Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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Rad Thunder

*ponies turn toward her with o.O looks*
*Rad starts by spinning around a nearby lightpole, and flies off landing on a nearby rooftop*

Dark Hooves

Zira: You ponies don't appreciate athleticism when you see it, anyways he's the nicest stallion I've ever met. (starts watching Rad) Go Raddie!
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

*Rad starts doing hopping cartwheels across the roofs*
Why does this mare like him so much?
Hold on...didn't she buy the house next to Fancy Pants?

Dark Hooves

Zira: (turns to the pony) Yes I did. (gets back to cheering for Rad)
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

My...she must have exquisite tastes...
Well...if she enjoys watching him...I do too.
Of course. *they begin to clap and cheer*

Dark Hooves

Zira notices the others cheering and clapping, which she smiles and continues cheering Rad on.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

*Rad looks down and sees the crowd cheering him* Yeah! Now they love me! :D
*he finishes with a corkscrew jump from a rooftop and lands in front of them with a pose* B)

Dark Hooves

Zira flies up to Rad.

Zira: Look Raddie, they are all cheering for you.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

I don't know what I did, but they're loving it now.

Dark Hooves

Zira: I think I convinced them by cheering for you even though they weren't at first. I think they see me as a VIP here since I live nearby Fancy Pants.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

What? Really? I think I owe you a bit of the tips. :]
*he heads down to collect tips*

Dark Hooves

Zira: I hope you have a big enough bag for the tips.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

*Rad walks by collecting tips. Some are throwing out bags full and even some tossed in a few gems*

Dark Hooves

Zira flies down and lands nearby watching as the ponies give Rad money and gems.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

Whoa everypony slow down! *Rad takes time to stuff his pockets with bits and gems before going back to carrying more* But thanks for your support!

Dark Hooves

Zira: (thinking) It looks like things are turning around for Raddie and it was all because I stood by and supported him even against everypony else. I hope one day he says yes when I ask him the question or if he asks me I'll gladly say yes.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

*Rad finally gets relief from ponies throwing money at him*
That was nuts! This is the biggest haul I've gotten ever! :D

Dark Hooves

Zira: That great Raddie.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

Rad Thunder

If I get this every time, I won't have to travel all over. I could stay here with you. ^-^

Dark Hooves

Zira: Don't worry about giving me some of the money, what's mine is yours. I'm more than happy to share.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.

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