The Silverdale Saga (Sign-up and OOC)

Started by Morning Glory, 2012 Jun 16, 06:16:38

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Really? Thanks! That would be so awesome!  :3

Thanks again.  X3

Star Striker

That is some serious adorableness right there : D

Morning Glory

Thanks. I do my best, but I'm not much of an artist. Just kind of faking my way through with an old copy of gimp. Glad you like it though. The character art on your OC page is very cute!


wow, that's so awesome!  :3

Thanks a lot!  0:)


I finally got this thing filled out!  :D

Character Sign-Up Template:

Name: Silver Flask
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Pegasus
Spoiler: show

Coat color: silver
Mane/tail color: light jade
Eye color: turquoise
Build: skinny

Special talent: Potion-making and the art of Herblore
Cutiemark: a bubbling vial (seen in picture)
Additional skills: fair gardener, and dabbles in history during his spare time.
Occupation: Silver Flask, as his name and cutie mark imply, lives on the outskirts of Ponyville, close to Whitetail.
Strengths: Being excellent at flying maneuvers, plus his slim build, make able to him fly at high speed with ease. He's also very kind and understanding, and is ready to add a little sunshine to anypony's life.
Weaknesses: As talented as he is, Silver Flask possesses low endurance, which makes it difficult for him to travel long distances, hence the reason he mainly stays at his cottage without good reason. Silver Flask also has many fears, the main three being spiders, beetles, and strangely enough, earth ponies...


Tools: He carries a few potion vials in his saddle-bags, in case he finds anything interesting to experiment on.
Accessories: Merely his green and gray traveling cloak and his bits pouch.
Personal effects: N/A

Additional notes: Although he'd do anything to not have to go to another earth pony town (see his history), Silver has wanted to see the Summer Sun Celebration since he was small. He's also come to inspect the various herbs and medicines they use there, hoping to add another recipe to his already brimming mind. Silver will take caution however; he brings his only traveling cloak, in order to don it before reaching town. It conveniently hides his wings...

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Morning Glory

Both Sweet Dreams and Silver Flask are free to jump in now. Please make sure your first posts follow the guildlines in the rules, and that they are a suitable length.  Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need any help- I'll happily look over any post you feel unsure about.

Everyone else- you don't always have to wait for a GM post. Move forward if there is space to do so- just don't leave any players behind.

Star Striker

2012 Jul 07, 04:52:25 #87 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 07, 04:54:36 by Star Striker
Aahaha~ Thankyou kindly~~ : D I'mma drop my post off, but I'll gladly change it up if theres any problems, or if its ... weird. XD; it's an open-ends kind of post. ^u^;

Morning Glory

Both your posts are excellent. I'm glad neither of you threw yourselves into the drama. Both nice intros- explained why the character is there, and gave a little info on who they are and what they like to do. Well done. The length is more than typically expected, but it's more than welcome for you to write that long in future. I love a nice, meaty post- it gives other players more to work with. Just don't feel that you have to write a wall of text every time. Only say what you need to.

Well done to our new players! I'm very pleased with your work and you are more than welcome to continue playing. On with the story!




Excellent, new players  ovO! Well my friends, I'm going to start conversing with you as soon as possible. I hope you don't mind  :3!

Star Striker

Glad it was a good intro <3 And woohoo to the ieas of my ponini making conversation for ze first time xD~


Well what'da ya say star? Shall we make conversation between Green Strokes and (ah sorry forgot your OC's name T-T) I'll initiate if yes.

Star Striker

I don't see why not ^__^ Could be fun~ : D


2012 Jul 07, 21:02:11 #94 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 07, 21:15:57 by GalvinRoe
I hope I did not presume too much with you character. It was just how I saw her looking. I almost believed you had put what I placed down, in your post, I can change my description if it is not suiting your characters image.

Morning Glory

Any reason no one is playing? I'm not sure what you're waiting for. There is no GM post needed. I'll GM Silverspark and White Lace as needed. Also, please take care to indicate if you are talking or referring to Silverspark or Silver Flask in this scene. They could be easily mixed up.

There seems to be some failed continuity. Sweet Dreams is written as having not reached the main room of the Inn. But Green Strokes has. And yet he sees her? But Bright Mane has seen Green Strokes and interacted with him. And he is written as having seen Bright Mane and the group. But the next post he does not acknowledge them at all. He seems to have teleported back up the stairs and forgotten about the situation in the inn. Please fix this, as I think it is not clear to other players whether Green Strokes is in the room or not, and this is holding up play.


Ah, dear, I fear I have misinterpreted the build of the Inn, I thought the kitchen was behind the counter of the reception desk (goodness knows why). I assumed Sweet Dreams had to pass down into the main room to see the kitchen. As Strokes was standing in the center of the room, I thought he would notice her . . .

As for where Bright Mane is . . . I didn't mean she had entered the main area of the tent . . . I'm sorry for confusion there. I didn't mean Green Strokes had spotted her yet, just the congregation of ponies in total. As I thought, "No small crowd, all of them together!". So I had Bright Mane asking the ponies to leave (which I didn't expect them to do  lol! But she asks anyway) Since she wants to *confront* Strokes on her own ground.

I didn't mean or Strokes to *know* the crowd was headed to the Inn, He's assuming some commotion had something to do with Bright Mane, as she is quite the hostile character.

Of course he HAS spotted the commotion and I do agree Strokes spotting Sweet Dreams is a little . . . convenient. But the mob of ponies hadn't entered the tent yet. (Or so I thought, I thought they were still some ways down the street) And I thought it might be a good transition to get Dreams into the conversation when the crowd got in . . .

Star Striker

2012 Jul 10, 23:20:46 #97 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 10, 23:22:19 by Star Striker
My apologies for not being around. I lost my internet for a few days. Turns out my wireless router is blocking me froma ccessing websites. :\ back onto my lan cable for the time being...
I'mma read up to where I've lost up to and see what happens, but I probably wont post anything until tomorrow, since I've got to go to bed pretty quick o^o

Morning Glory

No problem Star Striker, I've been having a similar issue with my modem. Thank you for letting me know.

The kitchen is behind the counter, but so are the stairs. One could see into the kitchen from the stairs, without being in the Inn's main room. If Strokes is in the middle of the room, he's seen the main party and you wrote him seeing Bright Mane and Bright Mane seeing him. Maybe if he turned around he would have seen Sweet Dreams. We'll go with that to preserve all the other posts.

Either way, I'm making the decision that Green Strokes is in the Inn proper with the rest of the party now, and everyone has seen him and he has seen everyone.

Speaking of which- if everyone could be gathered in the inn, that would be good. I realize a lot of time has passed in only a few posts, but things need to be moving along. It's around 4:30pm now. Right Hoof thinks he needs to come back to the Inn anyways to give Strokes his food, and Silver Flask seems interested enough that he would come in. I know this is a little heavy-handed for a GM, but I want everyone gathered together. It's still light outside, as it's summer, and will be until nearly 10:00pm (seeing as the summer sun celebration takes place on the solstice)

Ribbons and Magus's characters need not be included- they will be disregarded due to inactivity. If you do not rejoin soon I'm afraid you wont be able to participate in the main adventure- the PCs will be leaving Silverdale for one reason or another...*wink*


Not at all MG. I'm sorry for the confusion, rather embarrassing really. *Sigh* I guess I'll have to go over my posts with a firmer comb. I should be able to now, as this really is the only RP I shall be participating in, for some time  lol! At least on these forums.

I'll do my best to avoid any future confusion, my best!

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