Equestria's Darkest Days [SIGNUP]

Started by Space Ace, 2016 Nov 25, 16:01:42

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Space Ace

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When everyone wakes up and realises that it's still dark, despite the fact the sun should have risen by now, concern rises amoongst the citizens of Equestria. When they discover there is not even a moon in their sky, things get worse. With well over half the population missing, a group must band together to figure out what has happened to Equestria, and how to fix it.


So far the extended night had allowed to wolf to feed his large appetite, even easier than before. The lack of ponies had let the wolf gain access to buildings and places which were normally off limits to him, such as houses, bakery and shops.

The wolf had slowly struggled his way up into a bakery and into  the counter. Luckily for him whoever owned the place was long gone but the food remained, allowing him to stuff his face with a variety of pies and other baked goods.

In a weird way, the wolf wished some of the ponies would return because soon he would have ran out of food to acquire from the empty buildings.

Space Ace

When Specs had awoken for work, she hadn't really acknowledged the darkness outside. Everyday she would wake up while it was still dark, so it was nothing new to her. The empty streets were not even foreign to her. Although she could feel something was wrong, she shook it off and continued on her way.

It wasn't until she arrived for work, and the gates were locked. No one was there. Specs realised the sun should have started rising by now. But it was still dull and dark. She looked into the sky, and found that not even the moon was there. The unicorn frowned, looking around. She only tried to convince herself that she was dreaming or hallucinating for a minute, trying to find anyone to let her in to her workplace.
After a fruitless search, she gave in, acknowledging that something was definitely wrong. She slowly walked back into the city center, wondering if there was anyone around.

Aqua Fire

Aqua Fire woke, to find that it was still night. 'Hmm... Could of woken up early.' She thought. She got up, and made hot chocolate. To her, it was her own coffee. She drank it, and got ready for work. Then, after she got ready, she got ready for her other work, to protect Luna. When she was done, she got out, and went to her work. As she reached the bakery, she realized something was wrong. She looked around, and saw that there was no moon. She looked around and saw a wolf in the bakery across the street. She froze. After awhile, she shook her head, and quickly inserted the key, and ran in. She ran to the counter. She left the door unlocked, but she didn't know that. She waited for customers, for she was the only worker.
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Space Ace

Specs found she'd had enough of wandering around Canterlot city center searching for any pony. She huffed impatiently, and finally gave in to the temptation to just yell. She took a deep breath, before shouting "Is any pony there?!" At the top of her lungs.
She used her horn as a torch, lighting up a small portion of the darkness around her, as she waited and listened.


Game flinched as the voice was heard and quickly swallowed the sausage roll he was eating, before hiding behind the counter and listening for them.

Aqua Fire

Aqua Fire was very tired, for some, unknown reason. She laid her head down to sleep, until she heard a yell. She stumbled and fell, making such a loud noise, that it went to Cantorlot. 'Darn those party cakes' Aqua thought harshly, for Party Cakes are cupcakes that, when touched, make a loud party noise. She looked up, hoping the wolf didn't see her. When she didn't see the wolf, she sighed happily, and laid down, out of sight.
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(Are you in the same bakery as Game?)

Game, deciding that whatever caused the sound had moved on, quickly moved back to eating all the food that the ponies no longer needed. Glad that he didn't have to hide and sneak anymore and can just go where he pleased.

Aqua Fire

(No, but it was my original idea. My bakery is across the street.)
Aqua, still on the ground, decided to eat some cookies and muffins... :P
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Space Ace

2016 Nov 26, 18:30:52 #9 Last Edit: 2016 Nov 27, 10:38:08 by Space Ace
Specs' ears pricked at the sound of... something. She wasn't sure what. And she really didn't like not knowing. But she wasn't sure where it had come from, and had no idea where to start looking for the source. The unicorn frowned. She started wandering again, down a street, continuing her search. She listened as closely as she could, dimming the light of her horn slightly.
She had no idea what was out there, she could never be too careful. She came down a street leading to the "food district", a street lined with cafes, bakeries, coffee shops, you name it. Curiously- yet cautiously- the mare traversed down the road.


Game finished the remaining food in the bakery and sat back, resting his legs and stomach. Wanting to move onto the next food source, the pudgy canine struggled up back onto his paws.

Waddling his way across the floor, it complained but allowed the wolf to cross and get to the still open door. Pushing himself through the door, the pudgy canine began to make his way down the steps, he didn't realize how much he had ate and this caused him to topple over and roll down the stairs.

Landing heavy, the large wolf let out a loud whine and covered himself with dirt and dust off the ground.

Aqua Fire

Aqua Fire heard the wolf fall, and took a sneak peek. She decided to give him a pie, but didn't want to go to him, for she thought that the wolf would eat her. She had an idea, and baked a pie. She then set it to the window sill. Aqua went behind the counter again, and used her water powers to carry the pie. As is went to the wolf, it got more soggy, so she used her fire powers combined with her water powers- The fire to keep it from going soggy, and the water to keep it from burning- to take it to the wolf. She dropped it as soon as she reached the wolf.
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Having landed on his back the wolf was beginning to accept the fact he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, though as the strange floating pie arrived he felt a bit relieved but he unable to reach it as he was trapped under himself.

Space Ace

Specs watched with wide eyes as a pie floated past her from the window of one bakery, and into another. And not just floated, carried by fire and water.
"Uhh." she sounded dumbly. She blinked a few times and shook her head.

"Hello?" the Unicorn called. She looked toward the window the pie had floated out of.


2016 Nov 27, 16:34:02 #14 Last Edit: 2016 Nov 27, 16:35:35 by Gamepaw
(Game is in front of the bakery in the middle of the road, on his back and trapped cause woof is chub.)

Aqua Fire

Aqua heard a pony, so she looked up. She then went outside.
"H-hello. D-do you know what's g-g-going to n with t-the sky?" Aqua stuttered. When she saw the wolf trapped by itself, part of her wanted to run before it could get her, but the other half wanted to help the wolf. The other half won, so she helped the wolf up, and backed away a little, just in case. She took the pie of the ground, and handed it to it.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


2016 Nov 27, 18:56:27 #16 Last Edit: 2016 Nov 28, 07:32:20 by Gamepaw
Game was thankful for the pony helping him and even more thankful for the pie. He didn't have to move very far to eat it which was also a plus.

The waddling wolf thanked the pony with a link before devouring the pie on the floor, resting on his stomach lick a pillow.


Salem walks towards 2 bakeries. She turns her head up to look at the Wolf and Pony, Hey Gray eyes stare bluntly at them before walking closer to them.
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Space Ace

//eep sorry, school and such so I couldn't check

"Uh... hello." Specs replied, after pausing to process the scene with the wolf.  "Sorry, uh,  who- who are you?" She asked. She was glad to not be entirely alone, but she had no idea who this pony was, and she didn't seem to have any idea of what was going either.
"And is this wolf... yours? He seems very tame..." She commented.


Salem Walks closer before stopping And turning to Aqua's Bakery. Walking inside.
A nomad, tired from wandering.

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