LoE Mouse pointer download.

Started by Sweet Brew, 2016 Aug 04, 07:20:31

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Sweet Brew

I mentioned this about 2 years ago, not sure if it was a fully post of just a PM to a couple of the developers.
But if I'd love to change my mouse to the LoE mouse pointer, or at least get the image so I can do the rest myself.
(I'd edit it a bit if I could so it's at the same orientation as a classic mouse)

Well, yeah, they said it might pop up and never did.
Maybe reconsider? Because my mouse is boring.
At least maybe let us download the image? :'v


I got it from a screenshot.
If you don't like my crop job, here's the original, try on your own:

Sweet Brew

Quote from: RedsBone on 2016 Sep 08, 16:11:48

I got it from a screenshot.
If you don't like my crop job, here's the original, try on your own:

Thank you!
But sadly I already make my own, lol.
I made it sparkle when it loads and stuff, just out of curiosity, how did you take an image of the mouse?
Every single type of image taking software I saw took out the mouse pointer.

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