Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Dec 16, 01:24:39

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Rush of MLP

Chrome smiled sleepily and shook his head.

[Color=silver]"There's not much out can do for me; I just need to sleep for a while."[/color] He said, his eyes beginning to droop.


Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Feb 11, 19:03:32
Zealus halved his eyes at the sudden dismissal that he was given but had no shift in tone nor showed any razor towards the two.

"Do not forget with what plagues you right now, could eventually involve everyone that's closest to you and screw them over. As someone thats had experience with hexi-....ancient spells its best that you would at least tell me which type of curse this is. Also....something external is going on and it is drawing near a crisis towards Equestria as we speak."

Looking him over for any signs of deceit or lies, but finds none.

"Alright, fine," He states, drawing a deep breath.

"The curse is known as the Nightfall Curse, causing inability to properly function in the daylight, without a dedicated unicorn using a particular spell. When in relative darkness, such as this, even if some light trickles in, then there's no problem. The curse tends to fall upon the batpony race primarily," He says, twitching his batpony ears to show him his batpony ears, despite him being a unicorn.


Zealous looked to the side as if looking back.

"So its affects even the hybrids too but there are means of bypassing it, although I haven't done the procedure of course since Im in no ties with a batpony nor am one myself."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



((An interesting new direction to take it, but I'll roll with it.))

"A bypass? Princess Luna has already informed me that the curse is irreversible, but that the spell Moon's Guidance will allow for normal function during the daylight, of course with a dedicated unicorn, as stated prior," He states, confused by the other pony's statement.


// lol Im definatly not performing that nor going to dues ex machina it right now

"I'm not 100% certain it will work though but right now I dont have access to the materials to get the spell to work...But if it does its going to be a bit bittersweet since it has a side effect that it would be best if I saved it for later...My apologies though, but when this is over I may try that out."

"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Misty Fly

Marble : i.ll just wait then i guess...

Rush of MLP

Chrome yawned widely. [Color=silver]"Alright. Sounds good."[/color]

With that, he laid his head down and finally went to sleep.


Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Feb 11, 20:46:48
// lol Im definatly not performing that nor going to dues ex machina it right now

"I'm not 100% certain it will work though but right now I dont have access to the materials to get the spell to work...But if it does its going to be a bit bittersweet since it has a side effect that it would be best if I saved it for later...My apologies though, but when this is over I may try that out."

"Okay.." Raven simply responds, shrugging.

"In any case, what is everyone doing it there?" He asks.

Misty Fly

Marble : wait..i think we need to make shelter... the one i helped to make isn't gonna last for long....


Game made a noise, to make sure the ponies know he was still there. He felt the shelter was okay, it helped keep him cool but it wasn't very big.

Peace Keeper

Cheveyo to Marble: You sure it isn't that good? Well does look a bit flimsy. Perhaps adding more wood or some stilts would help make this shelter stronger.

As he finished speaking, he finally finishes 1 barrel of purified water. He stops and sits in exhaustion. The pump was an endurance. He looks around only seeing a few ponies and Game. He wonders to himself.

Cheveyo *to himself* : Where are the others? I thought we were going to bring the gray unicorn into the shelter? Hopefully they are okay. Would be bad returning to the woods.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : i guess i.ll get more wood then *she heads back in the forest*

Nameless Whirlwind

Nameless woke up.

He tried his best to remember what happened before. He remember rushing down the halls of a ship, running down the opposite direction which everyone else ran. He remembered having a headache as he did so. He remembered a sharp pain against his forehead just a second ago...he still had a headache.

He tried to get up on all fours, but fell splat down against what he first thought to be the sand from a shoreline, but instead what appeared to feel like smooth rock. Focusing his eyes, he realized that he was on some sort of cluster of rocks on the coastline of some sort of island. The rocks battled against the sea, holding up against the increasing size of waves that the ocean threw against it. The sun shone brightly in the clear sky. It was too calm for a situation so dire.

He began to limp his way closer to the sea. There had to be some sort of civilization nearby, out there. Anywhere.

He slipped on a steep incline, his body tumbling down the rocks until he was just meters above sea level. He could feel one of his teeth dislodged, spitting it out of his mouth. Teeth would grow back, he would assure himself. Of course, it was false, but it had to be true in his case.

Just as he was about to get up, a large wave clashed against the rocky shoreline, slamming him against a large boulder. As the wave began to dissipate, so did all his hope. His tears began to mix with the seawater as it flowed down his body. He watched as the waves died down, listening to the sounds of birds and their songs to mend his broken mind. He wouldn't give up before. He would never give up now.

Turning around, he began to sloppily climb his way up the rocky coastline. Eventually, he managed his way up to some sort of grassy plateau. Relieved, he lied on the grass, his eyes closed. He slowly felt the grass seemingly wrapping around his body as if to comfort his pains. He felt the sun beaming strong against his fur, feeling his strength slowly regenerating back.

He continued to lie on the grass and decided that he would continue to do so until he could no longer feel the sunlight on top of his body.


"So far we're regrouping after an incident while we were trying to map the area."
Zealous then started to turn and move in the opposite direction
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Peace Keeper

*-Wowzers. A pretty painful wait to begin your adventure Nameless. Would be needing a cuddling.
Cheveyo continues to regain his strength as Marble left to get wood to rebuild a shelter. He decides to get a sip of the purified water. The taste of the water is rid of any sea salt taste and other flavors. Though there remains some slight odor, it is as refreshing as drinking straight from spring water. He decides to get a large leafe and pours water about a gallon full. He drags the leaf to Game thinking the wolf needing some water.

Cheveyo: Here you go. I am pretty sure you are thirsty.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Game eagerly lapped up the water, having not had anything to drink except some of the weird tasting coconut milk, having been trapped in the sand, open to the sun's rays.

While the wolf's padding may make it so he can't get cold easily, anything remotely warm is horrible for the wolf.

Misty Fly

*Marble starts cutting the trees and manages to get more wood*


Zeal then looked up and gave out a loud whistle two times enough to echo for for at least a mile.
After a few minutes the same bird from before swooped down causing him to jump in mid air and land on its back. Eventually everything stabilized and he flew in the direction of the hills to approach the center.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Peace Keeper

Cheveyo sees Marble with the wood.
Cheveyo: Great. This can work.

As he said that he hears loud wistling and sees the giant bird again carrying Zealious. He attempts to shout.

Cheveyo: HEY! Where are you going?

Unfortunately his voice may not be audible for the stallion to hear. He wonders where he is going and what he plans to do.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


*looks back while still flying*

"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


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