Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Dec 16, 01:24:39

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Peace Keeper

*-we can start by exploring the temple, maybe even try the little rooms to try to unlock the relic.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Quote from: LunarDusk on 2017 Feb 07, 23:15:55
Aha, thisll be interesting  :]

Now for a finaly check...

@Misty Fly


Prepare yourselves
((Why are you asking me? My vampony is sleeping in a cave 'cause it's day time. You expect the bird to come help all of you with something? Like, helping you for ground related traps?))


"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Peace Keeper

Cheveyo enters the Temple of Tetra. The vast halls is supported by thick pillars to support the earth above it. Just down the hall, he can see the long flight of stairs reaching up to what may seem like a gate. It is unknown what could lie ahead. With his past experience in exploring temples, he knows for sure what a gated wall looks like. He says to all.

There may be some secret passage up on top of those stairs. There may be a key or switch to open the doors. We must look for a way. Search around.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Odd One

((I have arrived!!!))

From the waters beyond, if one were to really look, they would see a silhouette of sorts. A large box, floating in the distance with a pony laying on its surface. It swayed gently with the waves, tilting it in random directions. Despite the motions, the pony did not seemed fazed. This was due to the fact that he wasn't even awake. The wooden structure would continue to float lazily toward the land.


The bird from earlier has come to the little group of ponies. How did she found them? Well, it is quiet obvious with their hoof prints on the sand. The bird lived in the wild for a long time, so the heat is not much of a problem to her.

Peace Keeper

*- Great to see you coming Odd One. Hopefully I can bring you up to speed where we are now. Three ponies (Cheveyo, Marble, and Zealous) and a bird are inside a temple looking around. A vampony is sleeping in a cave at the jungle forest at the temple. Not sure if you wanna catch up with us or want to start off with your survival story until we cross each other?

To the RP--->

Cheveyo looks around to see around the pillars supporting the temple. He looks up the stairs and sees it holds some artifact or jewel. In his experience in temple raiding, he feels it is locked behind keys or switches, and if breached will make some kind of trap. He sees there are rooms around the temples and calls out to the others.

There are rooms that may hold something about these temple and maybe the artifact on top. I will see one of the rooms. ((top right corner))
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Odd One

Before too long, Lollipop reached the shore and took in the sights around him. He wasn't sure how he made it out of that mess alive, but he wasn't complaining either. With limited knowledge and his near child-like mind, he settled with the idea of exploring. He walked all around, his cart firmly strapped to his back as he did so. A few hours of finding nothing to help him in this situation passed before he stumbled across something odd. A building of sorts, old and ruined.
He found it strange that a structure like this existed on a chunk of land that he assumed was void of pony life. Again, giving into his curiosity, he decided to explore.
Lollipop entered the old building, trotting slowly through any openings he could find. Perhaps he could use this as a temporary shelter while he was stuck here? It didn't look stable, but he wasn't exactly known for his carpentry skills. He became lost in thought for a brief moment, not noticing that he was walking straight toward a pillar. A small thump echoed around him as his head met with the solid structure, causing his eyes to go cross for a free seconds.
With a quick shake, his eyes returned to normal and he placed a hoof to his aching cranium. Ow... Where did you come from? He asked the pillar, not truly expecting a reply, but he's run into weirder.


Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2017 Mar 05, 16:31:28
*- Great to see you coming Odd One. Hopefully I can bring you up to speed where we are now. Three ponies (Cheveyo, Marble, and Zealous) and a bird are inside a temple looking around. A vampony is sleeping in a cave at the jungle forest at the temple. Not sure if you wanna catch up with us or want to start off with your survival story until we cross each other?

To the RP--->

Cheveyo looks around to see around the pillars supporting the temple. He looks up the stairs and sees it holds some artifact or jewel. In his experience in temple raiding, he feels it is locked behind keys or switches, and if breached will make some kind of trap. He sees there are rooms around the temples and calls out to the others.

There are rooms that may hold something about these temple and maybe the artifact on top. I will see one of the rooms. ((top right corner))
The bird rested on Cheveyo's head for a moment. When Cheveyo moved to look at the room, the bird is now curious and flied inside the room.

It looks like there is nothing wrong, but there must be a trap somewhere in the room or something that can trigger a problem.


Zeal had followed behind Cheveyo and upon command he took a look a round. But a brief hesitation filled him before he notice amongst the support pillars that unlike the other temples this one was a bit more upon and straight forward. He glanced over to notice 2 doors ahead and and where Cheveyo was heading another door and turning to the north a set of stairs catching his attention. The relic of void within himself was reacting a bit, the artifact was definitely up there but there was no way it could be as unguarded as it seemed despite the darkness. Noticing Marble @Misty Fly  there was something he had assigned short handedly.
"It seems Cheveyo is heading there. Now"
*he points across the room*
"Marble I want you to head over to the door on in the south west over there and to survey it from the outside, in other words to check if its dangerous or not without actually entering unless its safe. If its not I want you to head over there and do the same."
He points to the room in the west
"I'll do the same for the rooms in the east. Tread carefully, as this temple may look vast, there is no doubt that the traps are as deadly as you'd expect. If any trap is triggered I want everyone to immediately return in the center of the room."
With that he headed off in Cheveyos direction and quickly shifted towards the south.
"Tch, quite a shame that bird or wolf isn't here to make theirselves useful, he would have been quite the fur shield..." he thought as he got to the door.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Peace Keeper

Chev enters the room and only sees a statue. He wonders what the room was meant for until noticing the carvings on the wall. Perhaps a ritual of some sort was done in the room to offer nlessing to a deity that may be in the form of the statue. Before thinking any more, he hears something behind other than Zeal's voice. He turned his head, but careful as to not make the birds fall from his head.

Some other pony is here, but I don't recognize the voice. *looks up to the bird* Check the area and return to me who or what is out there. Stay hidden and safe.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Upon coming at the door Zeal began to inspect it. He looked towards the ground which seemed a bit thinner than the rest. If that was the case then whatever trap this temple had would have to do with something coming from within those gaps. He carefully stepped over the gap and pushed the door open to see a room that appeared to be empty with a device in the center. With the others inspecting the other rooms he had no time to not take chances. He shut his eyes to illuminate his necklace levitating him across the floor landing by the wheel.
He started to turn the wheel but with the outcome of it not budging from either directions. Sighing he started to turn the wheel via magic which finally starting to move until it wasnt able to be turned anymore.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Odd One

The pain Lollipop felt was minor, but still somewhat annoying. Despite this, he wouldn't let it stop him from continuing his search for a proper shelter.
From the looks of it, this place was anything but a small hideout. It's massive size was almost intimidating. He started moving again, taking no specific turns or following any one pattern. The cart that dragged behind him squeaked as one of the wheels appeared to have taken some damage. He would have to remember to fix that later.

Peace Keeper

Cheveyo hears some squeeking sound and wonders what it might be. He isn't sure if it was a trap setting off, a machine of some sort, an artifact, a weapon, or some other sound that would imitate the sounds of squeeking. He decides to exit the room and takes cover behind the pillars, trying to stay hidden while looking to see where the source of the sound is coming from.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Odd One

Oh, Candycolt... Lollipop sighed, What have you gotten yourself into? He asked no pony in particular, just now taking in the potential danger he could be in, being stranded on a deserted island in Celestia knows where.

Peace Keeper

Cheveyo comes up closer, not making a sound as he approaches someone's voice. Getting close enough, he sees a pony with a cart. He doesn't recognize well of the pony and decides to speak.

Who are you? Where are you from?
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Odd One

Immediately, Lollipop yelps. He jumps slightly, his body turning towards the pony purely on instinct. Seeing the pony calms him some, but he's still left panting from the jump scare and places a hoof over his heart. Good heavens, you nearly gave me a heart attack. He says with a smile, giggling some as he realized how ridiculous he must look. My friends call me Candycolt. I was running the pastry line on a ship when... He paused, not recalling entirely what happened. Well,I guess we crashed and my cart floated me to this island.

Peace Keeper

Oh a ship? Then this means you are not a local of here... you are one of us. Stranded on this island. It is a miracle for you to be here with nothing more than your cart to carry you to this island writ of anything other than temples and natural landscape. How long have you been at sea?
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Odd One

He scratched his head, trying to recall how long he had been floating out there. A few days, I think? I can't say for sure, I went a little delirious after the first day and zoned out for a majority of the trip.

Peace Keeper

It is a blessing you are here standing. The curse for now is we are now unable to find a way back to civilization, and with my ax not gathering any soul, it seems this island may have been uninhabited for generations, perhaps even eras. Only chance to be able to return, is if we can find any clues, or something here we can use to find a way home. Me and the survivors of this storm have been roaming for 3 days, finding temples, but I cannot seem to figure their culture or habitat of the previous settlers. This island is very large, many kinds of natural landscape can be seen in one blink of your vision. It is a great paradise to live, until you open your mind to the rest of the world, how much we grown apart. The technology of the pod we survived in does not yield any clue as to where we are, nor can we send for help, as we are too far apart from anyone to receive a message. We are truly lost at sea, and we may be soon forgotten. We must return, and perhaps, from the altar at the very top of the stairs may hold a clue as to the civilization the ponies here had lived and prospered, and perhaps a clue to where they have migrated to... if they have ever migrated.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

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