Adventure Across Equestria [Not jump-in]

Started by Little Star, 2012 Nov 17, 13:38:38

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The Wandering Magus

Quote from: super_chris85 on 2012 Nov 25, 18:21:18
(( i only know how to talk like this a little bit so don't judge me  :l ))
((not judging, just pointing out in case the Princesses get insulted by your statement))
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Haned tom.

((Sorry for taking so long to post on this roleplay had a form of writers block that made it difficult for me to roleplay as Engineer.))
A orange fur and with a long goldenrod mane stallion scrambled to the castle. Thinking (I am so very late the princesses will not be happy. I might be severely punished.)
In life there is no good or evil. There is only opinions and business.

The Wandering Magus

((so, Ryo and I have been requested by Starsong to GM this game while she's away, so I'll try to do my best!))

The royal guards looked down suspiciously at the late arrival.  "Halt!  Identify yourself, at once!"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Haned tom.

The stallion freezes thinks (oh celestia banish my tardiness.) and then says "Um my name is Engineer machine."
In life there is no good or evil. There is only opinions and business.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Haned tom. on 2012 Dec 01, 22:04:35
The stallion freezes thinks (oh celestia banish my tardiness.) and then says "Um my name is Engineer machine."
The guards look at him suspiciously.  "Do you have a summons from Their Majesties?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Little Star

((Guess who's happy again. MEEEE~!))
Everypony!Announced CelestiaGet into your wagon with the supplies and begin moving. Thy magesties have royal duties to tend to, When all of thou are ready.
Begin onto this road that leads out into canyon apon canyon. And the mountains stretch as far as eye can see. When you have found the land. Have a bird or Pegasus fly the message back to us here. Then thy magesties will send flags to claim this land! After it is claimed Thou can choose who stays and who leaves. We would like a message on who shall rule over the land. It will still be connected to equestria, but we will need someone to watch over the land whilst thy magesties are busy.
The sisters said this in unison. Celestia smiled and looked over the ponies.

Lil' Ann hopped into a wagon and loaded her supplies on.
LEt's giddy up! Im ready, yeeehah! She jumped and maneuvered her wagon to the front.

Nala Valor

Melody was flying around and saw the wagons. She flew silently and hid in Lil' Ann's wagon.

((DO NOT FIND HER until I'm back))


"Well then Fancy we shall converse again when we stop it apears I assume your joining the farming couple on there trip"
Ryo looks over at the other two "Emmit, Clara would you care to accompany me on this waggon we have much to catch up on"
Ryo gets on a waggon

The Wandering Magus

The general bowed to the knight.  "It has been an honor, Sir Ryo.  Until later, then."

He walked up to the mule, looked back at the farmponies with a raised eyebrow, then nodded to Aspera, who nodded back with a ghost of a smile.  "Si, señor."

The wagon began slowly moving, the general walking alongside the mule.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Little Star

2012 Dec 04, 06:41:02 #49 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 04, 19:25:04 by StarSong
Lil Ann shouted off the wagon
See yah magesties! Yeeehah! Lets get this on the road!
Celestia and Luna waved farewell to the leaving wagons as the departed onto the back road over the canyons and mountains. They trotted back into the castle to preform their royal duties.

((That's the last of Celestia and Luna. (Mwahaha?)))

The roads from canterlot lead into the barren wasteland of canyons. Small shrubs are splattered here and there.


Ryo looks out the back of his wagon (he's at the back of the trail) and watches as the world moves past him
"Well this should be fun, I guess *sigh* let's hope I can make some good note on this trip then"
Then Ryo takes out a notebook and starts to flick through it


2012 Dec 05, 22:55:19 #51 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 05, 23:10:13 by GalvinRoe
  Emmit finally fixed his eyes on Ryo, giddy as a school boy with a months of vacation before him. "CAN WE TALK NOW!?" He laughed at his wife. "RYO! Dear MAGIC, man, when was the last time we saw each other? The convention! It must of been that free buffet, with all those ponies. What was it called . . . OH! The universal magic appreciation parade! WHAT ON EARTH WAS IT FOR? Morale, I suspect " Emmit was laughing again.

  "NOW, what have you been up to? What are you doing on this trip? And for flying horshoes, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" Leaning between the gap of carriage he slapped Ryo on the back.


Ryo turns round and looks at the other end of the carrage
"The parade... oh that thing, I don't even remember I think I walked off, since they wanted to put some of us on display, But regardless I've been good research is going well, at this rate I may be able to work more towards the elemental effects. But regardless how have you been, as you said it's been far too long how have you two been, surely the two of you have had a master breakthrough somewhere right"

Doctor Light

((Where are we so I can run to that scene... I've had to much school....))
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

((We are in our wagon going out into the world of dry canyons and tall, snowy mountains.))
Lil Ann sat back in her wagon. I reckon this is gon be a long trip to find happiness.

Doctor Light

"Wait! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!" (Darn you TF2.)
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

Lil Ann stops her wagon causing the others to abruptly stop.
Oh pony feathers! What now?
She looks back
You,  mister! You can come join me up here, I aint got no one else to stay with me. You know, besides Melody. (Where the hay is that dang bird?!)
She waves for him to come up to the front.

Doctor Light

"Aight, hows the expedition going?" Light asks.
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

Ehh *shrugs* OKay I'm guess'n. My name's Lil Ann. You can call me Ann. She reaches her hoof out to shake.

Doctor Light

Light reciprocates the hoofshake. "Hey, are those ponies ahead over the top rich ponies? Light asks
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

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