Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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too many requests and things to do... too little time...
I hope I finish my Hearth's Warming Eve event gift until the deadline.
...bbbut I won't have time to make gifts for my family....  D:


My dad is not allowing me to eat my quesadilla.  >:(
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


My Internet decided to be really slow... again.

Midnight Breeze

People who throw around the word theory. I wish people would realize that 'theory' is not a synonym for 'something I made up'. A hypothesis does not become a theory until it has repeatedly and consistently produced tangible evidence using the scientific method.

Calling whatever random idea that pops into your head a 'theory' is pretty arrogant, it suggest that you and you alone believing it is sufficient enough credibility to bypass the scientific method entirely. Because you're just that smart, right?


2013 Dec 17, 05:36:54 #11784 Last Edit: 2019 Jun 03, 00:56:48 by bronychris Reason: cringe
tf was I thinking....cringe



Chishio Kunrin

Once again, when people practically say this about RWBY: "It's an anime where characters go to a school to fight evil thingamajigs, and one of the main characters has a scythe. It's exactly like Soul Eater!"

Sure, they go to a school to learn to fight evil stuff, though the two schools operate differently.
- Soul Eater: The DWMA/Shibusen has students come to and leave school on a day-to-day basis during weekdays, as well as carry out missions that have them travel around, collecting corrupted souls and eventually a witch's soul.
- RWBY: The students live at Beacon Academy, and they aren't sent out on missions to kill stuff.

Yes, they fight evil thingamajigs. These thingamajigs are different kinds of monsters, though.
- Soul Eater: What they're fighting is creatures that were once human. At least, that's what I pretty much got from the explanations in the series. When a person's soul becomes too corrupt with darkness and madness, they become an evil creature and are on their way to becoming a kishin, right? The whole reason that they slay these beings is because a kishin is pretty much an evil monster that has a godly level of power and is able to spread insanity just by existing. They're trying to prevent another kishin from existing, pretty much.
- RWBY: They're fighting creatures of grimm. The creatures of grimm represent darkness and the void, and the grimm seek to destroy humanity. A hunter's goal is pretty much to simply defend people from the grimm and keep the grimm population down as much as they can.

Yes, one of the main characters wields a scythe. But...
- Soul Eater: Maka's scythe, however, is also a person.
- RWBY: Ruby's scythe, however, is an actual, inanimate weapon that transforms from its gun mode into a scythe... that can still shoot bullets, but still.

Besides, RWBY has a completely different tone than Soul Eater.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Case in point with the 'theory' rant: Some guy claims he has a 'theory' that the laws of physics are governed by the way humans perceive the universe, the laws changing to reflect the widest consensus. Since the vast majority of humans believe death is inevitable, it is. Were we all to collectively agree that we are all immortal, we would be.

He claims that we can change the universe at will simply by believing it; through collective agreement, anything is possible.

Anything is possible?! Eat the sun! Escape a black hole! Make Puerto Rico a state!

This 'theory' sounds pretty bulletproof so far. You should write it down, get it peer reviewed and collect your Nobel Prize.


2013 Dec 17, 14:37:59 #11788 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 19, 12:16:14 by Ateren
If that is so, I'm gonna become a dragon!
I just have to believe!

No!! I wanna be a pretty dragon! A pretty dragon!

(Short variations of cursing is still cursing.  :] Enjoy your day. -Ateren)


When people find out your a brony and then they HATE you. I told my friend I'm a brony today, and, he made fun of me for liking the show.  :c
Blah blah blah.

The Wandering Magus

government invasion of privacy
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Randam Saiko

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Dec 17, 17:15:20
government invasion of privacy
This, and any invasion of privacy. /:
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Chishio Kunrin

2013 Dec 17, 19:38:23 #11793 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 17, 19:41:27 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Sponk on 2013 Dec 17, 16:00:06
When people find out your a brony and then they HATE you. I told my friend I'm a brony today, and, he made fun of me for liking the show.  :c

Sadly, people think we're watching a childish show for 4-year-olds. Show him the season 4 premiere.

Just a note: Keep the political comments to a minimum. I'm just warning you guys. The NSA thing doesn't seem like something that would start an argument.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


When my loved ones are sad and I can't do a thing for them because they're all so far away... :c


...."Now where do I begin" #RyoRants2013

Lets start at work.  Shift was 7:30-11:30, again horribly understaffed for one week before Xmas.....Fresh turkeys come in today, and despite being told by my supplier I was getting my full amount I was shorted basically all my 9-11KG turkeys(the most sought after size), so I had to try to fill customer orders with what I had available, that took me all morning, so I didn't leave work until 2:30pm...

After work, well this is my last 1/2 day before Xmas and I did no shopping, I was waiting for a day where it wasn't snowing so I wouldn't have to drive 45 minutes in the snow, well of course it's a blizzard outside, and I have to be home by 6:30 for the CCSC livestream so I didn't have alot of time to shop.  Well wouldn't you believe it, Kitchener was an absolute disaster to drive though....rush hour traffic, snow covered roads and my truck is RWD so no traction to speak of.  While waiting to turn left in an intersection(you creep into the intersection and go when the light is about to change), and someone ran the light.  This mixed with my truck not moving(even with Trac Control off) I got stuck in the intersection, blocking a whole side of traffic because the other side started moving and didn't let me turn out.

Fine, finally get to the 1st store, after slugging for almost 20 minutes, didnt have what I was looking for, another store, another 10 minutes to CROSS THE STREET, didnt have what I was looking for....so basically that whole trip was for nothing.

I'm actually not doing Xmas next year, i'm so sick of the stress of running a Meat Department of all departments, with both it's holiday and non-holiday drama, and the retail stress, i just feel like exploding.

And for the record, that's my reason behind my thinking, if anyone gets it.


Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Dec 17, 21:16:47
...."Now where do I begin" #RyoRants2013

ovO Love it.

I hate having to try so hard to find time for my friends and working on their Christmas presents because I'm so busy trying to do everything that my dad keeps telling and expecting me to do. ><
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


The Red Orchestra 2: Immersion Overhaul Mutator event was a failure...
People didn't download the three custom maps that were needed...

Midnight Breeze



Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Dec 18, 12:44:48
I don't know why that was so funny to me...


On A related note, the song Blurred Lines.  :/
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

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