Turn a dream into a nightmare

Started by RedsBone, 2016 Dec 08, 18:05:44

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Suddenly while skiing you fall down the hill and snap your neck after every other bone in your body then get eaten by wolves (this just got dark)

Dream: pinkie pie

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Dream turns into Smile HD

Dream: driving a car.


You crash and go flying out the window and you haunt your brother and watch him become a waffle loving murder

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And THEN you die.

Dream: Flying unicorns.

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Aqua Fire

Fluffle Puff is the unicorn, and attack a you, with hugs.
I hug you... I guess..
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt

Nightshade Star

Flufflepuff tackles you because you didn't hug HER.

Dream: Traveling around Equestria

Aqua Fire

(I think I'm going to make it all Fluffle puff related.)
Fluffle suddenly appears, and ties you up by the hoof. You try to walk away, but she is vey strong, and holds her ground. Then, a butterfly appears, and lifts Fluffle off the ground, taking you along.
I blow bubbles with Fluffle Puff.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


2016 Dec 16, 23:56:34 #27 Last Edit: 2016 Dec 16, 23:58:29 by Irroro
Suddenly, a wild chihuahua with a moustache and sombrero appears! He flies right up to you guys on a flying piñata all heroic and stuff. Then, he pulls out a baseball bat out of thin air and blindfolds himself, right before he took a position to swing at the you and the Fluffle while shouting, "Cacahuates!" Then he swung at 'cho face all chihuahua-like and scary 'cause blindfolded and stuff. But instead of you guys' faces getting whacked, he hit another piñata above you guys, and it suddenly rained peanuts. Fluffle Puff's tongue lolled out and caught some all scary-like and stuff. You're also allergic to peanuts and you get an allergic reaction that turns you into another Fluffle Puff. All you can say is, "Plffflb," 'cause you're a Fluffle Puff now. Plfffflb. Then Fluffle Puff is all like, "What the plfffflb?" in disbelief, and then the butterfly eats you all 'cause you all let your guard down and it smelled peanuts, and peanuts are its favorite food.

Edit: And it barfed you guys all out and ate you all again. The End.

Dream: Waking up from a Fluffle related dream.

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Thunder Spin

Fluffle Puff appears and dances the pink fluffy unicorn dance on your head.

Dream: Buying a new mobile phone

Aqua Fire

The phone literally is a MOBILE phone, so it leaves you, so you die. For some reason.
I dream.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt

Thunder Spin

you dream while a ghost wakes you up and you scream

I dream it was snowing inside my country


But the snow was a LIE! When you touch it you realize it's just a huge amount of white toothpicks.

Dream: A dream without Fluffle Puff, and Fluffle Puff has no access to it. This dream is guarded by an ancient spell, and charities.

Aqua Fire

You die. Because no FP.
I hang with Derpy.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


Derpy explodes.
I'm eating cheesecake.

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Aqua Fire

Fluffle Puff eats the cheesecake.
(I don't know what to dream, so make that one worse) is
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt

Thunder Spin

Fluffle Puff is now fat and she dances on your mane the "Pink fluffy unicorn that dances on rainbows" dance

Dream: Hiking on a mountain


Turns out it's a volcano and the ground beneath your feet opens and you fall into lava.

Dream: Being a pirate on a pirate ship.

Nightshade Star

Flufflepuff is one of those pirates and throws you overboard.
Dream: Flufflepuff is dancing on a rainbow

Thunder Spin

It is not a real rainbow! It is your mane with rainbow dash wig!

Dream: Trip away from country

Nightshade Star

You literally trip and fall from the country into darkness.'

Dream: Stuff.

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