Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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alright and done Elluka says um so Flame, Irina dn I are immune anyway me and Irina got out marks sometime ago when we were still one and it was on... the inside our ribs to be exact and Flame well he is a demon technically..... So one more right?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 14, 00:28:41
alright and done Elluka says um so Flame, Irina dn I are immune anyway me and Irina got out marks sometime ago when we were still one and it was on... the inside our ribs to be exact and Flame well he is a demon technically..... So one more right?

That doesn't quite explain why you need to use a knife to carve it into me! Physics says, clutching at his wound.
Oh tough it out son! Scroll says, tapping his chest mark with pride.
thank you Sky Sketch


silver knife blessed by a preist um so Red? she says pausing a bit before looking towards Physics' mom
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

You know dear, I don't understand why you asked for volunteers if you where going to do the entire family... Red Dawn says while trotting up to Elluka, all while Physics and Scroll Scripter nod in agreement.
thank you Sky Sketch


force of habit I'm not too use to huge demon outbreaks she walking over to Red Dawn to carve the mark into her she walks over to Venom and puts a necklace on her don't ever take that off okay she tells her Venom nods sniffling a bit
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 14, 01:33:13
force of habit I'm not too use to huge demon outbreaks she walking over to Red Dawn to carve the mark into her she walks over to Venom and puts a necklace on her don't ever take that off okay she tells her Venom nods sniffling a bit

So when will Irina be back up? Physics asks Elluka, worried for his wifes well being.
thank you Sky Sketch


she will be out for awhile but she will be fine Flame says he pauses for a second looking worried Elluka? Did you salt the windows and door and put a protection circle under them at the theater he asks Elluka nods yes I did and you told Snap and Michaela to stay there and do not leave or open the door for anypony right Flame nods I did
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Alright, family is safe, now what? Physics asks, wanting to know how to get on the offensive against the demons.
//I'm getting tired now, and computers sound isn't working so that too. Bye.
thank you Sky Sketch


well iron demons hate iron, holy water and silver blades oh also you are going to need an exrosisim book incase somepony becomes possessed
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

I don't think we have much of that.... Physics says, looking across the room for any of those objects, and not finding much holy water, iron, or silver blades save the one Elluka had.
thank you Sky Sketch


yeah I would of guessed but Flame get back to your familiy I'll stay here with these guys Elluka says Flame nods and teleports away Irina groans a bit in pain getting up [/color]so what do we do she asks fight them it's the only way
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

//Bit messed up in that post... and Irina aren't exactly going to be winning this, we tried fighting, the demon was bucking invincible! Physics tells Elluka, recalling the not-too-distant past.
thank you Sky Sketch


without the colt yes he is Elluka says the colt is a blade crafted by a Samuel L Colt a blade craftsmen this blade is weak and fragile but it can gank any demon it should last at least 4 hits

Post Merge

//also the bucking invincible thing made me think of Sundowner lol
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 14, 20:43:39
without the colt yes he is Elluka says the colt is a blade crafted by a Samuel L Colt a blade craftsmen this blade is weak and fragile but it can gank any demon it should last at least 4 hits

Post Merge

//also the bucking invincible thing made me think of Sundowner lol

So just break his blade and we've got him? Physics says, thinking that was not too hard.

Sound's easy enough. Scroll Scriptor says, agreeing with his son.
thank you Sky Sketch


oh no I mean you need this blade to beat him but it will only owrk 4 times so don't waste it and another thing is I don't want you involved in this for your own safety

//also because this is for the Supernatural RP :P
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 14, 21:36:52
oh no I mean you need this blade to beat him but it will only owrk 4 times so don't waste it and another thing is I don't want you involved in this for your own safety

//also because this is for the Supernatural RP :P

Alright, I suppose I'll stay here and look after the foals... Scroll says.
Yea, it'd be horrible if something happens to them... Red Dawn says aswell. The two ponies quickly walk back to the other room that held the foals.
This...demon thing hurt my wife, I'm not going to sit by and let this go by without me... Physics tells Elluka, not going to stand by while this happened.
thank you Sky Sketch


I can't let you Phyiscs I'm sorry unless... he tells you to
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 14, 22:07:25
I can't let you Phyiscs I'm sorry unless... he tells you to

Unless who tells me? Physics asks Elluka, confused as to what she was saying.
thank you Sky Sketch


2013 Oct 14, 22:35:10 #5818 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 14, 22:52:20 by FlameandIce
Alexeil an angel he said that a certain few will be chosen to stop the war between ponies and demons
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

//Ponies and Demons....
Do you mean....that crazy pony from my shop?!?! Physics says in confusion.
thank you Sky Sketch

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