The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)

Started by Morning Glory, 2012 Jun 19, 15:49:38

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The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 30, 20:18:14

White Lace returned with a heavy quilted blanket and an empty hot water bottle. "Thank ye Coppershine." She said as she placed the blanket on the ground and picked up the kettle. She then proceeded to fill the rubbery bag from the kettle in an impressive show of dexterity with hooves and mouth; not single drop of hot water was spilled. Corking the bottle, she brought both it, and the blanket to Feather. Her good eye passed over him, and she seemed surprised at his improved condition.


Outside, snow continued to fall. Ponies could be seen packing up tents and booths, squinting and shivering in the blizzard. Though there was a stiff breeze already, the rush of nipping cold that tore over the town sent most Silverdalians scattering. A blast of icy wind ripped down the street, sending decorations and baubles and anything that wasn't nailed down scattering across the road. Shutters rattled as the wind howled and the cold escalated, making it dangerous to stay out of doors without warm clothing.

Feather gratefully received the help with a smile and a quiet "t-thank you very much!" as his wife continued feeling his forehead and glancing out the window every now and then.  She shook her head with disbelief and not a little bit of frustration each time the wind howled, muttering something about an "ill wind that blows to no good" and "weather that makes no sense".

Feather let his wife rant, not wanting to assert himself and too tired to try in any case.  Instead, he contented himself with taking a look around the tavern to re-familiarize himself with the interior.  The last time he was here was back when they needed a little wood-related remodeling, and the architecture and layout, especially with the chairs and paintings on the walls, had changed quite a bit since then.

For a town that prided itself on how constant its surroundings and ponies were, there was actually some change every now and then, easily missed by outsiders, but noticeable to some ponies, especially somepony who had little better to do during conversations on a day-to-day basis than stand back quietly and look down at the floor or at his surroundings.  He was fond of noting new paint lines or decorations, though he kept his thoughts to himself.  It was, to him, during his long years branded as an "outsider" and a "sorcerer" a certain sort of hopeful sign that perhaps one day his situation would change and he would be accepted into the society.  Even now, he smiled to himself, a little change every now and then meant that perhaps good things like medical alchemy could perhaps come to even insular Silverdale.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Star Striker

Sweet Dreams raised a brow curiosuly at Silver Flask. "I havn't heard anything about this atrocious wind myself, but I suppose it's to be expected." She laughed a little bit, though she was still somewhat worried. "I wasn't really planning on leaving all that soon, anyhow... but I was at least hoping to venture about, if I could." The pegasus pawed the ground complaintantly before snapping back to attention. "Oh, my name? Ahaha how silly of me. My name is Sweet Dreams, from canterlot." She said extending a hoof to the stranger. "What can I call you?"

Upon anothers voice, the pegasus curiously raised her ears. "I doubt it's like this anywhere in equestria, really."The pegasus laughed, again in a nervous fashion. "The mayor? Well, I suppose if anypony was to do somethin' about it a mayor would be the best choice." She nodded quickly at the end of her statement, confidently enough, though inwardly the pony was drastically confused and on edge from the weathers change. Maybe it was in a pegasus' nature to be cautious of strange phenomenon, but either way she couldn't make heads or tails of freak weather patterns.

Sweet Dreams stared out the window, for a short time just in an observational state inside the warmth of the inn the cold of outside was obscured and not noticable to her. Though the sounds of thrashing wind was still distinguishable. It was when some festive decorations were tossed by the window that Sweet Dreams snapped out of her thoughts and stepped back from where she was standing, her wings fluffing up from the surprise of it. "It sure is getting ferocious out there, hope that fellow can figure somethin' out quickly."


With a sigh of relief, some of Silver's previous fears had gone. Nevertheless, he was determined to be on his guard; he was finally being accepted! Silver was prepared to do what he had to in order to keep his identity as a pegasus hidden from them.

She's from Canterlot eh? And what luck! She doesn't seem to be such a loud-mouthed snook like all the other Canterlot stereotypes.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Dreams."
Silver took her hoof and heartily shook it. Even on his best behavior that he used on ponies older than him, he had to try his hardest to keep the more hyper side of his personality in check.
"I go by the name of Silver Flask."

Looking outside as Sweet Dreams had, his eyes widened at the sight of the storm, it seems it had gone from a nice snow flurry to what could nearly be called a blizzard.

"So it is. The storm seems to have gotten much worse in the short time I've been talking here. Hopefully nopony else will be in harms way of the cold."

The very thought sent shivers through his body, and he quickly, regained control of his wings before they revealed themselves hiding under his cloak. Silver carefully took another sip of his soup to calm his nerves.

Morning Glory

Copper pointed to the large aged painting sitting over the fireplace. It depicted a massive, iron-colored stallion. He wore a silver medal on a red ribbon around his neck, and his dark mane was neatly combed for a truly stately picture. "His family has led Silverdale for generations. There's no finer mayor and no one more committed to the safety and prosperity of our town." She spoke like she was reading a passage from a book.

Coppershine swept her eyes around the room. It looked like everypony was taken care of. Her gaze returned to the windows, watching the angry storm slap a bundle of streamers against the building. The bright colors seemed out of place in the blinding white snowstorm.

"We'd best close the shutters. We'll have broken windows if this keeps up." She moved back to her seat and looked through her bags. She had no warm clothing with her (it was summer after all), but she did have her rain slicker. She pulled it on, at least hoping to keep the snow off her fur, and then headed out the door.

Through the window she could be seen unhooking the shutters and struggling against the gale to push them over the windows. Her mane whipped in her face and the cold made her shiver instantly.  She would be unable to finish the job without help.


The figure returning to the inn might well have been mistaken for a snow pony, considering the volume of powder which had collected both on the front and back of him.  Dusty had wandered about the town, stubbornly pushing into the wind, thinking that it must be the source of the current blizzard, and returned with the wind at his back, leading to an almost full cover of snow due to the wind whipping about.
He paused for a moment indoors before heading back outside to shake himself off, returning inside with mane and tail soaked and heavy.  He tried to avoid the stares of the patrons while heading back to the counter where Coppershine was now tending shop, apparently.  Noting the conversation already in place, he settled in nearby, waiting for the opportune moment to cut in with his discoveries from outside.

"I often wish that the two groups - adults and kids - could find a way to get along better. ... The biggest problem is, the adults have one of the most effective recruitment strategies in the world.

Give them enough time, and they'll turn any kid into one of them."
-Brandon Sanderson


With the recent influx of passers-by in the inn, Silver contented himself to resume his pony-watching.

That interesting scholar pony seemed to be at the front desk again, and he had obviously gotten a little more than a small whiff of the snow outside.
With a small huff of irritation at the inconvenient weather, Silver sipped on his soup. Glancing over to Feather, he smiled with relief upon seeing the unicorn looking much better than he had before; still with a slight chill, but nothing serious.

It looks like I've still got the old cold medicine recipe memorized. That's a relief.

Laying back in his seat, Silver hummed a song to himself, content to simply sit in the inn and wait out the storm with all these friendly ponies.

Maybe they wouldn't mind my wings as much as I thought...

He sipped up the last of his soup, and pulled his hood back over his head to keep his ears warm; all these ponies going in and out would give him a chill next.

Star Striker

Miss Dreams... the pegasus found herself smirking a bit. Being called miss almost always made her feel important.
"Well,it's a pleasure to meet you, Silver Flask." She wasn't a terribley snooty little pony. An average ammount of snoot, at least. Still the pegasus loved to get in on gossip, and would turn her nose up at certain things, but for the most part she was raised to be considerate and friendly. At Coppershine's description of the mayor, Dreams raised a brow, and smiled. Impressive to say the least, Mayor Ironhoof sounded like a very capeable individual.

"It's quite fortunate to have a mayor like that..." She said, peering again out the windows. She watched as Coppershine exited the doors, and as another pony entered. He almost looked like some sort of windigoe... if not for the obvious pony stature. Sweet Dreams shuddered as some more of outsides gusts blew past her. This was simply awful.

"The wind sure got you quite well, huh?" She asked, glancing at the snowy pony. "Can't say I've ever seen somepony get that badly coated in snow." She almost laughed, but her concern outweighed her attempts at humor.


2012 Jul 31, 22:37:26 #167 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 31, 22:39:11 by Link
Silver slightly noticed Sweet Dreams' smirk, but paid no further thought to it. Once again turning his attention to Dusty the Snowman ((I had to  lol)), he looked around for something spicy or peppery.

I hope he doesn't have a cold from that. If he starts to sneeze he'll definitely need something. There's got to be some pepper or something around this place, and it'd make a perfect substitute for the QuickBurn herb. Oh, and I'll need to find him some water too. But then I'd best wait until I know whether he's alright or not; these earth ponies seem to be very resistant to the elements.

Giving a tired afternoon yawn in his chair, Silver continued mentally creating cures and pick-me-ups for any illnesses that might show up due to a cold climate.
Every now and then, he cast a concerned glance out the window, barely able to see the slightest bit due to the glistening white as it blew against the panes.


2012 Aug 02, 02:05:17 #168 Last Edit: 2012 Aug 04, 22:31:24 by Chautauquan
Attention was actually what Dusty had been currying, earlier, an attempt to get attention in order to give attention.... appropriately.  Stories could only be heard when stories were told, so there was much exchanging to do.  He turned back and forth 'twixt the two ponies about him, while also taking care to project just loudly that Miss Coppershine could hear from where he assumed she was, back in the kitchen.

He chuckled, although it was only half-hearted, and began his tale.  "Well, I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news.  I'm not sure which you want first, so I'll just say it.  The clouds, the snow, the storm... It's completely and absolutely normal!"  He continued, getting slightly more frustrated.  "Tastes fine, feels fine, normal normal normal normal.  The only thing that isn't normal is that it's the Summer Sun Celebration, not Hearths' Warming Eve.  I'm flummoxed."

Finally looking up from the table, he noticed the mare outside struggling against the wind, and quickly responded, turning to those who were listening with a quick, "Sorry, but I'd best be going," and rushing outside to help however he could.  It wasn't kind weather, and he hoped to keep others out of it as much as possible.
"I often wish that the two groups - adults and kids - could find a way to get along better. ... The biggest problem is, the adults have one of the most effective recruitment strategies in the world.

Give them enough time, and they'll turn any kid into one of them."
-Brandon Sanderson


(OOC: Hello everyone, I'm new to RP and tend to work 2nd shifts so if I am doing anyrhing wrong or am inactive just pm.  I will be on every morning and night if I can.  Looking forward to some adventures with you all ^^)

The roar of the wind suddenly could be heard louder and louder as the front door of the Trot On Inn began to creak open.  Enters a pony dressed in a white and black kimono like robe and a snow covered straw hat.  One can see the long layered jet black ponytailed mane of the visitor under the hat.  His face is hidden behind a black scarf.  The pony shakes off the snow on their hat and closes the door.  The pony walks up to the reception desk and rings the service bell.

Star Striker

This was normal weather activity? Out of all the possible things like sudden frosty hurricane... or horrible ice monsters or even jsut a bunch of pegasi playing a trick on well... the whole town, this pony said the phenomenon was normal. Sweet Dreams stamped the ground, more or less without realising she had done so before making a nicker-like sound and looking out a nearby window, grumpily at that.
"Are you serious? Are you a weather pony? Cos I can't see how that stuff is normal for any season... outside of, well, winter!" The pegasus trotted towards a window and stare out it a few momments before turning back to the stranger. "Erm, so.. what's the good newssso..oh!" Sweet Dreams looked at the figure outside as the earth pony left the building. With her wings tucked at her sides the pegasus slowly began to walk towards the doorway, perhaps that other lady pony needed more assitance, and well, everyone here was flightless. She just got to tthe door when someone new entered in from outside, causing Sweet Dreams to flap her wings from the surprise of it. "Ah, aa.. apologies I didn't mean to, er, yell." She said, before walking outside, wings tucked defensively at her sides as she prepared for the gusty winds once more.

Morning Glory

Coppershine hauled on one side of the shutters, but could not force both halves together long enough to latch them. She yanked on them for several minutes, stretching to grab hold of the far shutter. Grunting in frustration, she flopped back in the snow. She had just raised her back legs to buck the darned things shut, she saw Dusty.

She quickly started to yell over the wind, but the words were lost. It would be difficult to hear, but if Dusty had missed her instructions, he would have at least seen her gesturing it each shutter, to her herself, and back to Dusty.

Finally, with a second pony to help, the shutters banged together long enough for Coppershine to latch them. With a sigh she eagerly pointed for them to go back inside. The cold had sunk deep under her skin, and she shivered with each step as she pulled the door to the Trot On Inn. She took one step and bumped into the new colt that had arrived. She moved a little too quick trying to get out of the way and tripped over the hem of her coat. "Oof!" Her heavy form thudded to the floor just past the threshold.

Morning Glory

2012 Aug 07, 03:47:02 #172 Last Edit: 2012 Aug 07, 13:31:50 by Morning Glory

Outside the Inn, if one squinted down the street, they would see an odd shape. Flashes of yellow could be made out though the flurries of snow. It rapidly grew larger and a round dome could be made out. Before the inn stood Silverspark, and over his back, a very tired looking old unicorn lay covered in a blanket. His horn sparkled a sunny yellow. It was Tinkertoy, the owner of the toyshop. They weren't alone, either.

A golden stallion barged in, stomping over Coppershine and shoving past Brew. He tossed his snow white mane dramatically as he entered, showing off his handsome features. "Fear not, Goldenglow is here!"

He spotted Juniper and dashed to her side. "My lady! Sunflower of Equestria! Goldenglow will rescue you! You need not rely on this frail little horn-head!" He jabbed a hoof at Feather. "I am the strongest, smartest, bravest, and most handsome stallion in all of Silverdale and I will not let this storm frighten you!"

His eyes landed on Sweet Dreams, and he rushed forward. "Worry no longer, fair lady! I will see you through this storm. Shed no tears, my sweet songbird, for I will halt this hideous blizzard-" He turned to gesture out the door, where the storm still raged "-if only to see you smile!"

His gaze dropped to Coppershine as he looked in her direction, still sprawled by the door and he bolted over. "Coppershine, my sunbeam! Whatever happened to you?" He glared at Silverspark, who now stood over her, trying to help her up. "Really Silverspark, knocking over a fair filly? Do not be so clumsy you oaf!"

He grasped her hooves and yanked her up into an embrace. He seemed to have completely forgotten Sweet Dreams and Juniper. "My dearest Coppershine, stifle your fear, for I am here to rescue you from this nightmarish weather."  He swept a hoof over to Silverspark, who still carried Tinkertoy. "You see, I knew the unicorn could keep the snow at bay. I carried him here, through the raging wind and freezing snow- I would not rest, I had to know you were safe! His magic will block the cold and I will lead you to safety! Oh the cleverness of me!"

Silverspark could be seen glowering beside the door. "You-you didn't think to ask Tinker! It was my idea! And I was the one wh-"

Goldenglow cut him off. "Come now, my darling, my dearest. Together we will escape!"


Almost invisible, Silver Flask sat once again in his corner, hooded and cloaked as his bright eyes glinted in the firelight.
As a strange pony with an interesting hat trotted into the inn, Silver raised an eyebrow in surprise.
The stallion's dress and hat gave away an Oriental up-bringing, but he didn't have one of their faces, and he seemed merely a bit older than Silver. Silver had head of these types of ponies before from the zebras; strong, bold, courageous, and usually very wise. He decided to approach this pony when the chance arises to ask him about it.
Before he had a chance to consider it further, he noticed that mayor pony and a unicorn he didn't recognize.

Oh dear, even more victims of this awful weather...I doubt any one unicorns magic can lift an entire storm though...

As the doors of the busy inn burst open once again, Silver nearly burst out laughing from the spot he sat. This stallion seemed to be more full of himself than blood or bones. It took a large amount of will-power to not speak to the arrogant old sap where he stood, and Silver rolled his eyes in annoyance as he flirted with the nearby mares.
Taking his mind off the entire matter, Silver sat in his corner and starting brewing an extra flask or two of his anti-cold potions; they'd probably be useful before this storm let up.
From the corner, a small whiff of steam rose before disappearing, and a quiet bubble came as he carefully ground the small plants together and placed them in the water-filled vials. The entire procedure gave off a peppery, minty smell.


Young stallion was moderately annoyed by Goldenglows rudeness and arrogance.  Fool  However he keeps his composure and turns to Goldenglow.  "I am terribly sorry for bumping into you sir" he lies for the sake of be curtious.  He then turns back to the reception desk and rings the bell just one more time.  He is in no rush to get a room but he would like some rest.  The travel here, not to mention the storm, took a lot of his strength to manage even with all his training.  I do hope everypony is indoors by now.  This storm is so strange.  His master used to tell him stories of such strange weather and phenomenon but he has actually never seen such... oddities.

The Wandering Magus

Juniper shot Goldenglow a look that would have curdled fresh milk, and went back to tending to her beloved's health.  She also gave a look of concern at Tinkertoy, but it was only after Feather gently reassured her that he would be fine that she got up to help Silverspark with his burden.

The town was quite a place, if one knew the locals well enough.  Goldenglow, however, braggart and marvel of the dale, was quite something else, and his abrasive personality was something that nearly got him hurt more than once when he tried wooing Juniper in the presence of Pa.  Pa really didn't appreciate that, gentle though he normally was.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Star Striker

"Ah.. are you alright?" Sweet Dreams asked, as Coppershine thumped onto the ground. As she went to offer a hoof, a rather... galliant fellow entered the room. She stepped away from the mare, making room for the larger stallion as he boasted his... excellence to the crowd at the inn. He did look impressive to her, but his arrogance left her feeling awkward for pretty much everypony there. She tried not to say anything, or do anything, but the mare's mouth was left agape at his behaviour.

When the stallion rushed nearside her the pegasus' wings flared up and she stuttered out a "Um... I'll... try not to cry?" Perhaps he was an actor of sorts. The way he was acting could certainly rival that of some of the community plays she'd watched back home. As he darted towards the fallen mare, Sweet Dreams flapped her wings twice, before settling them at her sides, and slipping away to a nearby table to regain herself, and relax. She was the procession as it played out. That Silverspark pony had been at the inn earlier. But the Unicorn was a new face to behold. She perked her ears up to the older pony.

"Um, sir, do yu by any chance have any spells that may trump this awful cold?" She asked, "Or any spells of sorts that could combat the weather entirely?" Sweet Dreams looked at him curiously. His age at least suggested he was a gifted magician, but she could really only hope.


The young mysterious stallion waits patiently at the service desk but his ring was without answer.  No problem, I guess they must be terribly busy.  He goes to the farthest corner of the lobby and sits next a window walking past Silver glancing at him for a second.  He sits quietly looking out the window.  Even though it is perilous outside, the snow fall reminds him of his childhood training in Coltrea... they were the toughest but the best years of his life.  Training in the snow... snowball fights with friends... His favorite thing to do in winter was just to sit outside and watch the snow fall... the beauty of everything once covered by a cool white blanket... on days like those he was completely at peace...


After having melted slightly indoors, and then having gone outside again to help tend to the shutters, Dusty was thoroughly both cold and wet.  He hastened (to the extent he felt comfortable in doing so) back inside, and found himself catching the tail end of a closing door as he came in right behind the duo of stallions.  He felt immediate concern for the poor unicorn draped over Silverspark, as well as gratitude and respect for Silverspark in his tending to his neighbor.

But then there was the newcomer.  Wasn't too hard to catch the name, nor could he really miss out on the apparent grandeur of this supposed hero.  He simply blinked a couple of times just after closing the door, trying to figure out whether it was just some ridiculous joke, or an attempt to rouse the spirits of those in the Inn, or just good old-fashioned hubris.  Either way, Dusty was tiring from his snowy jaunts, and with his good sense wearing thin already, he simply started laughing.  It started rather pitifully, at first, as he was still shaking off the cold, but it grew with time to a hearty roar from the belly, and Dusty himself wasn't certain whether the water running down his face was snowmelt or tears.  "You--you--thought you--bahahah!"  He tried to control himself, but realizing it was a battle long lost, he thought it safer, and kinder (if less genteel) to continue his raucous uproar, instead of the giving lecture he would have given in another time.

He tried to compose himself, to restore some sense of dignity (not that he really had any left after the events of the day) by straightening up and forcing himself to remain serious, but the attempt was futile, lasting all of five seconds before he was bellowing again.  It was comforting and warm, and Dusty justified his lack of decorum by allowing himself the idea that he was too cold to know any better.  Aside from a few hoof gestures (which were also mostly unintelligible) he kept to himself by the doorway, slowing trying to quiet himself from his most recent outburst.
"I often wish that the two groups - adults and kids - could find a way to get along better. ... The biggest problem is, the adults have one of the most effective recruitment strategies in the world.

Give them enough time, and they'll turn any kid into one of them."
-Brandon Sanderson


The mysterious stallion looks towards the doorway at the laughing pony after he quiets down.  He tilts his head in confusion and then back to his window... "Shows no sign of letting up yet..." he says, mainly talking to himself.  He does that sometimes.  His master once told him "remember young one, some of the most enlightening coversations tend to be with ourselves."  His master's words ring in his mind.  Words then form pictures... then memories play through his mind.  I wonder how Master Ki Bon Sul is doing...

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