Drizzle, the Earth Pony

Started by DrizzleMutt, 2012 May 29, 14:06:48

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Drizzle is found to be a loner. (Not a shocker.) But, he doesn't choke on his own self-pity and sit alone the whole day. He is a progressive protagonist in Ponyville, silently in the background. Watching and waiting for trouble. You may even see him, with his duck-tape gray hoodie, which has seen better days. His golden hair strikes from his figure with unkempt grace. Drizzle's mane has a rigid and shaggy cut, seemingly self done. His tail is of the same case. A pair of glasses sit upon his muzzle, which behind them a glowing set of rain-blue eyes. Hence the name, Drizzle.

Drizzle's past is a mystery to others, as well to him. It is quite obvious that he suffers from a serious case of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Which has frayed many of his memories of the past, but is quite capable of carrying on a conversation. If found in conversation, he has a terrible stutter in his speech. 

Image by Drizzle Mutt

Drizzle's emblem (Cute Mark) is both familiar, but as the same is a mystery. The purple shield gives off as a sign of a protector, and a sign of justice or royal majesty. The vines that embrace it symbolize a meaning of life that clutches to this, justice and protection.

Image by Drizzle Mutt 


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