Legends of Equestria is Looking for Writers and Editors!

Started by Ellowee, 2016 May 05, 13:35:04

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2016 May 05, 13:35:04 Last Edit: 2016 May 17, 16:13:02 by MysticMorning
Hello, everypony!

Legends of Equestria is once again recruiting writers and editors! We have five open positions (three writing and two editing), and will be accepting applications until May 16th, 2016. If you are passionate about writing, interested in game development, or just want to help us drive LoE forward, please send a family-friendly, original writing sample of no more than 2,000 words to mysticmorning@legendsofequestria.com.

UPDATE:  We are now closed for writing and editing applications.  Thanks to everyone who sent in submissions!  We will be reviewing them this week, and will contact the finalists on the 20th.  Due to the amount of submissions received, will will not be able to give feedback to those who were not chosen, but we hope you keep trying, and wish you the best of luck!

And if you still really want to help Legends of Equestria, feel free to take a look at our . We're constantly looking for fresh talent in these areas to help make Legends of Equestria the best it can be.

Thanks so much, everypony, for your interest in helping Legends of Equestria!


Oh man. I really, really wish I could help, but I don't quite have the time right now to commit to this  ono >.< What exactly would be involved in the writing process? In other words, what would I be doing, and how often would I be expected to produce content? Also, what is meant by 'original writing sample'? Can I submit MLP fanfiction? And if the writing sample I send in is a bit longer than 2000 words, is that still acceptable?

My OCs
Book Keeper - Sketch Art - Star Diver


I have already sent an email and await a reply. I also would like to know about the work involved, I've never been apart of a development team before but have worked with people before on stories, those users also being on this site.

Rasy (Flanniest Flan)

The only writing I can do is informational essays. Are you guys looking for creative writing or writing in general?


2016 May 05, 18:59:58 #4 Last Edit: 2016 May 05, 19:06:29 by NightMoonMare
Sorry to seem a bit stereotypical with question on this thread, but can you maybe provide extra information on writing & editing?


Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 May 05, 14:09:13
Can I submit MLP fanfiction? And if the writing sample I send in is a bit longer than 2000 words, is that still acceptable?

Yes, Fanfics are fine.  If you need 20 or 30 extra words, or if it goes a tad over, that's fine.  We need to ask for brief samples, though, so we can get through them all.
Mystic "Mysty" Morning a.k.a. The Aubade Veil
LoE Head Writer; Database Management; Design
Avatar by Inkwell at MuniversalArtworks


Quote from: MysticMorning on 2016 May 05, 19:24:42
Yes, Fanfics are fine.  If you need 20 or 30 extra words, or if it goes a tad over, that's fine.  We need to ask for brief samples, though, so we can get through them all.

Thanks. Am I allowed to submit more than one writing sample? It's mostly so I can showcase my different writing abilities.

Also, what exactly would be involved in the writing process? In other words, what would I be doing, and how often would I be expected to produce content?

My OCs
Book Keeper - Sketch Art - Star Diver


Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 May 05, 14:09:13
What exactly would be involved in the writing process? In other words, what would I be doing, and how often would I be expected to produce content?

Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 May 05, 15:50:29
I also would like to know about the work involved.

Quote from: cshadd on 2016 May 05, 18:48:33
The only writing I can do is informational essays. Are you guys looking for creative writing or writing in general?

Quote from: NightMoonMare on 2016 May 05, 18:59:58
Sorry to seem a bit stereotypical with question on this thread, but can you maybe provide extra information on writing & editing?

Okay, so when this is every reply, the fault is probably on our end.  X3 The information being sought after can be found on our main recruiting thread here: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=12413

Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 Aug 06, 01:51:02

Quest Writers

Applicants should show an advanced grasp of grammar and language mechanics, as well as a clear understanding of story structure and narrative flow.  You must also be comfortable operating under existing programming and design constraints, while still providing a creative and engaging experience for the player.  Experience with MMO story structure is a plus.  To apply, send your original, family-friendly writing samples of no more than 2,000 words to mysticmorning@legendsofequestria.com.  Please include how much time you will be able to devote to Legends of Equestria, and your reason for wanting to join the project.


We are seeking dedicated, full-time editors for Legends of Equestria.  Applicants must demonstrate a fluent grasp of grammar, spelling, language mechanics, and idiom, but must also have a basic understanding of story structure and narrative flow. You should also be able to work comfortably within the established creative structure and aesthetic of the game. To apply, send your family-friendly writing samples of no more than 2,000 words to mysticmorning@legendsofequestria.com.  Please include how much time you will be able to devote to Legends of Equestria, and your reason for wanting to join the project.

Apologies for the vagueness of the initial post.   ^-^
Mystic "Mysty" Morning a.k.a. The Aubade Veil
LoE Head Writer; Database Management; Design
Avatar by Inkwell at MuniversalArtworks



My OCs
Book Keeper - Sketch Art - Star Diver


Quote from: MysticMorning

(Not directly involving the above post)

I was just wondering. As a student that goes to school 8 hours a day, and probably only has a 2 hour opening every day to work on this, would that be alright?
I would try to devote more time but I have many programs I'm involved in for economical purposes.
Discord Tag: Caramel#0404


Writing!?! Storytelling!?! Proper grammar!?! My special talents are needed!

In what format would you like the applications to be submitted: .doc or something else? Or, are attached files a no-no and you want the text copied into an email?
The Storyteller's symbol is first a book, for without the story itself, there would be nothing to tell. The lines show the breath, the storyteller's medium. At the core: a heart, for like all living things, without heart, the story dies.


2016 May 06, 06:22:43 #11 Last Edit: 2016 May 06, 07:23:02 by NightMoonMare
Quote from: MysticMorning on 2016 May 05, 19:44:27
Okay, so when this is every reply, the fault is probably on our end.  X3 The information being sought after can be found on our main recruiting thread here: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=12413

Apologies for the vagueness of the initial post.   ^-^

Thank you so much, I will think about sending an application.

Excuse my bluntness for not even checking the front page, apologies on my behalf. =)


Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Oh my gosh, you have NO idea how excited I got when I saw this thread with yesterday's timestamp. I created an account solely to say 'howdy' and apply. When otherwise not occupied sleeping or eating, I'm spending all my time worldbuilding for the MLP universe.

-How their logogram writing system evolved out of cutiemark pictures.
-How their cuteness--their big eyes, broad forehead, general "roundness" of features-- may have been an adaptation to play against parental instincts in other animals prior to ponies banding together into organized societies.
-How and why they domesticated the entire planet, to where not even season happen on their own.

Oh my gosh! I so want to be useful to the LoE crowd!
Let's turn every detail into something important.


2016 May 06, 23:41:34 #14 Last Edit: 2016 May 06, 23:58:31 by MysticMorning
Quote from: Particlemane on 2016 May 05, 22:52:53
Writing!?! Storytelling!?! Proper grammar!?! My special talents are needed!

In what format would you like the applications to be submitted: .doc or something else? Or, are attached files a no-no and you want the text copied into an email?

Nothing we have to download please.  Beyond that, in-line e-mail text is preferable, but anything we can access online is acceptable.

Post Merge

Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 May 05, 14:09:13
how often would I be expected to produce content?

Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 May 05, 15:50:29
I also would like to know about the work involved

Quote from: Tripy998 on 2016 May 05, 22:52:14
I was just wondering. As a student that goes to school 8 hours a day, and probably only has a 2 hour opening every day to work on this, would that be alright?
I would try to devote more time but I have many programs I'm involved in for economical purposes.

We will ask that visible progress is made on each person's assigned task each week.  Given the nature of writing, especially for a volunteer project, some assignments may not be completable within a week's time, but progress should be being made to the best of your ability.

Editors may be held to higher standards, due to fewer variables typically involved in the nature of the work.

Mystic "Mysty" Morning a.k.a. The Aubade Veil
LoE Head Writer; Database Management; Design
Avatar by Inkwell at MuniversalArtworks


Quote from: MysticMorning on 2016 May 06, 23:41:34
Nothing we have to download please.  Beyond that, in-line e-mail text is preferable, but anything we can access online is acceptable.

Even attachments? Bother. I may have to re-send mine.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Quote from: Thundergirl on 2016 May 08, 15:46:39
Now an irrelevant question ; How do you add pictures to your account???  :')

I think you mean avatars/signatures.  I'll send you a pm

O. Vannen

I don't trust myself with writing anything creative, however I'd be more than happy to help with editing and proofreading (and if directly asked, plot or story).

I know, not a lot to go on, but maybe I could edit something as part of my resume?


Quote from: O. Vannen on 2016 May 11, 13:47:49
I don't trust myself with writing anything creative, however I'd be more than happy to help with editing and proofreading (and if directly asked, plot or story).

I know, not a lot to go on, but maybe I could edit something as part of my resume?

We need writing samples from editor applicants to determine your grammatical fluency, and if you have an understanding of the differences between prose, exposition, dialogue, etc. We also want to see how comfortable you are with narrative flow, in order to know you are able to maintain the creative integrity of the author's work, while still ensuring the best possible presentation.

Any small piece of creative prose should suffice, and it only needs to be 2,000 words at most, and to demonstrate your linguistic ability as described above.
Mystic "Mysty" Morning a.k.a. The Aubade Veil
LoE Head Writer; Database Management; Design
Avatar by Inkwell at MuniversalArtworks

CMC Scootaloo


I have sent in an application with a story that I wrote for it just a few minutes ago. It's an unpublished view story on FIMFiction.net called "Clementine's First Colt Crush".
Can you give me confirmation that you received the e-mail? I want to make sure that it really arrived.
You always wanted to meet Scootaloo? Then be on the lookout for her in Equestria, she is galloping all over the realm!

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