Pokemon X and Y topic

Started by Nala Valor, 2013 Jan 07, 11:41:33

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X or Y?

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Total Members Voted: 91

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I don't do online battling, though...
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Too bad, I love doing it. I'd love battling you.
I'm back


Online battles are fun and challenging! Until you find an annoying kid with an overpowered team... But then you kick said kid's Butt and all is good. :D

As a side note, anyone here watching the anime too? I just watched the first four episodes of X/Y and it feels so good to be watching Pokemon again after so many years! I love it! :3

Shadow Mare

Eww at the pokemon cartoon. Digimon rules in the TV department.


Quote from: Julius on 2013 Nov 02, 23:53:41
anyone here watching the anime too? I just watched the first four episodes of X/Y and it feels so good to be watching Pokemon again after so many years! I love it! :3

I'm waiting on the dub to catch up. (I've been watching the show dubbed ever since the first season, so there's no way I'd watch the original/subbed version.)

For what it's worth, I'm also waiting on the Pokémon Origins dub coming out later this month.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Actually you can do 4-player battle (multi-battles). you just need to partner up with someone and the opposing team will be choose a partner as well. I already got like 4 people to partner up with for a 4-player battle, but It's kind of a small group or team right now. They're my trustworthy friends if you guys asked me, but we'll expand.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 03, 01:47:54
Actually you can do 4-player battle (multi-battles). you just need to partner up with someone and the opposing team will be choose a partner as well. I already got like 4 people to partner up with for a 4-player battle, but It's kind of a small group or team right now. They're my trustworthy friends if you guys asked me, but we'll expand.

I've been wondering how that works actually. Would you like to explain it to me?

I assume you challenge someone and then you get to invite a friend or acquaintance to battle alongside you against the other team, correct? :o


Quote from: Julius on 2013 Nov 03, 01:27:11
Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 03, 01:47:54
Actually you can do 4-player battle (multi-battles). you just need to partner up with someone and the opposing team will be choose a partner as well. I already got like 4 people to partner up with for a 4-player battle, but It's kind of a small group or team right now. They're my trustworthy friends if you guys asked me, but we'll expand.

I've been wondering how that works actually. Would you like to explain it to me?

I assume you challenge someone and then you get to invite a friend or acquaintance to battle alongside you against the other team, correct? :o

Well one person said that you need to do these following steps when doing a 4-player battle (multi-battle)

1. Choose 'battle' either through a friend's icon on the PSS, or through the menu that has several options (like game sync, o-powers, GTS, etc).
2. Choose 4-player battle.
3. Choose the 3 other players you want to join you (they have to all be online in-game).
4. When all the preparations are made, there's an option called 'Battle Arena'. In it, it says 'First' 'Second' 'Third' & 'Fourth'. Everyone chooses a position. First & Second become partners, and Third & Fourth become partners. If no-one chooses a position then you just end up partnered with whoever is above or below you on the top-screen.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


Quote from: Julius on 2013 Nov 02, 23:53:41
Online battles are fun and challenging! Until you find an annoying kid with an overpowered team... But then you kick said kid's Butt and all is good. :D

As a side note, anyone here watching the anime too? I just watched the first four episodes of X/Y and it feels so good to be watching Pokemon again after so many years! I love it! :3
I want to watch it, but no cable. I have Netflix instead. It's better in a million ways, it just doesn't have Pokémon. Or SpongeBob. But those are the only flaws. It has MLPFIM, a lot of Disney shows, Adventure Time, and ABSOLUTELY NO COMMERCIALS!!! :D

But no Pokémon, or Spongebob, or Avatar: The Last Airbender. ;(
I'm back


Thanks Kirby! I'll have to try it out sometime! :)

Pikmin, you can watch it online right now if you don't mind Japanese with English subtitles. I don't mind since it's been so long since I watched Pokemon so the voice change doesn't impact me so much. At least they're similar enough. X3


I've watched things in Japanese before. Like Miyazaki movies. They can be in English, but it seems to explain a little more when you watch it in Japanese with subs, so I do that sometimes. The only problem is this: I hardly have computer access. 99.9% of my internet time is done with my 3DS.
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Book Smarts

Just beat Pokemon X on Friday, and somehow managed to beat the Elite Four with just level 56-58 Pokemon on the first go around.  :l


Congrats on beating it! We should battle sometime!
I'm back

Book Smarts

Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Nov 03, 15:17:22
Congrats on beating it! We should battle sometime!

Sure, I'll be posting my friend code on the wifi thread


2013 Nov 03, 15:29:44 #634 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 03, 15:41:03 by Yellowpikmin476
Posted mine there.
I'm back


Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Nov 03, 15:26:48
Sure, I'll be posting my friend code on the wifi thread

Wi-fi thread?
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Yeah we have a pokemon Wi-fi Lobby Thread so it's easy enough to get ppl to register our friend codes there. it's gonna be specify pokemon version and activity as I said in that thread.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 02, 01:30:59
I heard people were getting mystery eggs off from the wonder trades for some reason, but My guess is that ppl have hacked them or just a corrupted data. If i were you guys, I would keep away from the wonder trades, but I have to see if there's more proof on that and hopefully another patch happens.

The rumor is that the mystery eggs are corrupted, and that they can seriously ruin your game by corrupting the file. It's also rumored that any pokemon that a mystery egg comes in contact with will become infected with the corrupt data, turning them into mystery eggs as well.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Well we'll have to wait till the next patch or update for the wonder trades. The problem is called Bad eggs. I had one in emerald before. People say that the bad egg is just a virus.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


When battling online set it to Music 11! It's the best one.
I'm back

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