P&S Adventures: Into the wilds! -Closed-

Started by GalvinRoe, 2012 May 28, 09:35:22

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''I know that Teal, but why are we going on this adventure again?''

Teal Turken

"I don't know actually....maybe it's just for fun!"


2012 May 28, 16:08:54 #102 Last Edit: 2012 May 28, 16:13:26 by GalvinRoe
All right, everypony, I've taken all your requests for the supplies you'll need and given them to Fancy's workforce. I hope you know what to bring with you on a trip like this . . .

He looked around at all the ponies.

You have had a chance to socialize now we must be moving to Canterlot, to retrieve supplies and make sure all our papers are . . . in order. So if you would kindly EXIT with the rest of the group, that would be splendid.

Strokes jumped down and Bright Mane and Right hoof took his sides. With Fancy walking right by him.

Teal Turken

Teal leaves his discussion behind and follows behind Bright Mane.


Rumor rushes after teal, completely lost.


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


"Papers. I thought we were leaving civilization, now I have to take some of it with me."
Chirp sighs and follows the rest of the group.


Fancy gets into his chariot and follows at a snail's pace after Strokes, who walks forward, confidently, into the surrounding vegetation outside Fancy's mansion.

We'll need to see the ambassador before we set off . . . He said he would renew your visa for Ibexia.

Excellent and the Zebracai, problem . . .

The law-suit was dropped.


I hear one of the chiefs leaned on the pony who caused the accident, turns out he "caused" it all along.

Strokes shivered. Well, it is true but I dissaprove of the methods . . .

He looked back at the small procession of ponies.

Come on everyone! We need to be in Canterlot by noon!

Teal Turken

Teal trots up around the front of Fancy's carriage with some bounce to his step.


Chirp walks to the front, next to Strokes, and sighs.


The ponies make good time, making it to Canterlot just over an hour.

. . . So your saying  . . . They wont be complaining?

What is complaining?

No, you've got it wrong . . . . Well not wrong, you can't be WRONG in Philosophy but your logic doesn't make any sense . . . .

Shut up, we're here!

Well, look at that!

Facing the pony procession Fancy Continued.

We are here everypony! Does everyone have their passports?


Chirp sighs and looks annoyed.
"No, and I prefer to keep it that way."

Teal Turken

Teal turns his head backwards to face Fancy.
"Passports?" o.O

Sonic Heart

Sonatas  chariot followed the rest of the ponies, being pulled by some workers of her father.

"Of course" She says taking out her passport from her vest.


Fancy sighed.

"You can't leave and re-enter equestria without your passport. We'll need to talk to the Pass-master, well that's really just what he likes to call himself. We need to talk to Lemon Lime the director of inter-national travel."

Teal Turken


Flame and Ice following in Ice's chariot pull out their passports "How else could of we got here" they both say
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Chirp snorts.
"You're not even allowed to go where you please. Some freedom you city-ponies have!"

Sonic Heart

Quote from: Chirp on 2012 May 28, 16:38:56
Chirp snorts.
"You're not even allowed to go where you please. Some freedom you city-ponies have!"

Hearing this Sonata chuckles
"You are not allowded either, being allowded and doing it anyway its different..besides i CAN and i WILL go everywhere, someday..." she made a little pause
"Maybe being paid to travel."


Strokes turns to Chirp and nods, Right? Unfortunetly you too will need a passport . . . Trust me when I say you don't want to be caught sneaking into Equestria without your . . . proper papers. Strokes sighes.

"Lemon Lime can be found at the bureau for Inter-national travel! It is directly besides the Aero-craft construction center."

We'll be heading there shortly, there are alot of countries where they couldn't care less about whether you had a passport or not but you won't be able to return to Equestria without one.

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