Candyland RP (sign in/jump in)

Started by Thunder Spin, 2017 Jan 04, 12:01:44

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Thunder Spin

Candy turned to the wolf nearby. She walks up to him.[shadow=blue,left]Do you need help?[/shadow] she said in a calm voice to the wolf. She knew the wolf was going to say something to her, but she couldn't understand anything. Then, a question flied into Candy's mind ; How can Fluttershy speak to animals? . She will find the answer later.

Thunder Spin

((One month passed since somebody replied. Oh well, it's not a long time. Just writing to remind you this RP.))


Game nodded, as he struggled against his weight and the stickiness that is this place, he still wanted to find the baked goods he could smell on the air, however struggled with even making it a few feet without having to unstick one of his sinking paws.


Seeing the struggling (and non-hostile) wolf, Chuck Wagon pulled a package from his saddlebags and sprinkled a white powder out of it onto where the wolf would step. The powder clung to the wolf's fur and paws, but not to the candy-like ground.

Sprinkling a little more of the powder on the wolf's still sticky fur, the stallion said, "A little flower can help with something sticky. Let's get you to solid ground, fella."
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Game silently thanked the pony as he continued to waddle his way through the candy land, eventually hoping to find something better to walk on or to eat.


"Follow me", said Chuck Wagon as he put away the flour. He then tried to lead the wolf to the other ponies, all of whom were on safe ground.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Game waddled after the useful pony, though he struggled to keep up as the pony walked at a normal speed.

Thunder Spin

Candy thought there was nothing to lose following Chuck, as she adores exploring.

On the way she was hungry, she also heard something coming around Gamepaw. She realized it was his stomach. Candy looked around to find something else to eat, but there were only sweets and goodies. She turns to three short lollipops whick shouldn't weight more than 7 kilos, takes them and gives one to Game, one to Chuck and keeps the other one for herself.


Game licked the lollipop stick and it wasn't a fantastic taste, but it was edible. Yet, due to the weight of the stick the pudgy canine left it behind as he attempted to escape the sticky section.

Odd One

Seeing no reason​ to stay behind, Lollipop quickly refastened the harness of his cart back onto himself and followed the group. He didn't offer much for conversation, but gave off a generally pleasant vibe.


Chuck thanked Candy for the lollipop, but instead of tasting it he paused a moment to wrap it in a scrap of waxed paper and place it in his saddlebags. He then continued to what looked like a good campsite.

It was a clearing at the top of a slight rise, and a large tree that was a bit off-center would provide shade mid-day. The surrounding foliage began low, so anypony and anything approaching would have trouble sneaking up. Trees farther back would keep stray winds from disturbing them.

"Unless one of you has a better idea, this looks like a place we can rest while we explore," said Chuck.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Game slowly waddled his way across the sticky landscape, slowly falling behind the various ponies he had met on the journey.

The flour was slowly falling off the wolf's paws and he was beginning to stick again. This along with his appearance helped him feel more and more like a pastry.

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