Travius Trott's Minecraft server. [well, it was a pleasure being admin for this]

Started by Travius Trott, 2012 Mar 19, 14:13:58

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hyper drive [HD]

when will i be accepted  DD: l o l when do you think i would be able to start playin

Travius Trott

oh? I thought I had added you. Oh well.

To be honest, I can no longer keep the server up as I have too many things that require my attention and money for the matter.

So, today will likely be the last day that it is up, though, I have downloaded the worlds, and plan on uploading them to someplace where they can be downloaded. Though... For the let's play, I have no idea what to do with..

Also, for those that Want to play on a Vanilla Minecraft server for LoE, I may know of someplace, but I have it not confirmed it, I admit.

Oh, it would appear that I got some fancy title, Notable pony, now that's something that I had not expected to gain.
Thanks everypony, for this most brilliant thing.


The Dueling pony salutes you for all your hard work Travius It was an honour playing in your world even if i did become absent at the end, but regardless for all of those on the Travius Trott MC server it was grand playing with you all so a big thanks Travius  ^-^


since the server is done
im going to unsticky this and lock it up

if anything new comes up let me know Travius and ill make the changes
any questions or concerns let me know
Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

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