When Darkness Falls (Sign-up RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Jan 19, 00:44:09

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The Stars

After taking their bath, the three up and went  off to the merchants to try and see if they can get some items Traded in : Range and Crimson wanted to trade in their normal armor variants with a lighter kind while Price wants to trade his Armor variant for a more bulky wear, and also the both of his swords for a long hammer.  Range and Crimson looks to him quite curiously, noticing this seems a little bit out of his normal style range. He shrugs and simply said, "For when we start pulling off more teamwork oriented abillities. Heavier equipment means a higher impact on the enemy if I happen to fall upon them."
"Which accounts for the Increased mass and velocity... Nice thinking Price." Range compliments.
Price chuckles a slight bit. "Hehe, well, when you've been born in a unit for about 21 years, this kinda knowledge grows on you."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


The Merchants were willing to switch out the armor, saying something about delayed orders from the throne.  Thought a merchant gave Price an odd look when he mentioned wanting to switch out his two swords for one hammer. "Well, we're not commissioned to exchange weapons for free.  Also, we really don't have suitable hammers at the moment, apparently the shipment got lost on the way here.  The best we have are crafting hammers that aren't suitable for combat.  Is there a reason you wanted one? I could make a suggestion based on the reason."
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

The Stars

Price sighs, "Fecal Matter, apologies, I can still work with a spear perhaps. I just wanted to try something a little new for a change...  I'm not what you would call 'handy', unlike those two" he says, nodding his head to Range and Crimson. "Although, the price of two legendary swords would be more than enough to afford for a Spear, would it not?" Price says.

"Well, he has a point." Range says, shrugging. "A spear and some change."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2013 Mar 16, 22:09:34 #1383 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 16, 22:11:14 by Ründo
Price had passively turned down the merchants offer, "hmm, not a fan of the front lines anymore? Spear users tend to prefer mid ranged combat.  Not that, that's a problem, but can you use one?  Not many ponies know how to use more than one weapon, if at all.  Granted there are the few exceptional ponies that can use quite a selection... oh right, you want to try using a spear, one sec I think I have one lying around" Them merchant began to move his stock around looking for it.

((FYI the first two tools types a player uses are considered learned.  Beyond that you have to spend time practicing for additional tools.))
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

The Stars

"Heck, Crimson's nothing more than a lowly Alchemist and yet he knows how to use not only a staff, but a scythe with quite some knowledge, and I'm an Ex Commander... Should be able to get accustomed to weapons quite quickly, wouldn't you say?"
Crimson shrugs. "Ey, can't help it if I grew up wielding scythes. And not that a staff as a magical weapon is hard to use anyways... Just a second conduit for magic to be expelled; nothing special."
"Right... Besides, I don't really like the style of the longsword's basic structure... I was trained more with lightweight swords like rapiers, Katanas; My style normally prefers me to hit the enemy before they hit me first with a combination of quick slashes and hard-hitting magical strikes. A spear... Now that will be a fine conpensation for the swords here , since I have no training with a bow."
"And hey, I can kinda teach ya what I know as far as medium ranged weapons goes. The Scythe is... Well, Kinda like a spear. Except it's blade is angled  and really meant more for grappling type attacks." Crimson chuckled.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


The Merchant returned with a spear in hoof.   "OK, the spear costs 8000, and you can sell those swords at 7000 a piece."
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


He was still wondering around the camp, and his stomach began to grumble. He saw one of the mess hall tents nearby and decided to enter.

((How much LAf do I have? If it's on my sheet it won't pull up for me...))
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


((a meager 200  :c   .  you can still buy things, just not anything big))

Noy began to head about the camp gathering information about the gardens.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

The Stars

Price nods and exchanges the two swords. "Don't bother with the change.. Not like we'll be buying much else here." He says with a sigh. Now, I thing getting some food is in order right now... I'm Quite famished and I should restock on viscous slag. It might come in handy later on, provided it doesn't get all clogged up again."
"Right on! I'm starving!" The two  siblings yelled out as they made a speedy runway to the dining hall, carelessly knocking down Price in the process. He gets up and collects his spear with a slight chuckle and  catches up to the two in the dining hall.

They've started eating like they haven't ate in weeks, devouring bowls of what tasted like sweet, sweet heaven in a simple plate/bowl. Price Managed to get SOME nutritional value from draining their emotions, but without feelings of actual love, this isn't quite effective. The bowls kept stacking up... 1...3....6...
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


((Ah, well, it's better than 0, eh?))

He had eaten his fill of food for now. It was... Different, definitely not what he'd normally eat, as the camp was underground. He looked around the hall to see if there were any interesting ponies that he could meet. He sees Price and his group pigging out, and decides to go and get to know them. He walks up to them, allowing them to slow down or finish with their food before speaking.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

The Stars

Looking up from eating, Range quickly finishes up this one bite and waves to the new stallion before them. "Hello there, new to the group?" Range asks, making Price and Crimson momentarily pause from eating as well.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


New, but I not really to the group. I've just arrived and was looking to see if I could find one. He explains.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

The Stars

"Well, if you're looking to join the fight in Tartarus, look no further than us; We're 3 of the members of the group assigned to take on this task. " Price had explained

"We're doing quite well for ourselves so far, dunno how much longer we have till the job's done, though. Not that I'm complaining - I have a freaking Scythe and now the real fun's gonna start. " Crimson jumps in with a laugh.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Is it just you three in the group? Or are there others as well? He asks, looking around the mess. hall.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

The Stars

"Several others at the moment... Although we're quite unclear of where they are at the moment. I remember seeing one chilling out in the bath house, but that's about it, not much of anypony else. "Crimson Said.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


If you wouldn't mind taking another, I would be honored to join your group... He said, and his eyebrows shot up slightly, Forgive me, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Farsight. May your dreams shield you. He says, bowing slightly.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

The Stars

"Relax, the more the merrier! Name's Crimson Blood, and these two beside me are Range Conjure and 'Price' " Crimson introduced.
"Nice making your acquaintance!" They both bowed back to Farsight.

They finished up their breakfast and stood up, entering the training grounds to warm up for the fight ahead.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2013 Mar 17, 00:48:59 #1397 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 17, 01:14:00 by Ründo
Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Mar 16, 23:22:52
Price nods and exchanges the two swords. "Don't bother with the change.. Not like we'll be buying much else here." He says with a sigh. Now, I thing getting some food is in order right now... I'm Quite famished and I should restock on viscous slag. It might come in handy later on, provided it doesn't get all clogged up again."
"Right on! I'm starving!" The two  siblings yelled out as they made a speedy runway to the dining hall, carelessly knocking down Price in the process. He gets up and collects his spear with a slight chuckle and  catches up to the two in the dining hall.

They've started eating like they haven't ate in weeks, devouring bowls of what tasted like sweet, sweet heaven in a simple plate/bowl. Price Managed to get SOME nutritional value from draining their emotions, but without feelings of actual love, this isn't quite effective. The bowls kept stacking up... 1...3....6...

The merchant just stood there dumb founded, the Changeling had ran off without receiving the LAf owed to him; a full 6000 to be precise. 'That's essentially a working pony's year salary in Equestria' were the only intelligent thoughts the merchant could muster as he watched the Changeling run off with the spear.  After a moment the merchant looked at the swords, before slowly putting them away.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


Tech Decides to go and train for a little. When he gets there Price, Conjure and Crimson are there. He goes over to them and waits for them to finish their training. then asks, "Can I ask you all a favor real quick if you all don't mind?"

If they say sure or yes he explains to them about his companion and asks, "Do you all know anypony that can use elemental magic? I need to recharge a power core to get my companion back online so i can examine the data about the area he collected for me before his main power went dead."

if not he goes to ask the others with a slowly getting worse sad face developing for each one that can't help.

if none can help he decides to sell the body for scrap and keep the memory core for the info just in case there is something he can put it into to get this info.

The Stars

Before they could begin, Tech inturrupts their training and they all look at him, a bit confused on how to answer this. "Ah... that all depends actually... I can't really use Elemental magic unless there's something I can channel it through; Like, say If I wanted fire, I had to use my own mana plus an ignition source, also the need to seperate hydrogen and oxygen bonds, ect, or we could use a crystallized form of the element there and use that. If electricity is what you need, I can't really help you unless I can find something, living or non living, that I can drain electrical energies from and place them in this special crystal I always have keeping around." Range explains.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D

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