Dialogue Issues

Started by Ponies991087, 2017 Sep 10, 15:24:58

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Every time I talk to a pony the dialogue keeps skipping it self so fast I don't get to read it and before I know it the conversation ends and I'm left lost.


The same thing happens to me too..


we have had that happen allot as well. whats worse is it affects the multipule choice dialoge trying to get it to go back to the first selection whch makes it very hard to select the answer you want to give

Fauna Joy

I've been having this happen as well. It isn't every time I talk to somepony, but it happens often enough that I miss important points.

For example, I just spoke to Ancient Aviator to try and get his story, but missed a lot of important parts of it because the dialogue skipped on its own.


I have the same problem. It only happens in Cloudsdale, though. Everywhere else the texts wait for my action to jmp to next one...
Excuse my English, it tends to misbehave...


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