Wind Riders Application

Started by SunnySkie115, 2019 Mar 03, 17:38:54

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2019 Mar 03, 17:38:54 Last Edit: 2019 Sep 11, 22:45:16 by Sunny Skies (NLR)

Hi, everypony! This post will provide specific information regarding what we are looking for in each recruit, as well as the requirements to be accepted into the team and what you'll be expected to do.

- LoE character must be a pegasus
- LoE character must be at least Level 15
- You must have a Discord account (the application, not the draconequus, keep him away)
- Motivation and pride
- Being available when you're online for when the team needs you
- Being able to follow instructions

WARNING: We require your participation and devotion! This means there will be vigorous (sorta) training for airshows and events!

Kickable Offence:
As a quick-paced airshow team, we have every right to temporarily remove airshow members who:
- Don't/can't understand the fundamentals of basic flight in an airshow including mouselook usage, quick movement, and multitasking
- Present negative/bad behavior during practices and outside of them
- Violate any of the requirements to join the airshow team

Please understand that the captains are willing to assist fliers who need extra help, but they are ponies evidently and can't spend an excessive amount of time dealing with ponies who are not able to cooperate with the standards and expectations.

To apply you must fill out this application:

Name of your character:

Level of your character:

Discord username (remember to add the tag):

Why do you want to join the team?

How can you contribute to the team?

Tell us a little about yourself (Your personality, hobbies, etc):

Once you have completed the application, you will be contacted by the leader or co-leaders of the team via private message or discord :D

Staff of the airshow team:

- Sunny Skies (Discord user: Sunny Skies#3403)
- Berry Shade (Discord user: A Berry Shade#3817)
- Shadow Azure (Discord user: NatuSoulSilver#6369)
- Crystal Bay (Discord user: Crystal Bay#7681)

Only the staff of the airshow team can provide an official answer to the new applicants.


2019 Apr 10, 11:56:54 #1 Last Edit: 2019 Apr 10, 11:58:59 by Sparkbow
Name of character : Sparkbow
Level of character : 10
Discord username : Sparkbow
Why do you want to join the team?
I want to join the team because flying is one of my favourite hobbies and I really like being with other ponies and having fun.
How can you contribute to the team?
I can contribute to the team in many ways : if someone gets hurt or something I am there full of supplies, if somepony needs help with quests I am ready to help them, and I can give some bits because I have enough .
Tell about your personality
I am kind and I like helping ponies when they are In need of something. I like making friends. I am a Medical pony. I always have too many supplies. I like flying and listening to music.
And I am a level 10 not 15  ono  so does that mean I cant join?  DD:   :c

chrome thunder

2019 Apr 10, 15:14:00 #2 Last Edit: 2019 Apr 10, 16:33:24 by chrome thunder


Name of your character:SparkBow

Level of your character: 16

Discord username (remember to add the tag): Sparkbow #0997

Why do you want to join the team? Because I can fly great and I wanna entertain the ponies who will be watching me flying

How can you contribute to the team?  I can contribute by giving bits , helping level up , etc

Tell us a little about yourself: I am a Medic Pony. I like flying , dancing in SCC,  Partying . I hate Combat. I have a pet bunny.

Have a nice day!   ^-^

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