Dumb things that annoy you

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Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Nov 04, 05:10:23
Everytime i play Kingdom Hearts 1 on the ps3 remix i feel like the game lost its difficulty since the ps2's first release of the game and that it has skipped a few things, like when you go to Atlantis i recall singing and dancing with Ariel but on the Remix on Ps3 there is none of that, recently i reached the part where you meet beast, the long journey using the wooden sword that i recall is no longer LONG and Riku seems to be easy to beat now but i could be totally wrong given i haven't played the ps2 one in a VERY long time and my disc for the ps2 was broken

Singing and dancing with Ariel in Atlantis is in Kingdom Hearts 2.
And I'm guessing you first played KH1 when you were a lot younger. Games are harder for young kids.

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2015 Nov 04, 06:32:42

Ever heard of "Looks good on paper, will forever be horrid in execution"?

Honestly speaking, the idea, the concept, it was all there, it was something to be excited about. Higher standards, proper preparation, etc.. Then, upon execution, we learned why these types of standards should never exist, because the "guidelines" force the teachers to not be able to do anything for the students, including aiding in their true learning. Alongside that, the focus is on tests, instead of learning and understanding their stupid new concepts and the like that they so highly praise.

Like their incredibly stupid, long, roundabout way of teaching kids math?
In order to solve one simple straight-forward equation, they expect kids to create and solve four other equations to get their answer.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Whenever your post a link to a picture or link in a chat and someone does the same soon after as if one upping you and everyone is reacting to it as if your link didnt exist  >.<

"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Nov 04, 08:05:13
That sounds like a problem, can't you check with the bank or something about where all that money went?

Yeah, I use an online-only bank. All my transactions are easily accessible. I'm just being melodramatic.

Lync Volan

2015 Nov 04, 18:09:22 #17523 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 04, 18:16:00 by Lync Volan
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Nov 04, 08:35:28
Singing and dancing with Ariel in Atlantis is in Kingdom Hearts 2.
And I'm guessing you first played KH1 when you were a lot younger. Games are harder for young kids.
yeah i was assuming that when i was going to bed yesterday, i guess that's the reason it feels so easy now, i keep looking online about messed up AI's in the remix but i can't find anything so it has to be that X3
though i wish it was as hard for me when i was little, the easyness kinda makes the game less fun for me now :s

Post Merge

Whats up with some of these streaming websites not allowing you to use adblocker when watching there videos?!
if i turn it off i get pervy ads and if i turn it on i can't use there anime/cartoons video streaming >:/

Post Merge

I was called rude today which is sorta true some of the times (and a lot of the times when i was younger) but the person who called me rude is also VERY rude or at least was very rude that one time i was rude towards them (or simply stubborn) and when i tried to be honest and point out why i think there rude they got mad at me, so i asked to change the subject then got blocked which makes it even more rude given i was just trying to have a civil canvo, not starting anything :l

it wouldn't bother me if the person who blocked me wasn't one of my buddies but it was!

Stardust Dragon

I just realized that my latest advertisement from Hot Topic had as the mail title: "At least we waited til November to push our holiday stuff".

Why must this be a valid statement worthy of at least some praise?!  >:O


Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Nov 04, 20:18:38
I just realized that my latest advertisement from Hot Topic had as the mail title: "At least we waited til November to push our holiday stuff".

Why must this be a valid statement worthy of at least some praise?!  >:O

Because everyone knows that apparently the second goes from october to november then BAM! Christmas freaking everywhere.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Nov 04, 21:54:29
Because everyone knows that apparently the second goes from october to november then BAM! Christmas freaking everywhere.

You haven't seen where I live. They push Valentine's Day stuff on Boxing Day, and have Christmas food and sweets out 3 WEEKS BEFORE HALLOWEEN.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Peace Keeper

Thats market strategy for ya. The deals, tradition, and decorations to get started right away.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Midnight Breeze

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of being kept late at work without notice all the time.

I don't take kindly to my employers thinking they own me. I'm not your personal workbot, I'm a human being and I have my own life. And I'm sick of hearing the typical rebuttal of "You're getting paid aren't you? You should be glad you're getting overtime hours." Whenever I complain. If all I cared about was money then I would just live in the factory and work 16 hours a day. This isn't China - I want to work to live, not live to work.

Stardust Dragon

I just watched a clip where a couple of newscasters from FOX News just flat out ask why people are so crazy about Star Wars and gang up on/talk over the one guy they actually dragged in to explain it to them.  While that kind of ignorance of a fandom is irritating on its own I wouldn't feel spurred to post about it here; however, there was one quote that sent me over. (paraphrased) "I think it's overrated but also it's over-saturated: it's in Halloween costumes, it's on Monday Night Football and is so big because freaks go online 2 months in advance and ruin the experience for normal movie watchers..."

First point: Fine, you can think a movie series is overrated.  That's no reason to bash it: I find football (and all sports really) to be overrated, you have any idea how annoying it is to see EVERYWHERE I go?

Buying tickets 2 months in advance: how early do people buy Superbowl tickets?  (Actual serious question, I'm curious)  It's a big event that you can just sit in your own home, be far more comfortable and enjoy it just as well.  Sure movies can be shown again, but it's the opening event, being the ones there first to see it "in person".

Calling fans "Freaks": people passionate about something?  Yeah, I think everyone here would know how this one is bonk.  BTW I can apply that just as well to football fanatics, keep that in mind.

"Normal" movie watchers: Using the phrase "normal" bugs me in contexts like this.  To me it implies that something is wrong with the other party, the "not normal" one.  Who defines said normalcy exactly? 

...dear Luna I should be sleeping.  This might make no sense in 8+ hours even to me.  Guess we'll have to see.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Nov 05, 04:39:16
I just watched a clip where a couple of newscasters from FOX News just flat out ask why people are so crazy about Star Wars and gang up on/talk over the one guy they actually dragged in to explain it to them.  While that kind of ignorance of a fandom is irritating on its own I wouldn't feel spurred to post about it here; however, there was one quote that sent me over. (paraphrased) "I think it's overrated but also it's over-saturated: it's in Halloween costumes, it's on Monday Night Football and is so big because freaks go online 2 months in advance and ruin the experience for normal movie watchers..."

First point: Fine, you can think a movie series is overrated.  That's no reason to bash it: I find football (and all sports really) to be overrated, you have any idea how annoying it is to see EVERYWHERE I go?

Buying tickets 2 months in advance: how early do people buy Superbowl tickets?  (Actual serious question, I'm curious)  It's a big event that you can just sit in your own home, be far more comfortable and enjoy it just as well.  Sure movies can be shown again, but it's the opening event, being the ones there first to see it "in person".

Calling fans "Freaks": people passionate about something?  Yeah, I think everyone here would know how this one is bonk.  BTW I can apply that just as well to football fanatics, keep that in mind.

"Normal" movie watchers: Using the phrase "normal" bugs me in contexts like this.  To me it implies that something is wrong with the other party, the "not normal" one.  Who defines said normalcy exactly? 

...dear Luna I should be sleeping.  This might make no sense in 8+ hours even to me.  Guess we'll have to see.

I hate when news people bring in an expert about a subject and then ignore that expert. Why bring them in, in the first place, if you're just going to talk over them, ignore them, and yell at them about your opinion? It makes as much sense as the fact that IGN apparently has employees who play the Kingdom Hearts games, but they only ever choose employees who know nothing about Kingdom Hearts to do reports on it.

Walmart: It's football season, so we stacked these soda boxes into a giant football-related shape!
Producers of foodstuffs: It's football season, so we've printed football-related imagery onto our packaging!
Coca Cola: It's football season, so every single can in this box of Cokes has a picture of a football on it!
Certain TV channels: Football ran overtime, so your show is starting late, and unless you set your cable to record an extra 30 minutes of your show, you're only gonna get half or none of your show.
Commercials: FOOTBALL

:/ I don't care about sports, but I don't go around saying "Ugh, everything is oversaturated with football. What freaks. They ruin everything for normal people."

Oh yeah, and in relation to the "Passionate fans are apparently freaks" thing...
Football fans: *Buy expensive tickets to the game, paint their face, buy a jersey, buy a hat, maybe even buy one of those foam fingers*
Football fans who're way too into it: *Screams insults at fans of the competing team*
And sometimes sports fans are like: *Their team lost. RIOT*

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Normal is what everyone else is, that you are not.  At least, to a person who lacks confidence and self worth.
On the opposite spectrum, people who have far too much faith in themselves believe that normal is everything they that nobody else is.

Honestly, it's pretty normal for people to have this kind of view on life.
Is it good?  Not really, but I can't blame him for it.
<br />


I'm so tired of being tired, I get decent sleep, but every day just drains me more than I can replace.. I'm so glad Thanksgiving break is so soon..
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


OK, I looked up the ending to the evil path of Undertale. I'll not spoil any details, but apparently a choice you can make down that path leads to something that scares me more than it should.
A jumpscare.
Do you know how bad I'm afraid of jumpscares? My arms and legs went stiff from JUST READING ABOUT IT. FINDING OUT ABOUT A JUMPSCARE SCARED. ME. STIFF. Why am I such a wuss?!
And yet, somehow I've survived all the FNAF games...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2015 Nov 05, 10:43:50
I'm so tired of being tired, I get decent sleep, but every day just drains me more than I can replace.. I'm so glad Thanksgiving break is so soon..

I've been really tired lately, too. :c No matter how much sleep I get.
Yesterday morning, I felt a little bit tired, just a tiny bit, so I decided to lay down on the couch for a nap. I woke up late last night. :s Oops. I had slept for... at least 14 hours. I swear, I did not feel tired enough to sleep that long!

My mom knew I was lying down for just a nap, but she didn't wake me up because she fell asleep after taking care of my father until he fell asleep, due to him having a nasty stomach virus.

Speaking of which, I've been exposed to that virus! DD: You know how you'll always kiss family members like it's no big deal? Well, on top of that, he was experimenting with mixing tea with other drinks, and he wanted me to try one of the mixtures he'd made that he had started drinking, so... I did. I drank after him! :I How long until I start throwing up?! I don't know! Will I actually come down with the virus?! I don't know!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


I think I just realized I have had depression for a while.
About 10 months ago I started to lose interest in things, and I think that 6 months ago real depression hit.
All motivation in life have been really low lately, but I never thought it was depression because I was still happy sometimes, but recently I read something which made something in my head understand.
I of course don't enjoy depression, but the things that makes me the saddest when thinking about having depression, are all the hilarious and amazing things I will not appriciate enough.
All the things I would have cried at out of joy usually, will now only be a blank memory in my head, and if I get out of depression, seeing/imagining it then will not have the same impact on me.
I only hope I don't drop any people I care about on the road to get better.
Feel free to check out my [URL=http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11982.0]Oc page[/URL]!


Ok...I know I talk about games a lot. A LOT. And a lot of times, I'm scared that I'm annoying people on here and in real life by talking about them so much. I'm just waiting for someone to say "get a life", or "stop taking them so seriously". Well, I'm sorry, but video games, as well as certain idols of mine on YouTube, saved my life. In my opinion, I feel like I kind of owe it to them to talk and praise them, and I don't care what anyone else says. But I still feel bad after seeing all the serious problems people post about on here, and all I can post about is something from a game being hard or something like that. So, I'm really sorry if I've annoyed anyone on here with how much I talk about games.
Now back to what I was originally going to post about. (Yes, it's about a game.)
Before, I mentioned UnderTale having a jumpscare in the evil end. Well, now I've read what else happens in the evil end. More specifically, about what things you have to do.
I will say this, and I am dead serious when I do: I will NEVER take the evil path. UnderTale, over a weekend, has become one of my absolute favourite games so far, and that's because of the story and characters. I loved almost every character you run into, and seeing what you have to do on the evil path (not to mention the fact that it permanantly affects your game unless you mess about with the files) repulsed me more than any other game I'd seen, purely because of how much I like the characters. I probably sound like a sad loser for saying this, but even if they are just pixels on a screen, I will NOT HURT THEM.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Nov 05, 18:48:09
Ok...I know I talk about games a lot. A LOT. And a lot of times, I'm scared that I'm annoying people on here and in real life by talking about them so much. I'm just waiting for someone to say "get a life", or "stop taking them so seriously". Well, I'm sorry, but video games, as well as certain idols of mine on YouTube, saved my life. In my opinion, I feel like I kind of owe it to them to talk and praise them, and I don't care what anyone else says. But I still feel bad after seeing all the serious problems people post about on here, and all I can post about is something from a game being hard or something like that. So, I'm really sorry if I've annoyed anyone on here with how much I talk about games.
Now back to what I was originally going to post about. (Yes, it's about a game.)
Before, I mentioned UnderTale having a jumpscare in the evil end. Well, now I've read what else happens in the evil end. More specifically, about what things you have to do.
I will say this, and I am dead serious when I do: I will NEVER take the evil path. UnderTale, over a weekend, has become one of my absolute favourite games so far, and that's because of the story and characters. I loved almost every character you run into, and seeing what you have to do on the evil path (not to mention the fact that it permanantly affects your game unless you mess about with the files) repulsed me more than any other game I'd seen, purely because of how much I like the characters. I probably sound like a sad loser for saying this, but even if they are just pixels on a screen, I will NOT HURT THEM.

Everyone has their own passions, and their own reasons.  When I'm posting here (like my last big rant) I wonder if it's really worth posting about when everyone else has seemingly worse issues to bring up.  But then I realize that's what the thread is for: vent a little about what's bugging you that day.  Sure it might not be on the same scale as someone else, but that isn't reason to feel bad posting it.  And I totally get not wanting to hurt characters in games: even in Saint's Row III I can't bring myself to fight anyone who won't fight back (in a serious respect, anyways).  In terms of catharsis I've only ever been able to load up Minecraft and blow up an open field with TNT.

I had a really anxious day for some reason.  I slept well for the first time this week, but since I woke up something has been really under my skin.  Right now it's the prospect of the very nasty earthquake that will happen sometime in the future and trying to avoid panicking about where I'll be when it happens.  That, and I swear half of my whites disappeared when I tried to gather them for laundry today...I have no idea where they would have gone, I've checked everywhere they might have wandered to in my room, or I could be imagining that I had so many in the first place.  Still, going mad.  ovO

Midnight Breeze

It kills me the way the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who rail against public debt for the sake of future generations are the same folk who don't give a rats butt about the effects of climate change.

Dare suggest that we spend tax dollars on modernizing infrastructure and switching to renewable energy and I'm asked "Why do you care so much about climate change? You'll be dead long before anything serious happens anyway." But ask why they're so worried about public debt and they'll respond "I don't like the idea of saddling our kids and grandkids with so much debt."

So you don't care if your descendants have air to breathe or water to drink, but God forbid they should have to pay more taxes than you did?

Also, I'm not banking on being dead before climate change takes it's toll. Anti-aging technology is on its way. You might live a lot longer than you think.

Lync Volan

Videos keep buffering
Videos keep restarting making the buffer bar reset
Videos sometimes won't enlarge even though that is an option
i wonder how many more problems this computer is gonna have...

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