Metagame! (RP, NOT a jump-in): Please post at least 2 sentences or more per post

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Jan 03, 17:53:21

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The Wandering Magus

Arty's Haste doubles all movements allowed for three turns, including this one.

Chrysteel's Valor's Wingstorm Interrupts the Eldritch Polygon's attack and deals 65% damage to it, Defeating it immediately.  Unfortunately, since the Ultimate Evil is still twenty-two steps away, it is out of range of the spell, so it is not hurt.  However, the Rain of Stone Needles and Lava Boulders within the vicinity vanish, giving a one-turn reprieve from the attacks.

Chrysteel's Harmonic Horn Blast vaporizes the rest of the Eldritch Polygon, preventing its defeated form from using Shard Burst.

Arty and Chrysteel move to the 6th step.

Buffs are ready to be reactivated at the start of the next round.

Mother's Fury and Valor's Retribution are ready for immediate use next round.

Harmonic Mother's Gift restores all allies (besides Nightly, who is a few thousand miles away) to 100% health and removes 1 Disease or Carrier debuff.

Majem is now on the 9th step and cured of the movement debuff.

Majem gains the Blessing of Cthulhu, which imparts 90% Immunity to fire-based attacks and ability to create and control oceans of water by drawing on eldritch magic flowing through Laserbolt on use.

Blazing manages to destroy a few needles, but there are too many to destroy.


There are 6 Stone Gravelwolves on the 15th step.  3 leap down to the 10th step, not seeing Majem due to his stealth, and prepare to perform Slashing Claws on the shield 4 steps down for 20% physical melee damage each.  The other 3 wait, roaming back and forth on the 15th step.

The Spore Cloud expands to the 5th and 4th steps, wrapping around the outside of the shields.

The three 25% Fungal Masses just ahead of Majem, on the 10th step, continue spewing out the Spore Cloud; his proximity to  them will likely mean worsened debuffs next turn.

Debilitating Disease deals 10% damage to Majem, reducing him to 90% health.  He feels slightly ill.

Rain of Stone Needles continues.

The Hail of Lava Boulders stops abruptly.


A surge of Lightning Magic shoots down the steps, ready to Stun for 1 turn and deal 50% damage to anypony who's not Immune to it, jumps, or somehow blocks the attack.  Theoretically, Majem's liquid form might be able to survive it.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


[glow=black,2,300]That's enough of that, you big fool.[/glow]

Laserbolt drops the shield,getting ready to charge up the gates. It's almost uncanny how easily he can use his wings. He takes to the skies, and uses the blessing of Luna to catch the lightning bolt.

[glow=black,2,300]Don't you know that the best and most beautiful storms happen at night, false god? Lunar STORM![/glow]

The lightning bolt skids back up the steps at the one of the  Gravelwolves on the 11th step, striking them.

Perhaps it is time for me to get a move on up those steps...

((I may not answer again for a while, you guys. I'll post as I get access. I'll be moving for a while, so it'll be hard to post for a little bit.))


Power. Majem could feel a new power surge through him, an immense potential quite new to him. The small, blue unicorn was never a very powerful one, Majem is more the enduring type, rather than strength. But right now he had powers unimaginable, powers far outside his usual reach, but it felt natural, it felt familiar.
The power to create and manipulate oceans of water. Majem knew what it was like to have that kind of power. An equivalent to godhood was once his life, though he kept nothing of that former experience but memories.

"Here I come." Majem thought to himself. Underneath his hooves, some water formed, but soon the amount grew to a tidal wave. From the ninth step rose a wave, carrying Majem on top, and moved over the 10th step, washing away anything that wasn't rooted to the ground.
From the top, Majem jumped off, onto the 11th step.
((Majem used surf))

The Wandering Magus

((it's super effective! lol  ahem.  waiting for the others x3))
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013



Chrysteel with Arty's haste for another two more turns redoes her buffs and helping arty move to the next step. She save mother's furry and Valor's Retribution for another action. Instead she attempts to blast one of the wolves in mid flight.
Ability = harmonic horn blast
((Same as before except target is one of the wolves trying to atk the shield))
Because she is now airborn with arty the shock atk can't reach them.

She holds arty aloft, lifting him teleconetically to her back. So he can do his thing and she can fly and atk.
She draws her bow aiming at another wolf and lets the light arrow fly
Attacking with enhanced light bow
((Magus you gave the stats for this bow. arrows are light arrows created with mana.))
"[glow=pink,2,300]Lets see how my speed holds up, Arty.[/glow]" Chrysteel says to arty as she does rings around the 7th step, then the 8th and finally hovering, after the electricity has passed, over the 9th step. Arty can choose to get off or stay on. The rapid flapping for a hovering Queen Chrysteel's wings attempts to force the poison cloud to move away from her and Arty, keeping them safe from its disease and debuff. ((Remember after using Valor's Wingstorm Chrysteel's speed in flight is almost sonic rainboom fast. Then there is the two haste effect applied on top of it for a strong gust to come off her wings as she flies. She is currently moving as fast as dash after a sonic rainboom without the boom effect. She would knock Arty off her back if she did a rainboom right now.))
((I do not control Arty's actions. I am just helping him in his defense.))


ay i'm no longer using this site


Arty hugged onto Chrysteel when she put him over her back. She was going fast, making him tighten his grip. Now, this close to her, he could cast buffs by touch rather than sending mana through air, granting a 50% effect bonus. - [glow=black,2,300]"Thanks again, Chrysteel! If you excuse me...."[/glow] - He touched the back of her head with his horn, having to lie his head on her back. By doing so, he blushed lightly, but didn't lost focus on his spell. He attempted to improve all of her physical abilities, but he wasn't expecting what actually happened. His emotion-based mana resonated with Chrysteel's, and both of them felt their magical power and mana reserve multiplying ((by a factor Magus decides)). A white glow started to emanate from the two of them. As he finished, the glow stopped, and he got down from her back. - [glow=black,2,300]"I didn't knew we could do something like that. When we are together, it's like our power grow exponentially. So, let's stay like this until the end!"[/glow] - He smiled at her, and then turned back to the steps. - [glow=black,2,300]"Blessed ground"[/glow] - The 10th step started to shine, grating calm and peace of mind to those over it. It also affected the wolfs, diminishing their will to fight and, concequentially, their attack power. If their will is weak enough, they might even back off from the fight and stop attacking the party.


The Wandering Magus

((fifth step of a thirty-step staircase.  stone needles are falling everywhere around you, but you're shielded by a spell.  toxic spore cloud outside.  timberwolves attacking.  what do?))
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013



I'm not a little lost on the stairs. just try not to hurt me ono

The Wandering Magus

Laserbolt's Lunar Storm stops and reverses the Lightning Magic, causing it to strike the three Gravelwolves on the 10th step, Interrupting their Slashing Claws attempt and Stunning them for 1 turn while dealing 50% damage to each, reducing them to 50% health each.  The 25% Fungal Masses also are dealt 50% Lightning damage each, being incinerated and thus unable to Burst as they are reduced to 0% health and Defeated.  The Spore Cloud is also dealt 50% damage, reduced to 50% health.

Majem, riding on a tidal wave of water, manages to escape damage from the Lightning attacks, and successfully moves past the Fungal Masses onto the 11th step.  His Tidal Wave Absorbs the Spore Cloud, turning into Poisoned Sludge, but since he jumps off immediately during the same turn, the Poisoned Sludge does not affect him, and falls down onto the floor far below, being destroyed by the fall and by the Lightning Pillars.

Debilitating Disease deals 10% damage to Majem, reducing him to 80% health.  He feels slightly ill and nauseous.

Chrysteel's Harmonic Horn Blast deals 30*3=90%+Harmony+Fire+Arcane to the 50% Gravelwolf on the 10th step,, reducing it to 0% health and Defeating it instantly.  The other two Gravelwolves are still Stunned by the Lunar Storm attack.

The Airborne status on Arty and Chrysteel makes them Immune to the Lightning attacks.

Chrysteel's Light Arrows deal 20*3=60%+Harmony+Fire+Arcane+Light damage to the other 50% Gravelwolf, reducing it to 0% health and Defeating it instantly.  The remaining 50% Gravelwolf is still Stunned by the Lunar Storm Attack this turn.

The Valor's Wingstorm buff allows Chrysteel to carry Arty to the 9th step and avoid both the Debilitating Disease and Carrier debuffs.

Blazing's Hellhound successfully uses Slashing Claws against the 50% Gravelwolf, dealing 20%+Fire damage and reducing it to 30% health and incurring the effect Minor Burn -5% health/turn 50% outgoing damage.  The Gravelwolf is still Stunned and unable to attack.

Arty's Emotional Contact buff adds an additional INITIAL 2x buff to Chrysteel's Emotional and Mana reserves.

Arty's Blessed Ground AoE buff/debuff imparts the Broken Will debuff/effect on the 30% Stunned Gravelwolf on the 10th step, causing its alliance to shift to Neutral.  It will no longer attack for the remainder of the battle unless attacked.

Bleyd forfeits his turn.


The 3 Gravelwolves from the 15th step leap down to the 10th step, not seeing Majem due to his stealth, and prepare to perform Slashing Claws on Arty and Chrysteel for 20% physical melee damage each.

Rain of Stone Needles continues.


On the 20th step, an eldritch portal of black magic opened up, depositing a full-health Nameless Abomination!  There is a roar as gaping voids into nothingness opened behind him, and ten Hideous Limbs burst out and writhed towards the group, going down to the 19th step!  Each one can sustain two strong blows or four weak blows, but inflict Disease wounds and give off a Fear aura which cause melee attacks to slow as the subconscious mind backpedals at the thought of getting anywhere near them.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Crysteel looks at the wolfs and stares at them. her stare pierces deep as she says, "[glow=pink,2,300]Do you really want to mess with me today?! Leave my friends alone![/glow]" [action one of three = Prepared ability = Harmonic Mother's Furry]
She then moves to create using her new mana reserve the mana shield spell to surround herself and Arty. [action two of three = mana shield = blocks incoming attacks for three posts cycles can only target self and those near her unless effect reduced to one Post cycle duration. target = self and Arty.]

She prepares herself for a long fight against the horrid creature again. [third action of three = Valor's light aura effects at full power. Mother's love effects at 75% power. this change does not affect abilities not part of the aura. meaning mother's furry being a spell and not a passive of the mother's love aura is at full power still.]


[glow=black,2,300]"Thanks, Chrysteel! Let me help with this."[/glow] - By adding his own magic to Chrysteel's shield, it's power increased to the point of not only blocking, but also reflecting the incoming damage back to it's source. For his second action, he channeled some mana through the gaps between the gravel that made the wolfs' bodies, starting to slowly affect them from the inside. This turn, no change could be noticed yet.


Seeing the abomination, Laserbolt's face betrays confusion.

[glow=black,2,300]What on this good planet is that? It looks like something out of a deranged foal's coloring book. Let's take care of it, shall we?[/glow]

He lands next to Art and Chrysteel, getting ready for a fight. Looking at the creature, he tried to tease out some weak spot in its squamous mass of a body.

[Generic Scan Ability, Seeing weaknesses, weak spots, resistances, etc.]

Post Merge

((Anyone home?))


Majem lands safely on the 11th step, then begins to cough up some green slime; it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He quickly spits it out before using a love orb on himself to cure him of his disease, and two hope orbs to heal him for 20% health.
The nausea and illness begin to fade and Majem's head feels lighter again. He breathes a sigh in relief, but the fight is far from over.

"Stone rain, still? I thought you draconequi were a little more creative than that. I know Discord was, I bet he's far more powerful than you are, anyway." Majem taunts the Ultimate Evil, dodging the rain falling down on him.
Suddenly, he stops in his movements, his horn glows bright as he cast a spell. Out of nowhere, spear-like jets of water appear seemingly everywhere and head straight for every stone needle above the adventurers' heads. The stones shatter to dust, though the action takes all of Majem's concentration and thusly he cannot proceed.

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