Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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you know if you want to we can go out for a night out and have your parents look after the kids
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

2013 Oct 12, 19:29:16 #5721 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 12, 19:35:07 by the dark gods
Physics nods. Alright, let me just get the telephone.... Physics says, while walking over to the hotel phone to ring up his parents and get them to "meet their grand-foals".
thank you Sky Sketch


Irina on the other hoof was talking to the kids about how the night will work they nod without and complaints
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Roughly half an hour latter Scroll Scripter and Red Dawn knock on the door, Physics goes to open it. Hey ma, hey pa, kids are inside. Physics says, moving out of the way for his parents to come in.
Hello there. Scroll says with a polite bow.
Ohhh, I'm meeting my grand-children for the first time... Red Dawn almost squeals out in joy as she comes in.
thank you Sky Sketch


Irina gives a wave smiling the two are behind them Venom waves shyly
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the dark gods

Scroll gives a wave to his daughter in law.
Red Dawn walks up to Venom and hugs her. You're my grand-filly aren't you? you're just adorable! Red Dawn says, hugging Venom in tight.
Well, me and Irina planned to spend the night out today, so yea, have fun with the kids! Physics says, tugging on his wifes arm to signal that they should get out now.
thank you Sky Sketch


Venom hugs her grandmother back Pierrot smirks Irina starts walking away grabbing something from her bag
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

So where do you want to go? Physics asks Irina.

While Red Dawn hugged Venom Scroll Scripter walks ups to Lemy. So you're Physics boy then...look a tad bit older then I expected.... Scroll asks, knowing his sons' family didn't a child last time he saw them, and the idea they had one this big that young would be....weird...
thank you Sky Sketch


hm well how about dinner or a movie first off Irina says smiling

oh I was adopted while dad was doing something in mom's home country Pierrot lies
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the dark gods

Alright, the hotel had some coupons.... Physics says, pulling some out that he was hiding...somewhere that ponies hide things in their bodies...flank pockets. Place is pretty fancy, but if we order less then a hundred dollars worth of food, it's free.... Physics says, looking over the first coupon in the small book of them they gave him.

Awh, that explains it....anyone ever told you, you look like one of the royal guards? Scroll asks Pierrot jokingly.
thank you Sky Sketch


well hopefully that shouldn't be too hard huh Irina says chuckling a bit

really why do you say that?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Food is still pretty expensive there thought.... Physics explains to Irina.

Well your mane, and your coat, and your build you participate in any sports or something? Scroll Scripter asks his grand-son.
thank you Sky Sketch


well no but I've done some odd jobs around town

yeah I would of guessed so share a dish?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 20:33:27
well no but I've done some odd jobs around town

yeah I would of guessed so share a dish?

I don't think most odd jobs would be enough excerise for that type of body... Scroll tells Lemy.

Yea, that sounds nice actually.... Physics says with a smile to Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


well I also hunt with dad sometimes

Irina smiles back anyways should we get going loveshe says as she starts walking
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 20:41:32
well I also hunt with dad sometimes

Irina smiles back anyways should we get going loveshe says as she starts walking

I suppose that's as good a sport as any.... Scroll Scripter tells Lemy.

Yeah, let's go. Physics says, checking the coupon to see the adress before trotting towards the right location.
thank you Sky Sketch


so what do you two do for a living I don't think dad said anything at least not that I can remember

//what to just let Phyiscs and Irina be and do some family bonding?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Me and Dawn run a magic shop just like our son does, in fact the one Physics lives in used to be our old shop.... Scroll tells Lemy, a bit shocked Physics hadn't talked about him.

//Not sure, I think we should just skip to the graveyard like you said.
thank you Sky Sketch


well that's kind of cool Pierrot says smiling at his grandfather

you know Physics I have a little idea that is if you aren't too scared Irina says as they pay for their dish
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 21:19:39
well that's kind of cool Pierrot says smiling at his grandfather

you know Physics I have a little idea that is if you aren't too scared Irina says as they pay for their dish

Heck, me and Reds home and shop looks just like the Arcane Incantum right now! Scroll says with a healthy laugh.

Uh sure, I'm no coward.... Physics tells Irina, curiously as to what she was talking about.
thank you Sky Sketch

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