his training.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


Dashing past him at the speeds of infinity, or 60km/h, the stallion barely had time to hear and respond to Tech's question, so he quickly passed him. He was looking for places, not people.

The Stars

They all watched him wander off as he leaves the core in their hooves. Range examines the core and places it on the ground. "Just need the energy, right?" She thinks aloud. She places her hooves to the ground and starts a transmutation, a circle appearing around the Core and her friends. "Hang on to something... this is going to be a bit bumpy." Not knowing what she means, Crimson and Price look to each other, dumbfounded untill they realized what just happened... Range planned on creating an earthquake to draw out the energy from seismic activity. The amount of mana she's using to create something like this can actually be visibly seen as if it were a sonar ping or something, though it didn't really reach much distance and the reaction eats up more mana than Range is normally capable of. Price and Crimson holds on to a nearby pole as they watched the ground around Range ripple and shift.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2013 Mar 17, 02:19:29 #1408 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 17, 02:23:16 by Omega_Khaos
Tech feels the change in the land through his hooves and the air through his mane as he shrugs at the being and goes to return. only to find the core glowing slightly and beginning to take the energy provided. the other elements within the core begin to react and the core beams with life as her ability finishes.

Tech looks to range and says, "if that isn't primal energy at it best then I don't know what is." He is smiling and picks up the core and asks, "Would you like to meet TC-2241? He is the Triton Clone you just saved."


While the earth was shaking, Farsight was momentarily distracted. He miscast one of his spells, sending it who knows where. He just shook his head, hoping it wouldn't hit anypony, and went back to training.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

The Stars

Range pauses the shifts as soon as she sees the core starting to glow with light. She pants heavily, feeling the effects of rapid mana exhaust and then just stands up. Crimson sees the incoming bolt and jumps back as he slashes at it with his scythe. They see Tech approach them all and Range stands up a bit, still panting. "Hehe... Sure, let's see him."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


tech leads them to the mechanical construct he calls TC. "Well this is TC-2241(TC for short). He is one of my Triton's most loyal clones and seams to never want to leave my side." He inserts the core and replaces the memory core. after what seams to be 5 mins and 10% core charge with recycle of 5-9% back to core TC blinks. TC says in a somewhat pony like manner, "Good morning. Well Who do I have to thank for recharging my core today?" Tech tells TC, "You have this one to thanks TC. Her name is Range."

The Stars

Range extends her hoof out to the intriguing machine before her. On her face, you can clearly see the excitement and Inquisitive nature as she studied clone. "Hah, nice to meet you, 'TC' " She says with a smile.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


"Thanks for saving me. Thought I was about to be made scrap for sure." TC shakes the hoof making sure not to overdo it with his STR as a machine. Tech Smiles and asks TC, "TC, do you remember the last given request before your shutdown?" TC replies, "Yes master Tech, I do." TC gives to tech and party the info about the area he scanned.

The Stars

"Hm?" Price took a short look at the information given to everypony. "Hmm... Where would this place be, if you don't mind me asking."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


TC gives geometric cords for their exact location including depth, time, date and distance to strongest thing in current area. Tech just stands proud and full of love that his TC is back up and running.

The Stars

"Interesting... Heh, looks like we know where we're headed next." Crimson said to Range and Price, then looks to TC.  "Do you think you could perhaps hand out more copies of this information to the rest of the party? I'm sure they'd like to know where we're headed and what to expect."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2013 Mar 17, 03:25:35 #1417 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 17, 03:27:46 by Omega_Khaos
"Physical readouts of the scouting information in my memory banks take 50% of my power reserves to create after the first in sets of 5 or 6. The copy you hold is usually only for master tech but I can make copies for all but would have to go into recharge mode before we would be able to head out sense it takes time in the form of KW/hour to reach my maximum output energy levels of 10000 KW." TC informs his mew companions. Tech chimes in, "we could gather all at one point and share this info because i need to repair his wing units before he can use them again in that manor. Plus his wing units are required for his recharge mode to be useable because they act like energy panels to absorb energy from the environment around him to rebuild his own energy flow. also his horn unit needs to be rebuild/replaced to allow for legendary class dmg/protection of his offensive/defensive power modes."

((Curse not having the required LAf to make the changes to him respecfully.))


2013 Mar 17, 03:29:53 #1418 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 17, 03:41:51 by Ründo
((That's game balance for you))
Noy watched the Nameless pony run around like he had been bitten on the flank. [glow=Black,2,300]"There is something seriously wrong with that pony."[/glow]

after a while of this ridiculous display of incompetence, Noy levitates the pony off the ground as he tries to run past, causing him to slow down enough for Noy to ask, [glow=black,2,300]"So what's got you so hyper today?"[/glow]
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


"If...I...could...just......wait...I'm...so...stupid!" He screamed as he went around the Gardens multiple times, before coming to a complete stop just before Tech. "Tech, your core. The radiation."

Sun was his main way of powering Seven, since it was plentiful, but Seven was powered by radiation, either ionizing or non ionizing. Since they were limited based on many factors...

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