Mini RP II (Jump-In)

Started by Gamepaw, 2017 Mar 26, 14:36:40

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Peace Keeper

This one is huge. Like chubby.

Hehe. I think he could barely stand.

Peacekeeper comes up to the fluffy wolf, trying to pick him up, but is pretty hefty for him to lift up, but successfully got him upright.

He sure is heavy. I think he ate the whole bag.

I'd imagine being small, just a bag of crisps is enough for you for like 5 days or something.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Game silently thanked the small pony with a lick, before looking up at the larger pony. It was rare for large ponies to venture inside, normally the only large creature he saw was his owner.

The small canine, now feeling the thirst of devouring a packet of crisps, slowly began to waddle along to find a bottle cap to drink out of.

(I don't think a packet of crisps would last 5 days by itself, let alone with a chubwoof :3)

Peace Keeper

*-Hehe probably just a day or so x3 Peacekeeper would last 5 days. Peacemaker... prrf 5 minutes lol


I think he is thirsty. Speaking of it, I feel thirsty too.

Here, let me help.

Peacemaker using his magic takes the liquid out of the bottle, leaving the bottle in place, and takes the huge droplet of liquid onto the upside down bottle cap to fill in as a doggie dish.

What am I suppose to drink out of? Is there like a cup?

There is, but I first gotta ask the owner Raven for a cup. Of just drink out of the bottle.

Heeeeck no. Then I'll make a mess, or even drown.

Prff you can't drown. With that bottle? Just share with the dog, or... wait... that's a wolf. I could tell by the ears and the face. That's a tiny wolf.

That's a wolf!? I would think its a blue huskie, but wow. Didn't know that.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Fireshine Dusk seeing that the pony and wolf are distracted with water and talking to the bigger creature sneaks into the bag and proceeds to peck at the crumbs.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Game's ears twitched as he heard rustling in the crisps packet but was too preoccupied with quenching his first to really pay much attention.

Peace Keeper

Peacekeeper hears the bag crumbling loudly in his perspective and wonders what else got in. Peacemaker didn't payed much attention as he still looking for whatever is on TV flipping through channels with his magic. Keeper gets to the bag to see whats inside and finds something else.

There's another one that went inside the bag.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Fireshine suddenly seeing a gaint eye shook the bag dropping the crumbs into the ponies eye as she cut the bag and flew away.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


2017 Apr 01, 09:21:51 #27 Last Edit: 2017 Apr 01, 10:16:20 by Gamepaw
Game, startled by the loud crumpling and ripping noise, had fallen into the bottle cap as his stomach filled up the hole and thanks to the extra height lifted him off the floor.

Wiggling helplessly the little wolf whined.

Post Merge

(Not the house was a hotel at one point, so she is used to people wandering in. She may even let you stay a couple nights if you are nice enough. :3)

Raven had wandered out from the kitchen in the next room and was greeted by a pony standing in the living area. "Hello?" She called, before turning to the table with the mini-creatures and finding Game, once again stuck but it was a new one this time, he'd never been stuck in a bottle cap before.

Releasing Game from his confines she stroked him with a spare claw before putting him back down as he wagged and purred happily.

Peace Keeper

*-Sowies for my long absence. Pretty busy weekend. Time to post
*-Also, it was  mini Peace looking in, not the normal sized Peace x3

Peacemaker hears the voice of Raven and greets her.

Oh hi there Raven. I have a question to ask you.

Peacekeeper falls backwards seeing the bird flying out of the back swiftly. At his size, the speed was like super tremendous, like super sonic in relation to his own mini size. He hears the voice of Raven and looks up at the really large dragon. So much wow does he now see the world MUCH bigger.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Aqua Fire

Shade got dizzy after the wolf's shadow have been moving around, so dizzy, that he fell out of the shadow. He got up, wobbling.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


"Ask away." Raven replied calmly, putting a claw on the table as the wolf rubbed himself against it.

Peace Keeper

Peacekeeper sees the bird fall down and sees it trying to get up. Being small, he felt he wouldn't scare it as much and approached slowly with caution.

Peacemaker responds to Raven: I accidentally shrunk Keeper and he said you know a magic to turn him back to normal size. Is that true?
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"I don't. I`m sorry." Raven apologised, "if I knew, this little guy wouldn't be so little." She finished, playing with the little wolf with her claw, pushing him around and petting him.


Fireshine yelled at the pony and started flying up to the ceiling. 
Part of The Kingdom of Roses

Peace Keeper


Peacekeeper fell  back seeing the bird give a loud sound before flying up. Being this small, he feels scared that birds can now beat him up.

Peacemaker gave a short silent grunt before telling his brother.

Keeper! You were wrong. She doesn't know the spell. I told you.

Peacekeeper looked up at his giant but normal sized brother in a second scared response. Even though he is small, he was still audible.

I thought she did! I could have sworn she knew all this magic.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"I`m not sure where you got the notion of me being able to fix the size issue, but I can tell you I am not that proficient in magic. I am a scientist not a magician." Raven stated, disappointed in herself for not being able to help the brothers, as she looked back to the wolf who had since tired himself out and was panting heavily on his side.

Peace Keeper

Don't ask me. Keeper's the one who brought me here saying you knew how to change him back to his normal size, and here we are. Keeper is on the table there. He's about the same size as the wolf.

Peacekeeper looks up to Raven and gives a modest but cheeky wave and greeting.

Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"Hi there." She said cheerfully. "You are welcome to stay he for as long as you need, there are quiet a few miniatures around, You will fit right in." She finished, offering her home to the pair of brothers.

Peace Keeper

Thanks. My bad for having to barge in here. Keeper told me how he met you before at a spa, so figured it would kinda be okay to come over. You do science stuff, right? What kind of science you do?

Peacekeeper looks around the giant table but finds nothing more other than the TV that looks like an ultra large theater.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"I`m a biologist, I work with animals mostly." Raven stated, pushing another little bottle cap of water towards the panting wolf.

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